Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I forgot how bad this MRA was on my last shoulder they did 10 years ago, hit me with a local and in goes a big fat hollow needle, the needle is left in my shoulder then the doc comes in and hooks a tube to that needle that was left in and fills my shoulder socket full and it pushes my shoulder out because of all the chit they put in it, sore this morning, elbow area hurts bad this morning.. but it's all behind me, I go Tuesday to see my Bone doc, and see when we do surgery .. another day in the life of me and I am ready to get this behind me :thumbsup:, so good morning everyone, I see a few had a bunch of kids show up, nun for this old hillbilly on the hill out in the sticks :thankyou:
Well I forgot how bad this MRA was on my last shoulder they did 10 years ago, hit me with a local and in goes a big fat hollow needle, the needle is left in my shoulder then the doc comes in and hooks a tube to that needle that was left in and fills my shoulder socket full and it pushes my shoulder out because of all the chit they put in it, sore this morning, elbow area hurts bad this morning.. but it's all behind me, I go Tuesday to see my Bone doc, and see when we do surgery .. another day in the life of me and I am ready to get this behind me :thumbsup:, so good morning everyone, I see a few had a bunch of kids show up, nun for this old hillbilly on the hill out in the sticks :thankyou:
Take care of yourself Mike. Glad they have a plan to fix you. My tests yesterday left me hurting too. They did a ton of tests yesterday. Blood work, a BMI , metabolic test, an awake EEG, Vstat test, a couple different stress test. A CT scan, a brain MRI(yes there is a brain there hahahaha). Passed them all with no signs of siezure activity. But the test that really left me hurting was an high altitude oxygen deprivation test they give fighter pilots and astronauts. Never had it before and it left my lungs hurting all night long. Basically they put me in this tube looking chamber with two medics. I wore a flight helmet with an oxygen mask similar to what you see in like Top Gun. They start out at sea level, take a blood O2 reading and go up in various increments of altitude with my mask off. I had to write my name over and over. By the time we got to what they said was 30,000 feet, I couldn't write at all. Ended up grabbing the mask and putting it on at that point.
Take care of yourself Mike. Glad they have a plan to fix you. My tests yesterday left me hurting too. They did a ton of tests yesterday. Blood work, a BMI , metabolic test, an awake EEG, Vstat test, a couple different stress test. A CT scan, a brain MRI(yes there is a brain there hahahaha). Passed them all with no signs of siezure activity. But the test that really left me hurting was an high altitude oxygen deprivation test they give fighter pilots and astronauts. Never had it before and it left my lungs hurting all night long. Basically they put me in this tube looking chamber with two medics. I wore a flight helmet with an oxygen mask similar to what you see in like Top Gun. They start out at sea level, take a blood O2 reading and go up in various increments of altitude with my mask off. I had to write my name over and over. By the time we got to what they said was 30,000 feet, I couldn't write at all. Ended up grabbing the mask and putting it on at that point.
That high altitude oxygen deprivation test I would have failed, I am an O2 sensor :lol: I get bad dizzy if some one is running a torpedo style heater, everyone there don't have a problem with it.. about 45 years ago I had supper at a girls house I was dating and I got dizzy and stood up and about fell to the floor, turns out there heat chamber on there wall heater had a combustion chamber leak, and there grandmother has been sick for a couple months, turned out to be the bad heater , yep, no flying for this man
That high altitude oxygen deprivation test I would have failed, I am an O2 sensor :lol: I get bad dizzy if some one is running a torpedo style heater, everyone there don't have a problem with it.. about 45 years ago I had supper at a girls house I was dating and I got dizzy and stood up and about fell to the floor, turns out there heat chamber on there wall heater had a combustion chamber leak, and there grandmother has been sick for a couple months, turned out to be the bad heater , yep, no flying for this man
Yeah That's another reason I'd rather have an electric heat system when I build our house. Wife wants propane or natural gas. I'm worried about leaks
Hey Ray....saw the big so called rare distro for sale on the home page yesterday....was it worth$40??
I got poisoned from exhaust fumes years ago, truck had a shitty exhaust system and to this day, i have a low tolerance for exhaust fumes. First thing i did was put an exhaust port in my shop door and buy a hose.

Turns out the egr was stuck open, and the boss opted for manual choke to keep it running. I Made a block off plate and installed it
When he wasnt around.
Ray saw your post yesterday. No paid $100 for the switch. They usually run $80-125 up depending on the condition.
Once I get this switch, my buddy said all it needs is a spring replacement.
I didn't want to try and pull it apart and ruin the only good one I had.
Once I get the one I bought, I'll take the other one apart and replace the spring he has for it.
I'll sell the old one and make a majority, if not all of my money back.
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The next thing with this buy will be to see how long it takes to cross the border from Canada...:BangHead:
I just would have added this!
Dam that's pricey where did you find it?
He'd had just listed it on ebay. I was running the part number every morning on goggle and it popped up yesterday.
He has the bezel and wiring for it and I didn't need that.
We went back and forth a few times and came to an agreement.
He has a ebay mopar store, and knew what he had. Lots of E body stuff.
Defiantly going to look around for them at Klingers. Not sure if he has any verts there or not.
Defiantly going to look around for them at Klingers. Not sure if he has any verts there or not.
Yep the toggle is what goes bad. The have a spring and when it wears out the toggle becomes very touch sensitive and just a PITA. Make sure its tight.

If you find one they are usually connected by a small but to a 12V resistor. A bezel may or may not be on it. The one it should have has the word TOP on it.
I have seen the bezels when I was looking for a part number, bet they are 50 easy. The rear defogger bezel I wanted was a pia to find in good shape, nos think they were 70.