Stop in for a cup of coffee

What are you looking for?

well i was considering upgrading to h beam connecting rods in my 440, buddy of mine told me about RPM international....i can get a set of h beams from them for 350 bucks with ARP 2000 cap screws, then i got looking at the company's history.....moved production to china in 2007, all stuff now made in PR China...
true - thank God for the firewalls and other security crap here.. it still happens once in a while and BOY does I.T. get pissed!! LOL
They will but you have to train them on the strings each day. There are a lot of threads on it in the hops growing section of home brew talk.

Hey ben we will have home brew also!! One of my customers will be coming up from DC on lift day!
Did a little more sleeping, going to try and get the X pipe installed this week end on the dart. Still need to put the new light switch in it too.

Be heading over to my folks to spend some time with them this morning. Dad fell down out in the drive way a couple days ago and couldn't get back up. The guy across the street seen him he grabbed another guy and they got him back on his feet. he's a little banged up but but is okay. Parkinsons is starting to get to him at 88 years old sure hate seeing that.
They will but you have to train them on the strings each day. There are a lot of threads on it in the hops growing section of home brew talk.

Hey ben we will have home brew also!! One of my customers will be coming up from DC on lift day!

Cool stuff.... I'll sample a bit...
They will but you have to train them on the strings each day. There are a lot of threads on it in the hops growing section of home brew talk.

Hey ben we will have home brew also!! One of my customers will be coming up from DC on lift day!

i really need to read that website better
yes sir - I'm with that!
I hope nothing hits the fan today.

yikes - time for one of those life alert buttons...
Did a little more sleeping, going to try and get the X pipe installed this week end on the dart. Still need to put the new light switch in it too.

Be heading over to my folks to spend some time with them this morning. Dad fell down out in the drive way a couple days ago and couldn't get back up. The guy across the street seen him he grabbed another guy and they got him back on his feet. he's a little banged up but but is okay. Parkinsons is starting to get to him at 88 years old sure hate seeing that.
i really need to read that website better

It got addicting then I found this site. Dan GVH is a great guy and also teaches a hops 101 and 102 course that I attended. Lots of knowledge and also bhoppy is a good source. Just join up it is free and then you can ask all the stupid questions you like and sometimes get equally stupid replies especially at night when everyone is an expert!
He said he's okay but didn't go to the doctor, old time logger tougher then nails never took crap off of anybody in his life. WWII vet and Korea.
It got addicting then I found this site. Dan GVH is a great guy and also teaches a hops 101 and 102 course that I attended. Lots of knowledge and also bhoppy is a good source. Just join up it is free and then you can ask all the stupid questions you like and sometimes get equally stupid replies especially at night when everyone is an expert!

WOW, work has it blocked.