Stop in for a cup of coffee

New faces here at the coffee shop. Good to see. Welcome fellas!
Thanks Ray. I've seen your 'hood.... thanks for not making me stand in the blood and wait

Speaking of the hood, I'm going to build one for the 68 since I have a spare of each.
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Hi folks!

I got the spare tire stuff finished in the GTS tonight.

New stainless steel carriage bolt with a washer to make it match diameter...
Spare tire 5.jpg

Cleaned up the tire well...
Spare tire 6.jpg

Mounted new bolt with a washer and nut to make it rigid...
Spare tire 7.jpg

Cleaned up the spare and put it in place...
Spare tire 8a.jpg

Put in the new cover board (which now sits flush with the floor like it should)...
Spare tire 9.jpg

Fabricated a plastic cover cap so the bolt won't poke the trunk mat...
Spare tire 9a.jpg

Trunk mat sitting like it should...
Spare tire 9b.jpg

And a piece of 3/8" fuel line split down the side as an insulator for the jack mast to rest on...
Spare tire 9c.jpg

I'm now officially done with the stuff on my list for the trunk!
Hi folks!

I got the spare tire stuff finished in the GTS tonight.

New stainless steel carriage bolt with a washer to make it match diameter...
View attachment 1714959417

Cleaned up the tire well...
View attachment 1714959418

Mounted new bolt with a washer and nut to make it rigid...
View attachment 1714959419

Cleaned up the spare and put it in place...
View attachment 1714959420

Put in the new cover board (which now sits flush with the floor like it should)...
View attachment 1714959421

Fabricated a plastic cover cap so the bolt won't poke the trunk mat...
View attachment 1714959422

Trunk mat sitting like it should...
View attachment 1714959423

And a piece of 3/8" fuel line split down the side as an insulator for the jack mast to rest on...
View attachment 1714959424

I'm now officially done with the stuff on my list for the trunk!
Nice junk in your trunk!
Thanks Ray. I've seen your 'hood.... thanks for not making me stand in the blood and wait

Speaking of the hood, I'm going to build one for the 68 since I have a spare of each.

Well I'm out of there. In a better hood now. Glad to see the parts went to good use.
So Keefer, do you want me to save the old spare tire bolt for you? Let me know if you want it.
I just ran across this photo in my files. It's a Space Shuttle launch photographed from the International Space Station. I'm always amazed when I look at it.

Space shuttle launch from space.jpg
It's 73° and it's been raining moderately for the past 2 hours. It's a nice soaking rain with little run off. It's expected to continue for 4-5 more hours. It's a good thing, we really need the rain.

Although with 91° predicted for tomorrow, it's sure to be very steamy.

steamy 1.jpg
Good morning, folks!
How's this for math....
Can you say major rip off in grocery stores
Or cheapest of the cheap crap ingredients at Domino's. Or both. :D

So roughly twice what they are here
Finished, perhaps, but straight out of the junk yard, we're probably closer to 5 times, I'd say. Simply because we don't have them in the junk yards so they're imported as junk by the containerload and sold as renovation objects to enthusiasts.
What's everyone running on their a bodies? Still small bolt pattern? Or large bp? I have a set of racestar wheels that look amazing, just never seen any on a bodies and I still have sbp upfront.. I also have disks and spindles out back. What else is needed for the changeover. Contemplating adapters or just swap it.
What's everyone running on their a bodies? Still small bolt pattern? Or large bp? I have a set of racestar wheels that look amazing, just never seen any on a bodies and I still have sbp upfront.. I also have disks and spindles out back. What else is needed for the changeover. Contemplating adapters or just swap it.
Hey duce! New to the coffee club? Welcome!

I'm still running small bolt pattern. Just found a set of 14" slots with 7" rears and 6" fronts. Swedish made, actually.