Stop in for a cup of coffee


Can’t sleep... again. Figured I’d come browse the resto threads to shame myself to sleep for slow progress hahaha
First and good morning all from
hoppy land II.jpg
Good morning good Sirs from the frozen tundra! I am still dead in the water waiting on painter to get some paint on the Demon. I had a great night last night as I shot a perfect score on trap range. Smoked all the boys shooting 12s with my little ol 20! The smack talk was seriously on, they were trying to get in my head, to no avail! They hate me and that little 20!
A little cool this morning.
Back to the vortec today.
Good morning good Sirs from the frozen tundra! I am still dead in the water waiting on painter to get some paint on the Demon. I had a great night last night as I shot a perfect score on trap range. Smoked all the boys shooting 12s with my little ol 20! The smack talk was seriously on, they were trying to get in my head, to no avail! They hate me and that little 20!
Nice!!!! I love my 16 double barrel like a extension of my arm.
You're handling it better than I think I would.

I thought if I confronted them I might have some crooked beams in my house. Builder did give them a what the hell. Wife said the lead came up and apologized but with a lame *** story....there's a free standing mailbox on a post that leans up against our H frame that has the power on it, he claims it "must" have knocked the cord out. Wife was like yeah right!
Good Morning All! On the plate for me is more cleaning out a border, then hope to get to some downed trees, we'll see.
Good morning good Sirs from the frozen tundra! I am still dead in the water waiting on painter to get some paint on the Demon. I had a great night last night as I shot a perfect score on trap range. Smoked all the boys shooting 12s with my little ol 20! The smack talk was seriously on, they were trying to get in my head, to no avail! They hate me and that little 20!
No paint...none nada?? :wtf:
Just me. Cheryl's up soon off to BK, then she's going to Kansas City for most of the day. I'm cleaning up the 55. Buddy and I are taking it to a car show tomorrow.
Got the NOS master cylinder in yesterday, looks really nice. At that price I bought two. I'll put it on the shelf and find some guy in a few years restoring a MOPAR and make a few $$.
Yesterday I found a guy selling ANCO 680 wiper refills. Got them out of a old parts store sell. Still in the original box. $14 and that included shipping. Figured it was worth a try.
Hey you should have been in the race with Mike and his mom you have that high speed walker for sure!:poke::rofl:
Ha....My dad had a stroke back in 2003 so he was in a rehab center learning to walk and talk again. One day they called me to come in so they could talk to me. It seems that Dad had escaped which was bad enough but the Nurse told me that he took half the wing. She kept laughing as she told it but it seems he had about 8 others following with wheel chairs and walkers. Funniest parade she had ever seen. She said they couldn't figure how he got the door open with out the alarm going off.
They better watch that chick on the outside. Those who take the high line will come down off that turn will cut you off and pass you. I can see in her eyes that she is that kinda gal
They better watch that chick on the outside. Those who take the high line will come down off that turn will cut you off and pass you. I can see in her eyes that she is that kinda gal
She's the Kyle Bush of the Walker Race Series. :rofl:
Wife is talking about fixing up the front lawn. Great. Another thing i have no time for.