Stop in for a cup of coffee

Sunny. But more crud in the forecast. Continue on sonny’s floor repair, And some safety issues. Fuel line taped to sway bar being one. He was pissed when he saw that.

Windows an doors in the back, flat roof line, vertical tail light panel
good candidate for wagonlife
Morning. I have spent the last 5 hours spoon feeding the VA my military records. Craziness that I have to do it this way
I plan to go H versus Y pipe to get the spacing... but I'm going to do the collar clamp to access the transmission.

Better stated... if you knew you were going to have to pull the transmission, how would you have configured the exhaust?
Same way but with coller clamps in exactly the spots I cut...
Morning all, just got back from breakfast with the wife unit. We went up to our beef supplier to pick up some ground beef, we were getting low.