Stop in for a cup of coffee

Blue gun check, no sharp objects including pocket knife on my person, check, Tylenol for post training old fat man being tossed all over the mat by young fit officers, check. Prepping to travel down to Weapon retention class today. Sadly I am helping a ninja super black belt instructor. Translated means I will be tossed and twisted like a pretzel all weekend. My goal is to not get any fingers broke during digit manipulation exercises. Students get amped up.
Hong Kong Fooey!!!

Have fun
Morning all !
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Where in the world is Craig lately?
I spoke to him this week, maybe last week? Anyway they are all good and super busy doing a bunch of traveling and Cheryl is on the mend from her medical situation. She is really making great progress. Craig is still entertaining selling his ride and they are getting their daughter relocated due to a great new job. They are busy but well.