Stop in for a cup of coffee

Scott I'm not 100% sure, but I remember
Something about you could get that shirt from Coors with proof of purchase for 12 cases of their light beer.
I read it somewhere, a guy new the Janitor who told him it was a promotion to get rid of the light beer.
Fact check, I know a squad of Marines hiding in a cave once that ate Spam for 31 days straight, every meal. And the cans were dated from Korean War. This was early eighties. You boys can do the math.
My dad still has a bunch of K and C rations from ww2… and occasionally will eat one… barf
I was down for the count past couple of days, caught a bad cold traveling, even tested for covid, negative. Had daughters engagement announcement party yesterday at the beach, shrimp boil, I made it through that.
Yup Same here on the grass, been wanting to do it just cant at times. Have people coming over on the 4th also. Usually do it so the BIL's sisters kids play in the pond and be real kids. Usually a fun time.
Billy told me yesterday he has a beer can tosser that is like a grenade launcher for his AR. That will be interesting.

There was a group of guys from Pittsburgh that bought all and I mean ALL the big items. The old truck brought $12,000 the wagon with all the stripes on brought $16,000. There was 21 engine blocks and transmissions and they bought all of them a t$350 to $800 each. Tools and little crap brought pennies. There was a young kid there buying all the Snap on and Mac tools