Stop in for a cup of coffee

THey are 99 cents a pound here. You should.
JEsus man... it's $2.65 here (just checked walmart) so like $25 a butt... at 99 cents i would be doing them a few times a summer... i have an amazing bbq sauce recipe to go with them..
GFS is 1.79lb which isn't too bad.. gonna have to pull out my thermometers to see if they still work.. :)
I use my old one for powder coating.
I have an old kitchen oven that I mounted an axle and wheels on, added a long 220 power cord to. Just for powder coating. Used it a lot when I restored the 68 Road Runner. Hasn't been used in years, but I will use it to P.C. parts for the Cuda restoration.... :thumbsup:
if they say it needs surgery, do it ASAP.. everyone i know puts it off for years then wishes they had done it right away...
Yeah they told me my knee would need another surgery as well. I’m putting it off till next year. Simply cause I can’t be hobbled up on crutches with a newborn baby due any day.
Chris take it when they offer it seriously, the offer won't be there in the VA

OK 5 more crates to go then at least 100 test sets in the truck. Need more beer for this one and a Rent A Billy!
Nice rack!

Wow, a whole vehicle full for 2 people and 4 days. Good thing I didn't go. I would have to drive myself. :rofl: :rofl:
Wheels in primer. Dennis was a no show, so i moved forward. Now to go find my buddy that claims to have a masking kit for these specific wheels. Paint first colour tomorrow.
