Stop in for a cup of coffee

Tine to get moving have that picknic tomorrow at the farm junkyard. Pretty big actually. 100 or more usually. Most of the farmers in the area come. They roast a pig, everyone brings sides and deserts. Making 10 lb German potato salad again by request. Good time a lot of guys ride in on there antique tractors or horse buggies. Usually a bunch of them from steam to modern. Average age has to be 70 at it.
Tine to get moving have that picknic tomorrow at the farm junkyard. Pretty big actually. Most of the farmers in the area come. They roast a pig, everyone brings sides and deserts. Making 10 lb German potato salad again by request. Good time a lot of guys ride in on there antique tractors. Usually a bunch of them from steam to modern. Average age has to be 70 at it.
Sounds like a fun get together. You better get busy with them taters!
Was thinking about going to a record show on Bainbridge Island, too far to drive and don't want to deal with the ferry. If it's not raining will roto-till around back deck in prep for dirt/lawn, if rain Duster time

Took a little trip over to the river to see the progress on the removal of the lower water dam. Yikes they fubared this badly.

Back story: the government decided they wanted to remove their “low water dam” that’s been in the river since Indiana became a state… locals were concerned that it’s removal would destroy the water levels and navigation ability of the white river.

We were told not a problem, it’ll only drop the water level 2-3 feet…

Well they’ve only removed 1/3rd of the dam so far, here’s the water level today. Prior to removal, the water level was about half way between the bottom of the bridge and the concrete bolster.

Just last week, we were magnet fishing and the water level in this very spot was 14 feet deep. Today, I just walked across the river and the water never got over my rubber boots…


And they do. I'm about ready to give it up. (or so I say) It's a tough job. A lot tougher than I thought.
Well you’ve got a better temperament for it than I would. I’d either be fired or have banned 1/3 of the site already… including my self :rofl:
Well you’ve got a better temperament for it than I would. I’d either be fired or have banned 1/3 of the site already… including my self :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: That's what I need to do. Get fired. Thanks for the tip Chris.
Yep, that would do it. I wonder if he can over ride that somehow? Interesting concept. A coup of sorts.
I’m sure there’s some sort of setting that prevents one from doing that. But it sure would be funny to try

Took a little trip over to the river to see the progress on the removal of the lower water dam. Yikes they fubared this badly.

Back story: the government decided they wanted to remove their “low water dam” that’s been in the river since Indiana became a state… locals were concerned that it’s removal would destroy the water levels and navigation ability of the white river.

We were told not a problem, it’ll only drop the water level 2-3 feet…

Well they’ve only removed 1/3rd of the dam so far, here’s the water level today. Prior to removal, the water level was about half way between the bottom of the bridge and the concrete bolster.

Just last week, we were magnet fishing and the water level in this very spot was 14 feet deep. Today, I just walked across the river and the water never got over my rubber boots…

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:eek: And they created this for what purpose? Concrete aggregate mining access perhaps?