Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey Frank a big black cloud just passed over and is heading your way. Looks like it's getting bigger and nasty looking as it goes by. Might want to get all your cars under cover soon.
Everything is inside. We got hammered twice this afternoon, more than one inch of rain.
Went out this evening, started ripping some 3/8” plywood for fastening the windlacing in the Studebaker. Hooe to cut some wind noise.
Good morning everyone. Feeling shitty today. Was coughing all night. Woke at midnight, took some Dayquill. Slept a little. Grrrr
Rag weed has some family members all out of shape, its a seasonal thing here .
Good Morning All! Eric that sucks, hope you get over it soon
Thanks, I will be fine. Just keep it moving and get sleep. I never truly experienced the dry air of the west. Man I felt so much better. There is a reason they used to send people with Asthma and Tuberculosis out west.
