Stop in for a cup of coffee

@Sublime one

How far is St Louis from you?

This is sweet....


Includes an under counter sink and the bar back for $1k

I know exactly Jack on how to tell the difference

Something like this?

Or this 12v



Prior to 1998, there was the 12 valve. In mid year 98, they brought out the 24 valve. I have a 99 24 valve.

So the 98-2000 24 valve Cummins have a different crank than the 2001-2002 version. And that means I’d have to swap the cranks which defeats the purpose of just buying a running one.
Can't even give them away. I posted an ad in MP last year to come get them and nobody responded. Just too common around here.
If you are in to early century reenactments.....they are perfect for dying linen smocks and hunting frocks

No doubt. lucky I have some really good hand cleaner... Finger tips are only slightly off color. Usually wear gloves, but didn't feel like walking to the garage and reasoned that 'if I grab just the green.' Then you feel a soft spot. Oops.
No doubt. lucky I have some really good hand cleaner... Finger tips are only slightly off color. Usually wear gloves, but didn't feel like walking to the garage and reasoned that 'if I grab just the green.' Then you feel a soft spot. Oops.
My mom would get upset with us boys when we had walnut wars in the back pasture. Stained the crap out of our clothes