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Crazy weather down south, lots of people evacuated and nothing to return to. Dont think i would want to go back. I like my high ground.
As a retired Air Force officer with 9600 flying hours, I have been to Florida many, many times. It is a beautiful state, and I can certainly understand why people want to live there. However, for me, Florida is a great place to visit, but I would not want to live there because of hurricanes. Some people say, "You live in Kansas. Aren't you afraid of tornados?" No, I am not. I am 74, and I have only ever seen one tornado, and that was from a distance. A tornado hit Topeka in 1966, and there hasn't been one in the Topeka metropolitan area since. Tornados are small and only stay on the ground for (usually) a mile or so. A hurricane can be several hundred miles wide, and they STAY on the ground. As much as I like Florida, and I really do, I will continue to just visit there in the winter.