Stop in for a cup of coffee


Anemometer is the wind speed. We used those for checking blast freezer circulation. Sling psychometer you showed is for relative humidity. i did that reading every day for the refrigeration system. Crucial for how well the cooling towers were able to get rid of heat. What really matters for 'feels like' is how do you put those together with temp.
Long ago a co-worker had spent some time with Bechtel as Big Oil was making it's way across the Middle East with their pipelines. They lived in a container that was moved by a dozer as the work and pipeline moved. They were not allowed any adult beverages on the jobsite by the orders of the hosting nation. Every 5th day they loaded up an airplane with the workers that desired to do so and flew them to Cypress so they could have a cocktail or 20 :lol:
Nice hat

I have a dual post that I need to install... just avoiding drilling holes into the car.
I hope the existing mirror holes will line up. If not, one will! LOL My paint is sun faded on the top side so no worries there.
Yup, its for sure a down day. Low back is feeling rough, and sciatica is really flaring up.
Someone was in here before! I shouldn't have to drill new holes but the 2 outside ones will be exposed. I will need bigger screws though.. :thumbsup:

