Superbowl was too hot for me

i daily drive a mopar ....standard purse contents are: 7/16, 1/2 and 9/16 wrenches adjustable wrench, ....screwdriver with changable pair of hair brush, one hair comb.....extra hair ties, a hair clip, eyeliner pencil, one lipstick with a different color on each end, pair of tweezers. a wallet with 4 dollars in it ....and some loose change on the bottom LOL

So your saying you have a brush and lipstick in your tool bag?

Great job reacting to a crisis situation.
Wow! Great job and glad you (and everyone) is ok. Glad your uncle is replacing the unit. I had to laugh about you going to your purse to the an adjustable wrench ;-)
Good that your ok and had exallent reactions.

Boy that power outage at the game went all the way to Colorado or was it Colorado to the Super Bowl? I am glad to hear you are all right and your fast action saved the day. Hooray for the Rani purse collection of goodies. Maybe you need to get a bigger purse and add a fire extiguisher to the collection.
I think she flipped the wrong switch at first and shut down the super bowl then realized what happened and shut the heat power down.
WOW! Good job puttin' out the fire and keen thinking shutting the gas and electricity off. Thank goodness you were home and it happened during the day to catch this.
Wow life has really been testing you with the water heater starting it. Glad you have common smarts and was able to prevent something worse.
And it is Rani to the rescue again! But seroiusly I am glad you are safe and that you did not get hurt. The scary part is that you sleep in the basement with that beast! Stay safe and warm.
Great thinking and action on your part, Rani! Sure glad nobody got hurt and the damage was contained to the furnace.
Just one you need wheels on the bottom of your purse/toolbox? I can see it now...Rani pulling her roll-along purse as she heads for the college classroom.
Great thinking and action on your part, Rani! Sure glad nobody got hurt and the damage was contained to the furnace.
Just one you need wheels on the bottom of your purse/toolbox? I can see it now...Rani pulling her roll-along purse as she heads for the college classroom.
A pink NASCAR tool box on wheels?
i daily drive a mopar ....standard purse contents are: 7/16, 1/2 and 9/16 wrenches adjustable wrench, ....screwdriver with changable pair of hair brush, one hair comb.....extra hair ties, a hair clip, eyeliner pencil, one lipstick with a different color on each end, pair of tweezers. a wallet with 4 dollars in it ....and some loose change on the bottom LOL
This may seem a little awkward, but...... You wouldn't happen to have a boyfriend/fiance`/husband, would you?

If so....

You wouldn't happen to have a sister, would you?



On a (slightly) more serious note, very glad to hear you're okay and that you still have a roof over your head, even if said roof has no heat at the moment..... But then again, that's why God invented blankets!! :)

- CK
i daily drive a mopar ....standard purse contents are: 7/16, 1/2 and 9/16 wrenches adjustable wrench, ....screwdriver with changable pair of hair brush, one hair comb.....extra hair ties, a hair clip, eyeliner pencil, one lipstick with a different color on each end, pair of tweezers. a wallet with 4 dollars in it ....and some loose change on the bottom LOL
You are all woman!!! Got a pistol in there too?
Your cooler head prevailed! Way to go! Most people would be too freaked out to react in such a quick and orderly fashion. My hat is off to you! Glad everyone is o.k.
After a week and two days of thick sweaters and quilt skirts to stay warm and a house that settled in at 55 degrees .....Finally today got a new furnace put in and online.

it makes a beautiful hum and is sooooo modern compared to the other 40 year old unit ....and most of all PEACE OF MIND knowing that flames are not going to shoot out of this one LOL.

and best of all the insurance company payed for it all. they said that they dont normally replace furnaces but since this one actually caught fire and i saved them a bunch of money in repairs by stopping it early ....they approved it :cheers:

they did an investigation and found that the official cause of the fire is a cracked heat exchanger the exhaust was coming through the crack and back across the fan and blowing the flame out of the chamber, which then caught the wiring on fire

so if the fire didnt kill the furnace the carbon monoxide could have done me in.

all new smoke detectors and carbon alarms and more fire extingushers around the whole house....and the new gas valve is a hand valve so no need for a wrench to shut the gas down in the unlikely event of a problem

an inspector is still coming. two guys who are licenced and totally legit from a reputable local company got it done in 3 and half hours :prayer:


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Glad to hear all is well...good save you'll be warmer now.
i daily drive a mopar ....standard purse contents are: 7/16, 1/2 and 9/16 wrenches adjustable wrench, ....screwdriver with changable pair of hair brush, one hair comb.....extra hair ties, a hair clip, eyeliner pencil, one lipstick with a different color on each end, pair of tweezers. a wallet with 4 dollars in it ....and some loose change on the bottom LOL

Sounds like the check-list Slim Pickins read in Dr Strangelove!

Good job on the furnace!!
Glad it's finally fixed. Being all bundled up and still cold is no fun! If your new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are battery operated, change the batteries every time daylight savings time changes. Good way to remember to change them. :D
the cool thing is that they left me the old furnace i am going to have fun taking it apart and i am going to use it for patch panels and scrap what i dont want

but its going to be really fun tearing it apart and i get an electric motor to do something with now :D:D:D


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the cool thing is that they left me the old furnace i am going to have fun taking it apart and i am going to use it for patch panels and scrap what i dont want

but its going to be really fun tearing it apart and i get an electric motor to do something with now :D:D:D

Those motors make wonderful shop fans. I use them all the time. Add some more metal to the sides so it won't flip over and it will work like a champ.
Awesome! Glad it all worked out for you, and you have a new toy besides. I'm sure you will get creative and come up with something for that motor/ fan unit
X 2 on the shop fan you can mount that on a 30" stand and blow air clear accross the shop.