That was a big fat fail

Okay from the pictures I've seen you're not a bad looking girl so here's what I suggest.

Start dating three cops, one for each shift don't marry them just date them you might even get a free meal occasionally or taken to a movie. I'm sure this will get you free drive by security.
Somehow I find this whole post as a compliment and insult at the same time.

Thanks ***gives Evil eye***
Its not about being ugly its about suggesting i would be a slut and string along three men at the same time. Nah, not my style.
Never meant to suggest you be a slut or string them along.
Take them out for dinner one at a time and tell them that you've got a problem on the farm with people breaking in and that you need their help.
hook a bare wire 220v extension cord to a door handle and put a 20 dollar bill on the dash board.
Honestly I assume this is a chainlink fence. I'd try the fence wrap in order to block the view from people. Get the barbed wire at the top fixed. After that, some cheap camera's help. If you have Wifi and a power source the Wyze camera's are cheap and very effective. Heck they even have battery powered ones now. Once that's done you can hang your signs on the outside between the fence and wrap. Make sure the wrap is on the inside.


After that, maybe start getting the word out that these cars are not for sale and you'd prefer not having uninvited guests.
If you have cars or parts you might want to sell, put something up with the no Trespassing signs that gives them a number for contact. Otherwise post a sign that says the cars and parts are not for sale. Giving some people information might solve some of the problem.
I have a couple real cameras, with some fake cameras sprinkled around my property. A smile you are on camera sign at the main gate. Even the ups guy is gentle with my packages. :) It also doesn't hurt that the whole neighborhood knows I have 2 pit bull terriers and am locked and loaded. :elmer:
I thought you put up a fence to solve this problem a few years back?
I'm guessing it didn't work?
For a slight fee of 50 grand I'd be willing to come out of retirement and guard your property, you supply the body bag's.
Is there a wifi signal where the cars are at? Modern camera security systems are a pretty affordable and you can get alerted to your computer or phone anytime someone enters the zone you set up. From their you can talk through the camera or activate siren. Then you have video of the douchebag(s)

A heck of a lot cheaper than yard dogs or a law suite.

Bear Trap. Seriously. Bear Trap.

As blue as this state has become I have asked my police force if I can put a bear trap in my yard for intruders. They said not in city limits because of city ordinance's. However in rural Colorado I can legally put a bear trap on my land as long as I am only trying to trap coyotes. Open traps are not allowed for hunting in Colorado now (thanks blues). But coyotes are a problem so they are accepting of that. If someone happens to step in that bear trap it is their fault for being on a posted property.
My police also told me that since this is a make my day state that if someone is in my yard with a pipe in their hand, and it was raised in any way that I can shoot them legally. The police also noted that if'n I were a female that the law is even more lenient. I was told to shoot the intruder as they do not have time for all the new crime from the new administration. And told to make sure there is a pipe or a weapon of any sort around, on the ground, next to the dead guy.
Bear Trap. Seriously. Bear Trap.

As blue as this state has become I have asked my police force if I can put a bear trap in my yard for intruders. They said not in city limits because of city ordinance's. However in rural Colorado I can legally put a bear trap on my land as long as I am only trying to trap coyotes. Open traps are not allowed for hunting in Colorado now (thanks blues). But coyotes are a problem so they are accepting of that. If someone happens to step in that bear trap it is their fault for being on a posted property.
My police also told me that since this is a make my day state that if someone is in my yard with a pipe in their hand, and it was raised in any way that I can shoot them legally. The police also noted that if'n I were a female that the law is even more lenient. I was told to shoot the intruder as they do not have time for all the new crime from the new administration. And told to make sure there is a pipe or a weapon of any sort around, on the ground, next to the dead guy.
WOW, that is pretty extreme. Kim
You should ask that police department to put that in writing on department letterhead and sign it. :lol:
Back in the boonies of Mo. the county law had no problem with thieves being shot and using the tractor bucket and sink holes for burial. They said just don't call. That's extreme. But they get tired of the thieving BS, meth, etc. Can't blame them.
If thieves want it easy they say just stay in the cities.