That was not fun!


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I just drove home from a Christmas party with the wife as co-pilot. Twenty-five miles of white knuckle driving in freezing rain. The ice on the roads was a good 1/2" thick. The only good thing was all the drivers were being good. No A-holes at all. It sure made the drive better than it usually would be with the idiots that have to try and pass everybody or the other bunch of idiots that are so scared they hold everybody up. Never saw a car off the road either. Maybe it's the Christmas spirit making everybody drive properly.

Jack, I know the feeling. I was in that mess in west Texas a couple of weeks ago. It was 25-27 degrees and raining and then freezing before wipers could get it off. I hit a bad slick spot on a bridge and did some fishtailing but got it straightened up. After I got it straight my gf asked did I hear that click, I said yea that was your ***hole. She laughed for the longest. Glad you made it home safely. We are under a tornado watch. It is crazy weather, 75 degrees now at 9 pm, Joe
im glad you and Phyllis made it home safely jack we missed the freezing rain but it is snowing like a bastard here now .
:hockey: I'm looking out the window at a skating rink over everything. Best to stay inside today. Its hovering around the freezing mark and suppose to rain, sleet all day... if your in the north east be careful driving today :hockey:
Tell me about it, I was out hauling mail all night in my 18. Some areas here got up to 1/2 inch of ice.
A week ago there was 12+ inches of snow on the ground here in upstate NY..Today it is 60* and raining with a wind out of the south...No snow left...The weather is crazy lately,,No white Christmas this year...Merry Christmas to all!!!!! Everybody be safe...Glade you made it home OK Jack, and you too Joe...Bill
Good to se everyone was behaving. Jack,you didn't have a rifle sticking out of the window,did ya? Rain? What's with all the rain,it's -28 here, and I might have to move my car,ugh!
Glad your drive was safe. I have a light layer of ice on my truck today. Drive the wife to work an hour ago in her Intrepid. Roads are decent here just a little slushy now.
Man, I heared about the freezing rain. Everyone out east is getting obliterated with crazy weather.

Glad to hear it scared the overzealous driving out of everybody.

Last year, some out of state plated 4Runner was driving down a slight hill they didn't mag chloride on Wadsworth and 20th. Started to over correct and fishtailing 180 degrees, left and right.

Inherently, this made everyone try to slow down, because he was slowing down way faster than anyone else. 3 people dove off the shoulder, one down into a parking lot grass ditch and I was playing double bass drum on the brake pedal of the Scamp, and managed to slow down, then go around. Good drivers make me smile, because there are enough bad ones on the road to make up for!
We drove an hour to see some snow, but when we got there it was all melted. I guess they didn't re make it everyday :(
We have been dealing with ice like this on all elevated areas. It took an hour to get in the wife's car yesterday.


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Had about 15-18 inches here on Monday, all gone from the rain except for a couple of now very small piles from plowing. Snow is forecasted here for Monday and Tuesday, nothing big but xmas may be white here.
We had quite an ice storm here as well. I just snapped these pics of the trees in my yard covered in ice. There are many branches down across town. I also had no hydro here for an hour or so this morning.

Gotta love winter!


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We had a red banner snow warning a couple of days ago here in Victoria with a serious snowfall warning of 3 centimeter's of accumulation -no that is not a misprint Enviroment Canada posted a red banner for that , my buddy from PEI and I from Ontario pretty much peed our pants laughing at that and when we go like 2 cent. all the locals went home early because the roads were going to be undriveable haha . It's back to raining here as usual in winter .
I just drove home from a Christmas party with the wife as co-pilot. Twenty-five miles of white knuckle driving in freezing rain. The ice on the roads was a good 1/2" thick. The only good thing was all the drivers were being good. No A-holes at all. It sure made the drive better than it usually would be with the idiots that have to try and pass everybody or the other bunch of idiots that are so scared they hold everybody up. Never saw a car off the road either. Maybe it's the Christmas spirit making everybody drive properly.


OK, you see the difference here? I live in the South, and right now it's close to 65 degrees here. My buddy was over, and I was telling him about your post. For some reason all he heard was "Jack on ice" and he's looking for the party!
It has been pouring here for the last day or so..with temps going from +2 to -2 creating all sort of havoc on the roads and the airports...

I would prefer snow..

Glad you got home in one piece...My daughter's friend was to go home today and she is staying another night...not worth risking it on the road..

OK, you see the difference here? I live in the South, and right now it's close to 65 degrees here. My buddy was over, and I was telling him about your post. For some reason all he heard was "Jack on ice" and he's looking for the party!


Glad you made it home safely and sounds like the other drivers did also. Ice is nasty to try and drive on that's for sure.

We were doing a paving job several years back in mountains of Virgina, it was a car dealership and it started to snow while we were paving. Weather said it was going to amount to nothing so we decided to stay in a hotel for the night (we live in n.c) well by morning about a foot of snow had fallen and it was still falling with predictions of ice to move in in the afternoon. We decided to head home. 6 of us with two pickups, 1 a ford lightning the other a s-10 with a built out 350 in it... talk about a bad decision lol. The trucks with the way they were built just couldn't get up the hills so my brother in law and myself got in the bed of the lightning to get weight over the axle and the other 2 guys did the same in the s-10 bed, both trucks had the flat fiberglass covers on the beds so we had to lay down with the cover shut on top of us. Talk about a scary friggin ride, pitch dark, can't really move and all you could hear was the tires spinning all over and the exhaust. Trucks were sliding all over and us, not being able to see didn't know if they were good slides or bad. We all made it safely but man, not a recommend way or a safe way to traverse the snowy mountains.
Hey, I bought a generator..had it so it hooks directly into put electrical system..haven't had an outage in the winter since... I cured that problem :)
We still don't have power in North York. Our very larger Norway Maple tree in the back yard shed several very large branches, two missed the house quite literally by 2 inches. Garage & Duster intact so far, one branch missed the garage by several feet.
Gotta go buy a chain saw - can anyone use some firewood?

Pretty scary yesterday AM - took the dog out for his business and I could hear trees cracking and branches falling all over.
