Torque converter weight conundrum!

There you go, hope it helps! Let me know if you need any more info.
I will weld this on like it showed in the number to diagram as it's a 1974 360 and it's definitely 12 in at the end of the ring gear. So I'm going with diagram number 2 and this is a picture of it set up ready to weld an inch and a half basically from the center of the right at that coming through at that angle and just a hair under an inch on the left side. Oh well I'll weld it slap it in slept a motor in and report back later damn the torpedoes!
It will work out just fine! The factory balancing just wasnt that accurate.....
Thank you again. Gotter! Of course I twisted the torque converter and made sure it was in there and then even pulled it out again and reconnect it in there to make double sure and then of course when I put the motor and it started fighting me but I got it. I'll repeat all this in my thread on the truck. Thank you again and again for your help!
As I understand it some years had a drain plug and some years didn't. And I was wondering this exact same thing myself. That's why I was asking the question has anybody seen a weight set up that wasn't near the drain plug and has a drain plug in a different area and the weights in a different area? I just haven't?
This is an old thread But by rule the drain plug goes opposite side of the small hole in the flex plate. If no drain plug , using the flex plate as guide to track which quarter of converter to put weights.