Traffic Court WTD? Updated post #35

Yup, 'n a few have gotten into trouble for that very thing..................
Wow, a 5 page thread because many of us hate cops.... And a few defend them.
To each of you that think Police Officers are ego maniac thug criminals, I wish you could experience just one day without the existence of police. Most of you would spend that day locked in your house scared shitless. Most of you that think negatively of police have had bad experiences (mostly traffic related) with police. Enforcing traffic laws is a very small fraction of most police agency's duties. How many of you guys have pumped on the chest of a dying man who should've gasped his last breath were it not for your fast response and level headed ability to make a decision under a stressful condition to keep him alive?
How many have run toward gun fire or a large fight while the crowd runs away? How many of you have scraped a dead child off the street after being hit by a bus, then delivered that bad news to his parents in the humblest way you could and tried to comfort them during this nightmare. Any of you take guns/drugs off the streets of a neighborhood so that the people who raise families there stand a chance? Any of you ever been out with your family and intervened in a domestic violence situation to keep a girl from getting her head bashed in on a subway because there is no "off duty" when it comes to protecting the public for sworn Police Officers?
I don't ask these questions looking for answers and I understand police officers signed up for this when they took the job. But there is a reason their average lifespan only lasts 5 years after retirement.
And as far as showing other police professional courtesy on the road and not writing them traffic summonses... That's up to the individual. But Its understood that if a cop is on the side of the road getting the **** kicked out of him, I'm stopping to get in the fight no matter the odds... How many civilians would? Some.. Not many.
There are some bad eggs.. You can keep googling stories of bad cops and posting links... They're out there. Very minuscule percentage of police. Most of US are proud and genuine, and would and have risked our asses for perfect strangers.
Enough of a rant for now.
P.S. I've been a police officer for 15 years. Never written a single speeding ticket because I'm no hypocrite. Have pulled over muscle cars to chat with their owners though.
I expect all law enforcement to maintain the highest standards possible. If speeding is ok just because they are law enforcement, does that mean it is fine to rob and kill people too... just because they are law enforcement?

Btw I have to say this analogy is ridiculous. An intelligent comparison would take into consideration our audience. You guys that are employed as mechanics might be able to relate.. If a body guy brought his personal car in to you for mechanical work, and you charged him less because he works in the same field you do, should that be illegal? Nope. Its a matter of discretion. That doesn't entitle him to come and take any vehicle in your garage for a joy ride then bang your wife. Pretty big jump Oklacarcollecto, wouldn't ya say?
Wow, a 5 page thread because many of us hate cops.... .

This is not about hating cops. This is about hating cops who think they are above the law, or that they should have special privileges, especially off duty

I wish you could experience just one day without the existence of police. .

Many of us do, have. When you are out somewhere, away from "help" then there might as well "not be" any cops.

How many of you guys have.

This is not about heroic efforts, and for the record cops are not the only ones who do and have done heroic efforts. This is about cops who are doing things that is illegal for all the rest of us, and who are doing so when NOT particularly engaged in the old saw "doing their job"

. Most of US are proud and genuine,.

I'm sure you are and if you are one of the good guys then, that's great. But this does NOT excuse behavior that IS illegal. You MUST you HAVE you absolutely MUST put the special exemptions that cops have for specific purposes in context, and driving down the freeway at what is deemed to be dangerous for the rest of us is NOT acceptable.

And you MUST remember this...........there is NO OTHER career, not even military, that allows employees to carry all kinds of dangerous and deadly weapons, and allows such overwhelming power over the public in general. This power MUST BE constantly monitored and checked. Spokane is a "shining" (tarnished) example. The police union over there fought viciously to prevent a citizen's committee with any real power to oversee questionable incidents. Review the Otto Zehm case sometime. This not only involved at the very least poor judgement on the part of the PD, which resulted in a death, or out of control officers at the worst, but it ALSO involved a conspired cover-up by the cops that were involved.
My son was pulled over once when he was 18 driving his car with some of his friends in it. He made some stupid traffic violation and got pulled over. During the stop, the officer pulls out his gun and points it into the car at my son and his friends. They were very shaken up by having the gun pointed at them. They had no weapons in their car to deserve this.

When I mentioned this to the judge at the trial, he immediately took the cop's side and ignored my explaination that having a gun put in your face when you have only committed a traffic violation is a bit over the line. He then yelled at me and sent me on my way. Well Mr. Judge Kennedy - guess who lost a vote for the next times he's on the ballot for reelection.

And this was just the first experience that helped my son have a negative attitude toward police.

If the police would treat US with a little more respect, then we would give THEM some in return.

Is it that hard to figure out that when you treat people like **** that they won't like you in return?
I expect all law enforcement to maintain the highest standards possible. If speeding is ok just because they are law enforcement, does that mean it is fine to rob and kill people too... just because they are law enforcement?

Btw I have to say this analogy is ridiculous.

I think you've missed the point. You seem by some scale to be implying that speeding should be OK, some sort of "extra pay" as it were

If a loved one is killed by a speeding / reckless driver they are just as dead whether the driver was a crackhead, a state senator, or a cop
To each of you that think Police Officers are ego maniac thug criminals, I wish you could experience just one day without the existence of police.

I have, I lived in Detroit.

It's bad when you have an arguement with your ex and call for them to come help get my license plate back off of her car that she keeps refusing to do. I wanted them there to prevent the situation from getting out of control when I took MY license plate back off of her car. It took them 5 hours to show up, by that time she was long gone.... I ended up having to go down there and take it myself when nobody was outside to stop me.

Then when my son was over at my house (on the corner) and we hear gun shots in the street next to our house and call 911. IT TOOK 45 MINUTES FOR THEM TO SHOW UP!!! That's when I decided to get a gun. Those guys could have kicked in our door and shot and killed my son and I and been long gone by the time the police were kind enough to show up.... I needed a way to protect me and my home.

Where I live now, the cops are much better. Friendlier and responsive. I called the police for a suspicious vehicle parked on my street and they show up in 5 minutes!

One stopped to chat with me for a few minutes just yesterday when I was out snow blowing mine and my neighbor's driveway until he got a call. They actually are nice and consider that you are a taxpaying citizen and cut you some slack and let us off with warnings before writing tickets. That's fair and I respect and get along with many of them that I have met. (Except for the bull-dyke female that's trying to prove that she can do anything a man can do... she can be difficult to reason with sometimes.)

It depends on where you are. Some of the police aren't as bad as others. Where I'm at now, they are pretty decent. I have no use for the police in Detroit, can't trust them..
I think you've missed the point. You seem by some scale to be implying that speeding should be OK, some sort of "extra pay" as it were

If a loved one is killed by a speeding / reckless driver they are just as dead whether the driver was a crackhead, a state senator, or a cop

He definitely missed the point of what I said in the post and needs to read the quote I was referring to. The person I was quoting thinks an officer can do no wrong. The point was that no law enforcement officer should do what he is sworn to protect civilians from. That includes speeding. As I said my wife is retired from the field, I have two brother in laws in the field and I have quite a few friends that are in the field where I live. Law enforcement personnel are humans and there are some bad apples among all the great officers.
I can speak from experience that if you live in the inner city and the response time is horrible, it's an administrative / political issue, not because the cops are pricks. Just not enough of them on duty because the budget in a bankrupt Detroit had no money to pay them. It's disgraceful.

Krazycuda...As for having a gun pointed in your sons face, I'm sure there was a reason for that. Maybe one you have no knowledge of. I've pointed my gun at totally innocent people, handcuffed them and questioned them. Because they fit the description of a dangerous perp who we were searching for. That's not personal and it's a shame when it happens, but it's part of the process of locking up criminals. Real criminals. Not speeders. I've even had our dispatch relay the description over the radio so the innocent person could hear exactly why they got a gun pointed at them. Most understand. Some don't. If the cop that pointed a gun at your son really had no reason... Shame on him.

67Dart... Speeding, extra pay? Really? And in my whole reply, I never once implied that police officers were the only profession that was heroic.. Or that I was better than anyone else. Just tried to give you a little insight to what our lives were like. And our "power" is constantly monitored. By everyone as well as the job. What do you do for a living?
I didn't miss the point. I read all the responses to this thread and knew at whom your comment was directed. It was just a bad comparison in my opinion. Krazycuda I'm glad you said what you did, living in a place w/o police was a reason for leaving. Thanks
Krazycuda I'm glad you said what you did, living in a place w/o police was a reason for leaving. Thanks

It wasn't a place without police, it was a place with poor response time.

I was being harassed by the local code enforcement guy. He was writing tickets on me 5 -7 at a time for having cars in my driveway that I was working on. (And I thought that it was part of that city's heritage)...

At one point, he had like 15 tickets out on me literally.

Here, we got neighbors getting robbed, cars getting stolen, stolen cars being abandoned in the alley next to my house (more than once, a regular event), I find used condoms in my lawn from the local hookers parking in the alley to do "business", my wife caught a young woman in her car passed out in our alley with a needle still stuck in her arm, I kicked a guy and girl out of my back yard once at 3 AM (I forgot to lock my car), to find them on the news later where the guy stabbed the girl he was with (and already had killed her brother earlier), and there were gunshots in the alley next to my house....

And they are writing tickets against me for having a couple of cars on jack stands.....

A guy four doors down across the street had a motor home and an old 50's pickup truck in his back yard and they didn't bother him.

The house at the end of the block had a Dodge intrepid parked the in the driveway with a flat tire for 3 years, and they didn't bother him.

And about the cop here pointing the gun in my son's face, yes it's true and he did not do anything to deserve it. I talked to all the other passengers of the car. Aside from the traffic violation, they did nothing else wrong. Some of the other kid's parents were upset about it also. No weapons, no drugs, all my kid did was drive stupid. He went to court, got supervision because he had a clean record, and it was dropped after he stayed clean for the six month period.
Wow, a 5 page thread because many of us hate cops.... And a few defend them.
To each of you that think Police Officers are ego maniac thug criminals, I wish you could experience just one day without the existence of police. Most of you would spend that day locked in your house scared shitless. Most of you that think negatively of police have had bad experiences (mostly traffic related) with police. Enforcing traffic laws is a very small fraction of most police agency's duties. How many of you guys have pumped on the chest of a dying man who should've gasped his last breath were it not for your fast response and level headed ability to make a decision under a stressful condition to keep him alive?
How many have run toward gun fire or a large fight while the crowd runs away? How many of you have scraped a dead child off the street after being hit by a bus, then delivered that bad news to his parents in the humblest way you could and tried to comfort them during this nightmare. Any of you take guns/drugs off the streets of a neighborhood so that the people who raise families there stand a chance? Any of you ever been out with your family and intervened in a domestic violence situation to keep a girl from getting her head bashed in on a subway because there is no "off duty" when it comes to protecting the public for sworn Police Officers?
I don't ask these questions looking for answers and I understand police officers signed up for this when they took the job. But there is a reason their average lifespan only lasts 5 years after retirement.
And as far as showing other police professional courtesy on the road and not writing them traffic summonses... That's up to the individual. But Its understood that if a cop is on the side of the road getting the **** kicked out of him, I'm stopping to get in the fight no matter the odds... How many civilians would? Some.. Not many.
There are some bad eggs.. You can keep googling stories of bad cops and posting links... They're out there. Very minuscule percentage of police. Most of US are proud and genuine, and would and have risked our asses for perfect strangers.
Enough of a rant for now.
P.S. I've been a police officer for 15 years. Never written a single speeding ticket because I'm no hypocrite. Have pulled over muscle cars to chat with their owners though.

Very simple question: if you KNEW (100% certain, zero doubt, you watched him do it) that one of your fellow cops was dirty, would you turn him in?
I can speak from experience that if you live in the inner city and the response time is horrible, it's an administrative / political issue, not because the cops are pricks. Just not enough of them on duty because the budget in a bankrupt Detroit had no money to pay them. It's disgraceful.

Krazycuda...As for having a gun pointed in your sons face, I'm sure there was a reason for that. Maybe one you have no knowledge of. I've pointed my gun at totally innocent people, handcuffed them and questioned them. Because they fit the description of a dangerous perp who we were searching for. That's not personal and it's a shame when it happens, but it's part of the process of locking up criminals. Real criminals. Not speeders. I've even had our dispatch relay the description over the radio so the innocent person could hear exactly why they got a gun pointed at them. Most understand. Some don't. If the cop that pointed a gun at your son really had no reason... Shame on him.

67Dart... Speeding, extra pay? Really? And in my whole reply, I never once implied that police officers were the only profession that was heroic.. Or that I was better than anyone else. Just tried to give you a little insight to what our lives were like. And our "power" is constantly monitored. By everyone as well as the job. What do you do for a living?

First, thank you for your service. Second, this thread is full of cop haters because 5% of cops are bad. Third, for some reason they won't listen to reason or the facts. Forth, I don't think they will ever change.
First, thank you for your service. Second, this thread is full of cop haters because 5% of cops are bad. Third, for some reason they won't listen to reason or the facts. Forth, I don't think they will ever change.

Do you really think 5% is bad? I think the number is way, way, way lower than that. Officers are human and there are some bad apples just as you would find in any profession. As far as I know we have only had one cop that went bad in the 30+ years I have lived here. When it happened the city called in the state to investigate so there couldn't be any favoritism on their end. When the state gave the city the facts, the city filed charges and the case went to the state for prosecution.
Do you really think 5% is bad? I think the number is way, way, way lower than that.

I guess that it depends on where those cops are from.

Like I said, the local ones here are pretty cool and reasonable. The local cops here give residents more of a break, than non residents. I do believe the number of "bad" ones is below 5%.

However in Detroit, I believe that it is much higher than 5%.
Here is what is says on some of the Detroit homicide police t-shirts:

Detroit Homicide

Our day starts when yours ends..."
i have done my share of stupid **** behind the wheel. caught up in the moment, doing a 335 foot power brake in a 70 coronet. in the police report, they called the car a GTO. they threw me on the ground guns drawn. jerked me up by my collar and threw me in the back of a cop car.

later down the road , doing it once again , because i didn't learn my lesson the first time, cops got me again, one of them even joked about how he had never seen such a badass mopar do **** like that. this time , they cut me a ticket and let me drive away.

it just goes to show that it comes down the individual behind the badge , and not the laws. some cops are power hungry , need to show their balls and how tough they can be , and some find the same **** funny.
First, thank you for your service. Second, this thread is full of cop haters because 5% of cops are bad. Third, for some reason they won't listen to reason or the facts. Forth, I don't think they will ever change.

I DO NOT FOR ONE MINUTE THINK ANYONE ON HERE HATES COPS. We are just tired of a mentality which you seem to possess, which says, "I can do what ever I want, because I am a Cop."
My dad was on a rescue squad call as a volunteer, and got his pickup stuck in a ditch. The Sheriff's Deputy on the scene offered to pull him out, but first he had to go to the office and get a chain. Dad hopped in the Ford Expedition / Police vehicle with him to ride along. The Deputy ran 110 MPH on a two lane highway for 10 miles to get the chain, when Dad said something about his speed he said, "No it's alright, I do it all the time."

That is the attitude that bothers many of us here, and unfortunately you do not seem to understand that. Until the use of excessive speed in nonemergency situations ceases, some of us will continue to have a problem with around 90% of those in cruisers. I say that because almost 100% of the time we are on the highway they pass us 20+ over the speed limit.
I am not trying to convince anyone, just trying to understand the hatred toward a cop doing 100MPH and not hurting anyone.


Well, this thread really took a turn. My problem with THIS cop is his "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude. So he wants to do 70 mph down the highway and there's 20 cars behind him doing 70 mph also (and nobody is getting hurt). Who's in the wrong? All 21 cars doing 70 mph? The cop who's leading the parade at 70 mph? Or the 1 car that he decides to pull over for doing the same thing he's showing 20 cars he can do but his attitude is DO NOT FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE? That's why I took it to court.
Because they spend 8-10 hours a day driving. To me that is an expert. When do you ever hear of a speeding cop in the left lane having an accident.

I spend 11 hours a day driving (and have been doing so, longer than some cops have been alive) and it's against the law for me to do such things, why is that?

If I get caught talking on the phone it's a $2700.00 dollar fine to me and $11,000.00 to the company.. I can't use my laptop for navigation either.

So what was your argument again?
Again. Well, this thread really took a turn. My problem with THIS cop is his "Do as I say, not as I do" attitude.

And that's the crux of it. "Most", cops that I associate and have associated with in the past have this "greater than thou" attitude. In fact we discuss it at great lengths at times, and guess what, most of them blame it on people, say what?

The Police of today have a gestapo mentality, again most not all, that really does a disservice to the profession. There is no need for a cop to violate the law, just cause he can, period.
It's like lawyers, politicians, and used-car salesmen: there ARE honest cops, but the 90% that are crooked and/or evil spoil it for them.
MS2420 how many chests have you pumped on. do not know a cop out there that would put themselves in that position. cut the crap you are not heros. i got more miles under my butt than most cops and when the time is right they take it to the limit. trust the police--never they are heros in their heir own minds and I can damn sure defend myself. seen too much in my 65 years to think different. had cops drink coffee with me and when it came time to bust my *** they did just that, and then wondered why I did not want to drink coffee with them again. you preach stupidity