Trouble Sleeping



Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2005
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Anyone else have a hard time sleeping? I just can't seem to sleep at night for the past 2 years. I go to bed at 9:30 and I would wake up at 3:00. I went to the Dr. in February and got a script for Ambian 10 mg. and it worked for a while. Now it's not working as well and I don't think there going to refill it when I run out.
Last night I didn't take it and fell asleep at 10 and was wide awake at 11:30. I know I"m not the only one here that has this problem. Whats been your solution?
Same issue, I just try to go back to sleep. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't. But I know a few people have the same problem.
Me too. Falling asleep at 10 pm. is no problem. Tossing and turning all night is a problem. I might have some apnea but with some back problems and pinched nerves wake me up a lot. I use Midnite brand from Wal Mart. It is Melatonin, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Lavender.
You can take it at 3am. and not much drowsy side effects even if you take it late.
I just turned 52 and over the past year or so I've been the same way. In the past, I had no problem sleeping. My wife and I have resorted to taking one Tylenol PM. It helps with the sleeping and also with some aches and pains!!!

We've also tried to limit our computer usage prior to bedtime, but that sure it hard...
Going on 20 years for me, I'm good for about 4 hours then tossing for the next three.Never make 8 hours.No apnea or that.Maybe I don't do enough (work or activities) during the day.Never nap. Tried several over the counter stuff,just makes me groggy all day.Told the wife not enough sex,,,,Got laughed at.......
I,ve had the same sleeping issues as I,ve worked shift work for 28 yrs.As we get older our body,s don,t produce enough melantonin to tell the brain it,s sleep time.I take a natural supplement called Pure Rest made by USANA.I take 2 tic tac size tablets 1 hr before bed for a good nights for me.Getting older sucks. :wack:
same here, I lay down at 9 pm and am awake forever. I have a box fan next to me I run on low just to drown out any noise. it has to be pitch black . I take 1000 milligrams of ibuprofen and sometimes that doesn't work. I just cant seem to relax my mind.
....I only sleep for 3-4 hours a night as some of u can tell i'm on here till 1:00 or later ..this has been going on since 2000...I have a sleep apnea machine now, it helped some for 3 years, but now I'm back to the same 3-4 hours a
I try and do everything right. No food after 7 pm, no computer, totally dark and quiet. I don't eat red meat, that fixed my acid refulx. My wife and I try and take a 3 mile walk in the evening when the weather is nice.
I never have been tested for sleep apnea.
My problem is my brain going 100 mph when I'm trying to get to sleep too.
I don't get much sleep at night either. But.... My wife is 20 yrs younger than me !!:D:D:D
As pettybluedart sez:
"As we get older our body,s don,t produce enough melantonin to tell the brain it,s sleep time."

Try melatonin, it's with the vitamins in the store. Try a half pill at first. Cut down on caffeine. A bit of exercise helps too.

If this is something new go see your doctor.
Used to have trouble. I use a rain machine on my phone or audio podcasts on low. Sleep straight through now, except for the odd bathroom break (than god I wake up for that)!
This guy makes sense with the "carnival" going on in your head while you are trying to get to sleep...

Haven't had a full nights sleep since I was drafted into the Army in 1969. I struggled with sleep apnea but the machine does nothing for me any more so I threw it in the closet. I sleep in 2 to 3 hour segments with the help of my oxycodone pain management pills. I just figure it is what it is and just go with the flow.
I probably know more about this than cars. I too woke up at 3:00 in mornings. Often I would be very tired in the morning. My doctor suggested I wear this device that monitors oxygen levels at night. I wore the device and it showed my oxygen levels were very low while sleeping. If you're not getting the oxygen, you body forces you to wake up to breathe. Note that this test is NOT the expensive sleep over at a clinic -- although I did follow up with the clinic test.

Several people mentioned sleep apnea as a possibility. You should get tested for this.

I now use a CPAP machine. I sleep through the night and it makes all the difference in how I feel in the mornings.
Definitely only start with a small amount of melantonin. About a year ago I picked up some from CVS and it was 10 mg.

Dang, did I ever have some vivid dreams!!! I only took it one night and threw them away. That's when I went with Tylenol PM.

As pettybluedart sez:
"As we get older our body,s don,t produce enough melantonin to tell the brain it,s sleep time."

Try melatonin, it's with the vitamins in the store. Try a half pill at first. Cut down on caffeine. A bit of exercise helps too.

If this is something new go see your doctor.
I've slept using a Bi-Pap machine (which is a C-Pap but with two different pressures) for about 12 years. Most of the time I sleep with no problem. But i have had issues with sleeping through the night sometimes. When this happens I'll take one Melatonin or a small dose of Z-Quill, This usually does it for me.

X2 on the vivid (horrible) dreams with melatonin! Like you, I just took it once. Glad to see it works for some.