Two Condoms....



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Two condoms walkin down the street. They come to a gay bar. One looks at the other and says "let's go in and get shitfaced"
Ernie Facepalm.png
Alright alright. How bout this one?

Daughter says "Daddy lemmie borrow the car tonight." "No, you caint borrow the car." "Please Daddy, I'll do anything" "Ok gimmie a BJ." "No Daddy not that again" "Yup that's what it's gonna take" "Well ok" "Damn Daddy, this thing tastes like ****" "Oh that's right I forgot, your brother has the car tonight"

I know. I'm so sorry. lol
Alright alright. How bout this one?

Daughter says "Daddy lemmie borrow the car tonight." "No, you caint borrow the car." "Please Daddy, I'll do anything" "Ok gimmie a BJ." "No Daddy not that again" "Yup that's what it's gonna take" "Well ok" "Damn Daddy, this thing tastes like ****" "Oh that's right I forgot, your brother has the car tonight"

I know. I'm so sorry. lol

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Elderly couple goes in for husband
Dr. Appointment.
Doc says need a blood sample, a urine
Sample, stool sample and a semen sample.

Wife replies, " honey. Just give him your underwear"

You guys are SICK!!! ....................................................What time did you say they have their Lesbian meeting??
I know Snap-On sponsors the Lesbian meetings here in town
What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? Lickalottpuss.
What do you call a lesbian with long, fat fingers? Well hung.
What do you call 25 lesbians and 25 government employees in one room? 50 people who don't do dick.
A lady in a bar asked me how I viewed Lesbian relationships. Evidently. in HD was not a correct answer.
How many screws does it take to make a lesbian's bed? None; it's all tongue and groove.
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Guy visits a latex factory, goes on a tour. They lead them into one part of the plant, the machines are going "boom sis, boom sis, boom sis.........." "That sound you hear, said the tour guide" is the machines forming baby bottle nipples, and the "sis" at the end is forming the hole in the nipple."

They go to another part of the plant, the machines are going "boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom sis"..........and the guide says "What you are hearing is the sound of condoms being produced."

The guy asks the tour guide, "what is that 'sis' every so often?"

"That is the sound of keeping up the demand for baby bottle nipples!!!!"