Update on Dee

Spent most of the afternoon back at the camper. Some of our close friends came over and custom built steps so Dee can get into and out of the camper safely. Im back at the hospital and am spending the night here with my wife. She is being given morphine through IV. The doctor's still fo not know ehat the blockage us in her small intestine. Dee and I appreciate all the prayers I am spending the night at the hospital.
Dee had another set of X rays and CT Scans today. The results still show a large mass blockage in her small intestines. They have bern giving her lots of IV fluids in a attempt to flush the blockage out but it is so far not been successful. The Dr is going to order some type of treatment tomorrow to see if this will work. I do not know as of yet what type of treatment he has in mind. If this does not work, she will need surgery.
Nurse just came in and told me Dee will be getting a large needle inserted into her intestines tomorrow morning to draw fluid out and hopefully get her intestines to work at forcing the blockage out. Hopefully this will be successful.
Dee got the needle today. They drained a lot of fluid from her intestines. They are going to test the fluid for any type of issues that may be related to her cancer. She is tired but resting now. It's been a long day. Thanks again for the prayers.
Dee is still hospitalized. The Dr's have been working on clearing the blockage in her intestines and she has improved. She is on a full liquid diet now. She is feeling better but is still very weak. She may be released this weekend. Thanks for all the prayers and for letting me update.
we all do appreciate the updates... hopefully you can get her home and get better rest there than the hospital. we hope and pray for the best.
Keep at it. Don't let it win.

Glad to hear that she's improving.
Dee was released from the hospital last night. Despite the fact that she still has blockage, the doctors have told us there is not much more they can do. They have determined that this is related to the cancer. The fluid build up they drained from her intestines contained cancer. They have also upgraded her cancer to stage four. All i can do now is try to encourage her to keep fighting. It is a very helpless feeling not being able to do anything else to help her. We still have not found another home. Finances are very limited so we will stay in our camper for the forseeable future.
It is a difficult time, hope for the best and take care of yourself

It can be very difficult time for caregiver/loved one during the worst of times

Sorry you are going thru so much

Stay strong, sounds like you are doing all you can to make it better for her

So sorry it has gone in this direction. My wife and I. Our hearts go out to you and Dee.

Tom, you are Dee's strength in this terrible time. I pray for strength for the both of you.

I wish I was smart enough to be able to say the right thing, that could help in any way, but i'm not. I ask you both take strength in each of your selves, and ask for direction from those many that care.
Prayers from here also Tom. May Our God hold you both in his gentle palm.