Update on Dee

I have not been able to contact Tom re Dee. Ph I have is disconnected. Has anyone heard from him?

Don't worry about that church. Leave'em behind. You need not that church or any. Just believe and worship the lord God. Just believe and pray.

Hang in there Dee!
I just ran across this thread. I have no idea who either Tom or Dee is but they are in my prayers. sometimes we get in our own little world and just focus on things that only concern what is going on in our world and not what others are dealing with. I feel so bad that I didn't look at more things on FABO. I have been so busy but I need to take more time. my heart goes out to this family in their time of need. I just pray that God will see it possible to heal this woman and give this family strength and comfort in their time of trouble.
I have seen Tom online in Facebook chat and tried to engage him with no response. I don't know if maybe he can only look at the site or what. Don't know what the deal is.

Still praying for yall, Tom.
I sent $100 to his paypal account. At this point I have no idea on how to contact him. If anyone wants to send him some help, let me remind everyone of his paypal account.

[email protected]

I would advise that anyone that wants to help wait until I get a confirmation that he got the money. The credit will come up D Monaco. I am sure that anything will be appreciated. I did this more to let him know we are all thinking and praying for Dee and Tom's family.

So far no response as far as I can tell. I will keep checking to see if Tom gets the paypal credit.

Update, I'm sorry I have not posted any updates for the past month. It's been a long month. Dee has been in and out of the hospital during July. She has not been getting chemotherapy due to her white blood cell counts being so low. The doctors have told me that they cannot give me any timeframe for whatever the future will bring. She has lost 32 lbs. I am trying to save for a rental. Still staying at the campground. Just trying to make Dee as comfortable as possible. Prayers are appreciated.
Any help we can get is certainly needed and appreciated. Dee has no medical insurance and her prescription costs are very hard to absorb. I am still out of work with the wrist injury. Dr said I will need additional surgery. Also still trying to get into a rental home and trying to save up enough for deposit and first month's rent. PayPal e mail address is : [email protected]
Been a while since I have posted. Its been a long hard road for Dee. She is still very sick and continues to have chemotherapy treatments along with neulasta shots. The doctors have given her six months to a year due to her cancer which has gotten aggressive. I continue to pray for a miracle. Needless to say its not going to he much of a holiday season for us. Thanks for everything guys and gals here. Your support and prayers mean so much. The next few months are going to be very hard.


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Prayin for yall Tom. I hate hospitals. Seems like I grew up in them. Mama was sick for so long, then one family member after another. And here recently, Kitty in and out with her heart. I know it's gotta be rough right at Christmas.
Dee and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Miracles do happen and the doctors predictions are often wrong. Be safe, Tom, during this difficult time.
Stay strong and in Gods favor. You both are in our thoughts and prayers. Tim
Dee and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Miracles do happen and the doctors predictions are often wrong. Be safe, Tom, during this difficult time.

This ^^^^^^^

I have a friend whose wife was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer 7 years ago. They gave her 6 months to live. 7 years later, she's still in remission and goin strong. She's one awesome lady. Don't yall give up.
this ^^^^^^^

i have a friend whose wife was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer 7 years ago. They gave her 6 months to live. 7 years later, she's still in remission and goin strong. She's one awesome lady. Don't yall give up.
It's very sad to hear about this. I wish that I could say or do something to help....
My prayers are continuing in hopes that God has laid His hand on your hearts and offered comfort during this time!! Thanks for the update Tom, wishing for a miracle this Christmas for you both!! Geof
It's very sad to hear about this. I wish that I could say or do something to help....

An honest response and an admirable one. Sometimes there's just no words to express the emotions.

Tom, it's been a while since I've done this, and you followed suit for a few members, but here goes.

Heavenly Father, we know You have a vision for each of our lives. As humans we cannot see that vision and live in uncertainty and fear of what the future may hold. We ask "why" and often times we can't hear the answer because that uncertainty and fear overwhelms us and keeps us from hearing.

That's where we put our trust in You. Your vision is perfect as is Your Love. We know You stand with us in our times of need, in our times or illness and injury, in our times of trial, and in our times health and celebration.

We live in a broken world, Father, where our Faith is tested often and we simply ask "why me?" But we know, in our hearts, You never break Faith and Your Love and Grace is always with us.

Father, we ask that you be with Tom and Dee is they stand before another trial and wrap them in Your Love and Grace. Lend them strength for the future and guide them with Your Vision.

We pray for healing for Dee, Father. We pray for wisdom for the medical staff. We pray for that Your Will be done.

In Jesus' name we pray, Father.

An honest response and an admirable one. Sometimes there's just no words to express the emotions.

Tom, it's been a while since I've done this, and you followed suit for a few members, but here goes.

Heavenly Father, we know You have a vision for each of our lives. As humans we cannot see that vision and live in uncertainty and fear of what the future may hold. We ask "why" and often times we can't hear the answer because that uncertainty and fear overwhelms us and keeps us from hearing.

That's where we put our trust in You. Your vision is perfect as is Your Love. We know You stand with us in our times of need, in our times or illness and injury, in our times of trial, and in our times health and celebration.

We live in a broken world, Father, where our Faith is tested often and we simply ask "why me?" But we know, in our hearts, You never break Faith and Your Love and Grace is always with us.

Father, we ask that you be with Tom and Dee is they stand before another trial and wrap them in Your Love and Grace. Lend them strength for the future and guide them with Your Vision.

We pray for healing for Dee, Father. We pray for wisdom for the medical staff. We pray for that Your Will be done.

In Jesus' name we pray, Father.

Amen Indeed !!
Continued Prayers from Sue and I for you Tom, and Dee, and you families. May GOD hold both of you in his gentle right hand as you move forward through this trial.