Very Frustrated and need to rant to someone!!



MoBro Inc.
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Pinckney, Michigan
Howdy all, cosgig here. I just got off the phone with the company that makes the handicap lifts for transport vans, and I'm about to burst with frustration!!! Heres the deal...

We bought Nellas new transport van way back in February, and we were told by the dealership that although we used our current van as a trade-in, we could keep it to use until the new lift was installed in our new van. Great offer, except....

It has been 3 months now and the insurance companies involved in paying for the new lift have been bickering back and forth about who's gonna pay what and when, so in the meantime we are still driving our old van, with the new van sitting in the driveway!!

So, a couple weeks ago the dealership calls and says we either need to turn in the old van or buy it back, they cant wait anymore!!! So, we buy it back knowing that the insurance company will come through the next day and approve the lift...yep, less than a week later the new lift is OK'ed!! Hurray, we order the new lift!!!.....

Yesterday we get a call from the lift installation facility..... the company that makes the lift is not going to be producing any for the next 8-10 weeks!!! After production, shipping, and installation time....another 3 months!!!

So, I call the company and ask if this is true....yep, and in a very rude and condescending manner was told that they really dont care about the customer or one silly lift, and that they have many products which need built and cant be bothered to help track one lift down through their network of suppliers!!! ARRRRGGGGHHH!!!

I'm so frustrated I could just scream, and it was all I could do to keep my tongue in place, and I think I did slip a little, but I couldn't help it!! They dont give one damn about the customer, or the reason that someone would need one of their products, and cant be bothered to do anything but tell a 14 year old girl TOUGH LUCK!!!

Its going to ruin our entire summer, as we cant trust the old van to go anywhere but around town, Nella can not get through the door safely anymore, and we have the answer to all of our needs sitting right in the driveway...unable to be used!!! We'll be lucky to have the lift installed by September, and in the meantime now must rely on a 14 year old van with over 200k and a 14 year old lift that of course is now going to go out in the next 3 months, costing us????....

Sorry for the rant, but everybody around here is as frustrated as us, and is sick of this soap opera, but none more so than Nella, who hasnt been able to even ride in the van she is currently paying $550 a month for!!!

Thanks for nothing Braun Corp!!! Rant over!! Geof
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds like the makers of the lift don't care about their customers, just their bottom line. This is sad and has never made any sense to me because, without a happy customer, who will buy their product? I feel bad for Nella, because, ultimately, she is the one who will suffer the most because of this whole situation. Hang in there and try to ruffle some more feathers at the lift company, because as the old saying goes..... Squeeky wheel gets the grease!
Good luck!!
News people love these kinds of stories, use it to your advantage . There must be one of those guys local just clammering to grill a company . Good luck .
I feel your pain, as some day I may "be there." I'm already lame enough that I cannot walk far, and have an electric chair for carshows, etc. The U.S. medical / industry for various assistance appliances is a terrible thing. All this "hoverround" bullshit that does nothing except bilk insurance, and prevent "real" development of useful equipment, along with terrible service.
I feel yah I am going to be there in next 5 years but that's bull.kjdn h they don't care some days I don't know how I haven't killed any 1 yet over stupid chit like this some 1 had to ok the build in the beginning ,now you get to waiste your time trying to find paperwork and pressing 2 for English until you get some 1ns answering machine that says there outa town on vacation until you go away. none of my buissnes but was it a lawsuit or a gov program to pick up the cost , either way they DONT CARE as you said . hope you get it str8 before she"s outa luck . wish I could help I learned don't break my stuff because gov doesn't give a **** but in morality ,I hope it comes and bites them in the *** like a hot needle in the eye . pray brother pray , hope it all works out .its just sick when people cant understand something of that magnitude .poor girl I feel sorry for her, almost like you got to wheel her into there office so they understand
The media thing is a great idea. Nobody likes bad publicity.
News people love these kinds of stories, use it to your advantage . There must be one of those guys local just clammering to grill a company . Good luck .

The media thing is a great idea. Nobody likes bad publicity.

Yup and Yup. Contact the local networks in Lansing Geof, I'll bet someone would be interested.

There is a company in Jackson, unless this is the one your dealing with, that does lifts and vans. Maybe check with them to see if they can get Nella something quicker.
The media thing is a great idea. Nobody likes bad publicity.
I agree, and we all know how fast bad news travels, I wish I knew who is partnered up with this joke of a man on the phone Geof talked to....

This is unexceptable and I feel for you and Nella
The insurance comanies will probably have to approve a lift through another supplier costing more time and money.

I think the fabo clan should pay a visite to a ceo or two in a dark Lansing alley.
This sucks for sure! Aren't any other companies making similar products???

There are, but I'll bet the insurance company only deals with one of them.
Also, they get so darn many orders they don't care what thier customers think about their customer service.

I think the fabo clan should pay a visite to a ceo or two in a dark Lansing alley.

Not THAT would be funny.
Everywhere the guy goes someone asks, "Hey buddy, you Bob from the lift company?" :D
Sorry to hear Geof...ignorance is rampant! I agree go to the news media....there is also a little thing called "youtube"...
The problem as I see it is that somebody who needs a lift has no other option but to put up with the bad attitude. Be sweet as honey till you get your lift then hammer down with all the publicity you can muster. It won't do any good but at least it will make you feel better.
Sorry to hear of this Geoff. I know channels 4 (Ruth to the rescue), & 7 (call to action team), in the metro Detroit area, have certain reporters/anchors, that specialize in these types of situations. I'll bet you and Nella a Faygo Red pop, that one of them can help!
Cosgig,not cool on their part. I like the post above. Try first,slowly ramp it up. This time dwell,will make you stand out more. I do parts for a living, labor claims work like this. Document all phone calls,letters. Names times,a recorder on the phone would help.
Put the pressure on them like Captain Canuck said squeaky wheel gets the grease.
Then if nothing is done, use the media.
THIS is important LIFE stuff! not some part for a car and hobby to boot.

I pray for Nella and you that this will work out.

News people love these kinds of stories, use it to your advantage . There must be one of those guys local just clammering to grill a company . Good luck .
this is what i would do call the news,and they have poor cust service because you need them more that they need you and it's just wrong of them to take advantage of many people like you.
I would bet that twenty two thousand FABO members sending that company an E-mail might get their attention.

Can't the insurance company do some leaning on them for you?