Very Rare Pontiac Dart

You know how much it would cost to get the advertising that this car has gotten that car lot? The car is super fugly but it has gotten a lot of attention for him.
Banana Splits, more like Banana S_ITS. LOL
I almost puked when I saw it but after looking at it for a while again I almost puked.

There is no human possibility to sell this to a sane person ever.

I suggest launching it into orbit to scare off potential alien invaders.
I remember when vandals used to slash a person's tires or key the side of your vehicle. But this is going way too far!
Oh the inhumanity of it.

I'm thinking:

A) RPG round dead center

B) Ringling Bros w/ some big clown feet

C) Somebody needs to get back in the closet

D) Reality is for people that can't handle drugs
E) Needs a matching trailer with Liberaces piano

*And the #1 answer is ?
Well it took so made skills to get this car together but it looks like this guy F ed up two cars to make one POS. All it needs is some dumb a-s to buy it and drive it around.
Damn this thing is fugly
I guess we're lucky that Mopar merged with Fiat instead of Pontiac.
I like option A

Oh the inhumanity of it.

I'm thinking:

A) RPG round dead center

B) Ringling Bros w/ some big clown feet

C) Somebody needs to get back in the closet

D) Reality is for people that can't handle drugs
E) Needs a matching trailer with Liberaces piano

*And the #1 answer is ?
I almost puked when I saw it but after looking at it for a while again I almost puked.

There is no human possibility to sell this to a sane person ever.

I suggest launching it into orbit to scare off potential alien invaders.

Why? That thing can clearly be seen from Alpha Centauri. Proof nothing intelligent has ever visited here!
How very bizarre. What ever possedded him to create such a monstrosity. Where is an angry torch carrying mob when you need them?
there was a bad accident. a dart rear ended a firebird pretty hard. the body shop did the best they could....