Voltage regulator smoking?

I’m not sure if my bulkhead connector is bypassed I will take a closer look
The FSM will show you a drawing of the bulkhead connector and have a key for which wire goes in which cavity.

You can also begin at the starter relay. The stud forms a junction for three wires. One from the battery, one to the the bulkhead connector (includes the fusible link) and one to the horn relay. See if there is one to the the bulkhead, and does it have a fusible link. Oriignal fusible link is blue and has a tag hanging from it. Replacements may or may not have the flag.

Here's two fusible links (reproductions).

Each have one end that goes into the bulkhead connector.
The other end of the top link goes over a stud. This was used on models where the starter relay was close to the bulkhead connector.
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That's a big help to us.
Someone "upgraded" to 1970s ignition and alternator.
Ignition is not the issue, at least not directly, so lets focus on the alternator and alternator circuit.

This reg is used with a "grounded field" alternator.
Field is short for electromagnetic field. The electricity for the electromagnet is supplied through the regulator.
There's more of an explanation in the "sticky" thread about Identifying Alternators".

The white arrow points to the points. The upper points allow maximum current flow to the alternator's rotor. So if the arm is stuck in that position, that's the cause or at least part of it. Normally, as voltage goes up, more electricity flows through the copper winding and the electromagenetic pulls the arm down, interupting the circuit.
Powe out of the regulator should be through the green wire as shown. Power in should be from the ignition run (blue) and someone has changed the wire. Red wire's connector looks heat damaged.


This alternator is normally used with an "isolated field" regulator.
There are two brushes that go to the rotor. On an isolated field alternator, both brushes and their terminals are insulated.

When using this type of alternator with the grounded field regulator, one of those terminals, or the wire connecting is grounded. Pretty simple modification.

It looks to me like the green wire from your regulator goes to one brush. If so that's ok. But the brown wire goes where?
With your regulator the brown wire should go to a solid ground. The alternator housing is best. But if goes anywhere other than a ground, then that's not right.

The other way to wire these is use a regulator where both wires connect to it. The sticky explains that. Since we see no other regulator, no reason to get into that now.
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I'm not sure what we are looking at on the engine.

The two resistors are a part of the 1970s era Electronic Control Unit (ECU) for the ignition.

Unfortunately when that was added, the factory wires and colors got changed, and one of those the Ignition Run wire J2 is shared with the to the voltage regulator. So you'll have to figure which wire that is, even if you don't touch the ignition.
Thank you so much for this information tomorrow when it is daylight out I will sort some more things out
We through alot at ya tonight.
I might tackle it by begining with following the circuit from the Battery positive to the key switch. Check all those junctions and the condition of the fusible link.
Check the line from the alternator output to the inside. The welded junction is wrapped in the harness and probbaly fine. I'd leave it wrapped unless you have some reason to have to check it.

Then go investigate how the regulator and alternator got wired up.
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I checked the junctions and they look fine, the fusible link looked good too, I’m still a little unsure how the regulator and alternator are connected. On a better note none of the wires look completely destroyed but it’s still one hell of a spaghetti farm. I’ll do some more investigating soon it’s snowing pretty good here.
It's funny when I look at your pictures it seems that a bunch of wires are simply unwrapped (probably in search for issues in the past). Maybe someone here has pictures of your harness all bundled up and you could just re-wrap some in the groups like the factory. Or maybe there is someone near you that has a eye for these cars and could help you figure it out