Well I think my racing season is over

And this is the biggest reason I pushed myself as hard as my body would let me. Michael Beards are NOT guaranteed payout races. But they are also pay at the gate races. The winner’s purse was cut drastically at the first two races and racers hate that. So to try something different instead of a 10,000-20,000-10,000 three day race he went to three 10,000 races and lowered the entry numbers for full payout. Out of state and local races still didn’t show up so they instead are having a 3000.00 gamblers race today and the rest of the weekend is canceled. Total bummer but I heard 60 racers showed up today. Now I’m not there do this is hear say but it must be bad, real bad. My guess is this series won’t be back and some of that blame falls on my shoulders.


Right knee replacement in November then if all goes well get my left knee replaced 2-3 months later. I sure am hoping I can start my three mile Riverwalks late spring and get back in shape.
Get three or four cats on leashes and go for it (post surgery, obviously.)
Walking and jogging with my shepherd I have lost twenty pounds and can jog five times as far.....
Good luck. I had both done in 2017. Best thing I ever done. Still get a little sore after a hard day but good in the mourning. No constant pain like before. Don’t jump of a tailgate. Ask me how I know.
Still recovering from my back surgery, Doc says 6 months before I can lift more than 20 lbs. I feel for you But, know this we all wish you well and know you'll be winning next year. BEST WISHES
I was planning on the three day 10,000.00 races at Keystone this weekend. Then possibly sit till the Halloween race at Quaker City in early October then getting everything winterized so I was ready for my knee operation in the middle of November. But honestly with that kidney stone or whatever it is bothering me, laziness, and the lack of desire to race right now maybe I can concentrate on a few jobs for some customers. Maybe do a few tests to see if my smoking issues are valve guides. I’ll take the frontend off and leave it in the car trailer to make maintenance easier. Kind of a sucky 2024 race season. At least I didn’t pre-enter the Halloween Classic at Norwalk.
Ughhh...I love to hear and see of that Duster hangin' the hoops! But I can appreciate you wanting to prepare for your knee surgery. As others have noted, it will hopefully be life-changing for you.
I have not heard one person say they were sorry they had the knee done. I think the only way the new knee can be worse than the old one is if the person does NONE of the recommended rehab, and if that's the case, they asked for it.
Knee replacement must be among the most successful surgeries around.
I was planning on the three day 10,000.00 races at Keystone this weekend. Then possibly sit till the Halloween race at Quaker City in early October then getting everything winterized so I was ready for my knee operation in the middle of November. But honestly with that kidney stone or whatever it is bothering me, laziness, and the lack of desire to race right now maybe I can concentrate on a few jobs for some customers. Maybe do a few tests to see if my smoking issues are valve guides. I’ll take the frontend off and leave it in the car trailer to make maintenance easier. Kind of a sucky 2024 race season. At least I didn’t pre-enter the Halloween Classic at Norwalk.
Well, hope you're feeling better soon. Just keep moving, whatever you do. When the situation was different and my stuff wasn't 'running' or 'ready' I always enjoyed, friends programs that I helped vicariously. It takes a village.
Well, hope you're feeling better soon. Just keep moving, whatever you do. When the situation was different and my stuff wasn't 'running' or 'ready' I always enjoyed, friends programs that I helped vicariously. It takes a village.

Appreciate the kind words. Back or kidney stone flared up Saturday night and I had to take a hot shower just to make it to church Sunday. Running the sweeper Sunday afternoon was even impossible. I was going to call the doctor Monday but took the day trying to figure out what the heck is going on. 4 weeks ago I saw lots of blood in my urine then after a week to ten days it tamed down. Now severe pain but I’m not seeing blood. So after checking me out today he’s leaning towards kidney stone or shingles. Two meds for a week and if no improvement call next week to schedule cat scan. This sucks.
Appreciate the kind words. Back or kidney stone flared up Saturday night and I had to take a hot shower just to make it to church Sunday. Running the sweeper Sunday afternoon was even impossible. I was going to call the doctor Monday but took the day trying to figure out what the heck is going on. 4 weeks ago I saw lots of blood in my urine then after a week to ten days it tamed down. Now severe pain but I’m not seeing blood. So after checking me out today he’s leaning towards kidney stone or shingles. Two meds for a week and if no improvement call next week to schedule cat scan. This sucks.

If it came down to a kidney stone or shingles I’m taking the kidney stone.

I’ve never had shingles but I had a couple of friends get it and it was nasty stuff.

Let’s hope it’s not shingles.
If it came down to a kidney stone or shingles I’m taking the kidney stone.

I’ve never had shingles but I had a couple of friends get it and it was nasty stuff.

Let’s hope it’s not shingles.

He threw in back spasms possibly too. Like I said I took the extra day so I could explain as much as I could and what aggravated it. When I went to bed last night I couldn’t climb in bed to lay on my left side. Here my shirt got tucked in my underwear and was putting pressure on my right side. I keep looking around to see if my exwife is standing there sticking a pin in a voudo doll. Lol.
He threw in back spasms possibly too. Like I said I took the extra day so I could explain as much as I could and what aggravated it. When I went to bed last night I couldn’t climb in bed to lay on my left side. Here my shirt got tucked in my underwear and was putting pressure on my right side. I keep looking around to see if my exwife is standing there sticking a pin in a voudo doll. Lo

Oh I’m sure she has a little John doll she slaps around and pokes the hell out of.

I’m sure of this because my wife has one of me and uses it in front of me.

And we are still married. Do that math lol.
Oh I’m sure she has a little John doll she slaps around and pokes the hell out of.

I’m sure of this because my wife has one of me and uses it in front of me.

And we are still married. Do that math lol.

What really has to sting is I retired 14 years ago and she’s still working. Lol
You got a lot going on. Getting old sucks, but better than the alternative. Good luck.