What to do with Old Mopar Magazines.....???

... I started going through them and saved all the articles (mostly features) and put them in three ring binders. Now intead of a huge box I have about 15 binders with all kinds of cool articles.

x2... I save any article that could pertain to my ride.

I had a buddy who saved old magazines, papers, newspapers, etc who had a house fire. The firemen told him the old dry pages accelerated the fire that eventually burnt down his home. Caught my attention.
I am also guilty of saving ALL my magazines. I have copy paper boxes from work that I store them in. I have every single copy of Mopar Action - dating back to issue #1. Tons of MCG, HP Mopar, Mopar Muscle, Chysler Power. Remember "Performance for the Chrysler Car Enthusiast"? Got tons of those too.
Currently, I only subscribe to Mopar Action and MCG.

I keep thinking maybe I should sell them or donate, but I worry that I may regret it, so I keep them all - I know, I have a sickness.
I have several old Mopar mags, some going back to the late 1980's all the way to present, Mopar Muscle, Mopar Action, High Performance Mopar, Mopar Collectors Guide, sevaral are complete years, 100's, probably 1000's of them!! What should I do with them? I have boxes of them, taking up several shelves of storage. Should I sell them? Do people collect them? Toss them away? Any input would help, Thanks!! :read::read2::study::read2::study::read:

welll my g/f cuts out all the pages she likes and have good info (horse mags) and then sticks then in a binder with those slip in pages...

so then every good tech artical or build in in one book...

just a thought...

I will take the september 2011 issue!

your car was the only good thing in that mag...

I was pissed they didn't have anything else on MATS....
I am a hoarder myself . 8 file cabinets full , and all in order and separated . I also inventory every article and feature car for reference when I build models for ideas and detailing purposes . Got them going back to 1974 !
.... I also inventory every article and feature car for reference when I build models for ideas and detailing purposes.

I've always wanted to create a database on the computer for future reference. Something that would cover feature cars from the magazines and tech articles. Lots of times members have a question and I know I've read the answer in some magazine but I can never find the article. I have no idea how to do it. And now I'm not sure if could even find the time to do it. 30+ years of magazines to go through.

I have been thinking of doing a drive here in the Tidewater area and organizing a ride up to Walter Reed. I figure there are plenty of injured Vets without good reading material while they are being in rehab. Please post or email back if you think this is a good idea
I'm like you I guess I remember buying my first magazine in '87 and I've got probably three Large storage bins full of Mopar Magazines. Starting from that day forward. I'm definitely a Mopar hoarder.

Got every issue of Mopar Action, Mopar Muscle and Hi Performance Mopar (until they went under) from Day 1. Even got quite a few Aussie Mopar magazines. No doubt that when I croak, my wife will toss everything.
I've always wanted to create a database on the computer for future reference. Something that would cover feature cars from the magazines and tech articles. Lots of times members have a question and I know I've read the answer in some magazine but I can never find the article. I have no idea how to do it. And now I'm not sure if could even find the time to do it. 30+ years of magazines to go through.

It isn't really all that hard . A lot of time going through old mags , but I did that when I was down from having my shoulder injured . Every one of my magazines are inventoried on legal pads , and my nephew is building a program for my computer as we speak !