what to say to nit pickers at car shows



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2008
Reaction score
west springfield, ma
We all know no car is perfect or everyline doesnt meet up right, but some people love busting your chops and im sure some of you guys must have this happen about something stupid.
So the story...
Me and my dad went to a car show yesterday in his 34 ford (dont worry its got a hemi haha) And we were just about to leave and some guys comes up to my dad and ask "why is the top of the grill a little crooked to the right of the scoop" as he was looking at it from the front.(my dad fiberglassed the grill himself to make it deeper and obviously nothings perfect but you cant really tell unless your looking hard for it) so my dad looks at the guy and walks over to the front of the car bends down and really looks at it hard for about 10 seconds and says "ya it is a little off to the right" the guys says "well why is that?" my dad gets up looks him right in the face and says "thats for assholes like you that like to pick **** out" and walks away. the guy was speachless, i almost lost it laughing at the guy but i had to hold it in. ill never forget that line and will probably have to use it for people with my car :laughing:
heres the car btw

Dad's are great like that. Enjoy your time while you have it.
when some one says something like that to me ---I usually tell them to bring theirs over and we can compare them !
That's an awesome looking ride.

For someone to make a smart *** comment like that especially at such a bas *** looking ride, he deserved everything Pop's threw at him.

Man, I will go out of my way to compliment someone's car at a show even if something is not to my liking, especially if someone is next to me making stupid criticisms.
It just pays to be polite ya know.
WELL....Your Dad gave the right answer.More than likely that asshole doesn't even own a car good enough to take to shows or crusies.
That's an awesome looking ride.

For someone to make a smart *** comment like that especially at such a bas *** looking ride, he deserved everything Pop's threw at him.

Man, I will go out of my way to compliment someone's car at a show even if something is not to my liking, especially if someone is next to me making stupid criticisms.
It just pays to be polite ya know.

I agree 100%


Wow! What a beautiful car your dad has and what a great comeback, lol! Your dad seems like a very talented guy. Like MVRCORP said, enjoy it while you can.
i woulda told him to ask ford...thats the way he bought it new..:thebirdm:
When I build my car I am going to make a sign that says... "No, my car isn't perfect. No, that's not factory. And no, I don't give a crap."
A sign that says: "Imperfect ride, please do not touch!!!" should get even the dimmest ones to lay off.

Of course, that assumes they can read.

I have a cup of gasoline and a match for those jerks.

OH crap, almost forgot to say;

Dude! That is an excellent looking car!
That's a really beautiful car. I've not experienced anyone other than my neighbor pointing out flaws. I've learned to ignore him as he has 3 classics in his yard rotting.

I build this stuff for my own enjoyment and just to see if if can do it. I really don't give a rip what anyone else thinks of my ride.
People like that do exist. I get that a bit on my car at shows. I just call it a factory flaw.....

Since I never had much of a dad growing up, let alone one that was into cars, DEFINITELY enjoy your time with him. It's worth its weight in gold.
"Go F**K yourself a$$hole"

"Is the title in your name? Well then shut the F up!"

"You should buy it from me then you can do whatever you want to it."
Beautiful car and great comeback from your dad.
Have a great Father's Day weekend with him. I lost my dad when I was 7 years old, so enjoy every minute you share!
I love great comebacks like that. Back when I was coaching girls fastpitch softball, I worked with a another coach that had a classic line when arguing with an umpire over a blown call - guaranteed to get him tossed from the game. When the argument was obviously going nowhere (as all arguments with umpires do since they never make mistakes), he'd lower his voice and calmly say to the ump, "You're a better man than I am. 'Cause you can kiss my *** and I can't."
Seems like that could've applied in this situation as well.
those are the guys that either had one like it, or are building one right now. (yea right)
i like the reply, that is classic ( i will probably steal it and use it myself if you dont mind)
i find myself being critical at times too, but i understand my car is not and will never be perfect either . so i just keep my mouth shut...
Friend of mine has a Cougar, 1967, 390 GT 4 speed. This is one of those honest "I came home from Nam with all my combat pay" stories.... He is the original owner has never used it as a normal driver....

The car is Red on Red, almost no miles, unmodified, un-restored, about the only thing not original to the car are the tires.

So here we have an original owner, super nice, low mile, un-restored car....

People at the ford shows still nit pick his car.... they tell him "this little piece of trim has a small scratch in it", "Oh... You have 3 lose stitches in the drivers seat", "Those cars didn't come like that".... All kinds of BS that = nothing....

He just pulls the original dealer paper work out of his glove box, shows them his name on it and tells them to "Go F@%& themselves".