Who Drives their muscle mopars as Daily drivers?



The Green Manalishi
May 2, 2008
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and what company do you insure them with? ive start a couple of threads already on insurance, but im interested to see what companies and policies you guys who drive your abodies everyday have (i.e. drive to work, the mall, football field, etc.)....Do you guys have a policy that covers your car like a regular car? i.e. if something happens to it you dont get full value, but a depreciated value like regular car....Or do you guys have the 19A policy which gurantees if theft occurs you get the fully appraised value for your car? I want to hear what you guys do as i need to figure out how im insuring my scamp....Lets hear it:cheers:
I wanted to drive my 70 Dart on a regular basis with no restrictions. I was able to add it to my regular policy. Only restriction is 9k on mileage a year.
Policy was written with an agreed upon cash value. Insurance carrier was Erie Insurance Group, Erie. PA. My premiums for that car is 370 a year.
All my cars are with this Insurance carrier so discounts apply.
I found the Classic Car Insurance companies were way too restrictive if you wanted to drive and enjoy your car.

I wanted to drive my 70 Dart on a regular basis with no restrictions. I was able to add it to my regular policy. Only restriction is 9k on mileage a year.
Policy was written with an agreed upon cash value. Insurance carrier was Erie Insurance Group, Erie. PA. My premiums for that car is 370 a year.
All my cars are with this Insurance carrier so discounts apply.
I found the Classic Car Insurance companies were way too restrictive if you wanted to drive and enjoy your car.


thats what i need to find...a company who will agree on a value of my car for me (known as the 19a policy) and insure me as a daily driver...i agree that classic car poilicies are way too restrictive, thats why i need to hear what some of you guys are using
Why do you even own a mopar when you know nothing, or is pretend to know nothing.
see you ask the lamest unresearched questions I've ever heard and then practically answer them your self while typing one of your un spoken thoughts.

Your a waste of time to help, cause you don't care enough to do your own research which is how I know your a youngster.

BTW lil guy You would be tasting steel cap so fast you'd think it was attached to a hemi.

Hey guys like i said ive looked into quite a few different policies, called a few different brokers, and no one will lean my way...like i said whoever is driving their mopars daily please share what company and policy you have so i can try calling those companies...theres only so many companies i can think of off the top of my head, so any suggestions are great...there was no previous info on this stuff anywhere i looked
My company gives me a great summer rate, and allows me to drive anywhere, except work. I like to get out at least once or twice a week. It's great therapy after a crap day at work.
My company gives me a great summer rate, and allows me to drive anywhere, except work. I like to get out at least once or twice a week. It's great therapy after a crap day at work.

i feel ya man...nothing beats going for a nice drive after a bad day...so do you have classic insurance policy which doesnt allow you to leave it anywhere?
man you can say all you want just please dont hijack this thread really...its important for me....ill be driving my mopar as soon its done, which will be soon since ma pops is mopar man/teacher/mechanic and he helps me with whatever i dont learn myself....when you say through your own company do you mean as in you own a business and you insure through them, or just your regular car insurance company? sorry if i sound dumb on that one
Sorry mshred, that did sound wrong. I meant that I insure the Dart through my regular insurance company, The Co-operators. I have four other cars on with them, plus my house, so they gave me a pretty good deal. I take the liabilty off of it in Nov. I put that back on in April. It saves me some money, but I do leave the fire, and theft on all year.
thanks for the clarification Mt. Nemo...So im assuming because you cant drive it to work its the policy where you cant really leave her anywhere?

Also, anyone else who drives their mopar everyday, please chime in....the more options i hear about the better.

thanks guys
I have no restrictions on where I leave it, but basically, I can't drive to work, or during rush hour. (I think the rush hour traffic is the reason for the restriction)
wow, sounds like a pretty good policy...im assuming you have an agreed upon value for the car as well...my neighbor is a cooperators agent (shes kinda beetchy lol) but ill try and get on her good side she if she can hook me up
Just for me to get back on track of this thread.
I have Grundy Ins. on the Duster. I wouldn't want
to drive it everyday of the week. The coverage from
Grundy is great. Agreed value and not bad mileage limits.
I get more enjoyment driving it after a bad day at work.
I have to put it away this time of year because of the weather.
I have an old beater to drive in the winter to get me to and
from work. In the good weather a Dakota pick up.
To me it isn't worth the chance to get in a wreck with the
I agree with you about driving every day of the week- i wouldnt want to either...BUT i want the ability to be able to if i have to...my car isnt gonna be a showcar its gonna be a driver, so i want to be able to drive it to the shopping mall if i really have to...its things like that i want to be able to do...but in order to do that with peice of mind i need to find company that will agree on a value for my car with me so if something happens i get full compensation for it...so far where ive looked none of em will do it for me
I had mine with my regular auto insurance, which meant I could drive it everyday..anywhere. Untill they raised the rates. Then when with the Silver Wheels Plan. I was with them for many years, until a friend of mine got burnt, they would not payout, because even though the car was locked the garage was not. Lucky for him the parents of the kids who did in his car paid for the damages.
After I heard that I switched to Wetter Oakland,have heard quite a few good things.
I still drive my car to work when I can, where I park it is close and I can check on it, otherwise I might think twice.
I had mine with my regular auto insurance, which meant I could drive it everyday..anywhere. Untill they raised the rates. Then when with the Silver Wheels Plan. I was with them for many years, until a friend of mine got burnt, they would not payout, because even though the car was locked the garage was not. Lucky for him the parents of the kids who did in his car paid for the damages.
After I heard that I switched to Wetter Oakland,have heard quite a few good things.
I still drive my car to work when I can, where I park it is close and I can check on it, otherwise I might think twice.

I think ill give this Wetter Oakland company a call...Do they give you an agreed upon value for your car as a daily driver or is it a classic plan where you cant leave it out of sight, blah blah blah? And if you dont mind me asking, what regular insurance company were you with before, and did they give you agreed upon value even though they raised your premiums?
I was told by one of the car club members that he was with Wetter Oakland for years and after a set amount of time when his car needs to be appraised again they send someone to his house and do it for nothing. I switched because it is a family biz and it was a bit cheaper.
If you have old autos newspaper the ad shows that it handles all insurance types as well as classic cars.
The guy who appraised my Fury did a horrible job and just used an ad on the net to give it a value. When I sent the package to them the guy called me back and said this appraisal can't be right..and added $2500 to the value LOL.
The neat thing was I knew the value should have been higher and so did the insurance guy.
As for what regular insurance company was I with, that was many moons ago my friend and I am one of those guy's who can't remember what I had for dinner last night. LOL
they sound like they are worth a call...So you can use your classic as a daily driver and leave it at work and such while still getting full value for damages? thats awesome
Ahh hold on a second LOL. I don't think they let you take it to work. I do because I can see the car any time of day. Like I said if I couldn't I wouldn't take it.
Ask about that before hand.
Where I am, like most places I guess we have cruise night every night of the week so if I had to I could say I was taking it to a cruise after work LOL'
so i guess it is the classic policy then...cant leave it alone...sorry i got excited there lol thought i found the policy ive been lookin for
I drive mine everywhere!I'm not sure why the speedometer doesnt work?It might be that dohickie I unhooked but can't be sure,well the shop is full of other cars that I'm working on.....it might get damaged in there.no oh no no no I would never dream of racing it!!!!Job?what job?have you seen the unemployment rate? Make sure you get "agreed value" insurance and enjoy your car.

I insured the Duster through State Farm with agreed upon valve at $26,000...I pay them $200.00 a year! But I also insure my home, my 2005 Road King & 4 other vehicles, maybe that's why its so cheap. I have 1972 Virginia original plates so I'm limited to around 10,000 miles per year, which won't be a problem.......D
I guess I could classify this one as my daily driver.............I don't take it out every day, but it is a second car and used regularly.

I have it insured with Heacock for agreed valuation and no actual mileage limitation, but as I said, it's a low mileage driver.......I'd guess under 2000 miles annual as an average.......$240. annual at $20K payout.

I'm so used to driving a classic Mopar now that when I'm "between" builds I go a little goofy...........Anyway, I drive what I like........and I like A's. (and B's, and oh yeah, E's................is that alright?.....or is discipline in order?) 8)



I'd be interested to hear what State farm actually offers.....such as, do they require a locking garage, and have a mileage restriction.....and for what kind of annual premiums?

I've been looking for a company to insure a low mileage classic WITHOUT needing a locking garage, and for a reasonable rate. Difficult to find.