Why so many gloom and doomers on this site

My therapist? That over educated, over opinionated, no healing, couch quack says. I should maybe be "less negative?"

If your therapist is wasting your time with his or her opinions (and you didn’t ask for them), find a new one.

Most therapists that own old Mopars, drive 318s!! Either theirs fees are too small o:poke::realcrazy::rofl:r their dreams are too NEGATIVE!!

First, what the hell is wrong with a 318? Secondly, some of us have significantly more potent machinery in our garages. Update your stereotypes. :D

Every time I watch the news I get in a mood. So I quit watching it. Life will go on and we will deal with it.

That’s one solution but it’s not a universally applicable one. We can’t all just stick our heads in the sand. For the time being, we don’t have a dictator making all the decisions for us.

I guess the key is to stay informed through channels that don’t have a financial interest in making you scared or angry.
So far I haven't found more than a very small few that don't want to make you scared or angry about something.

They just differ in what that is.
Tell me about it. I had an LD340 intake for sale recently ($300-350, don't remember) and it sat, and sat, and sat. Nobody here wanted to buy it.
Now, I am seeing want ads for an LD340 and he doesn't want to pay for the ones on ebay right now. Too expensive.
You can't even buy a new Edelbrock intake and inflation is through the roof.
I think it's idiotic for a buyer to demand a price. These fools don't understand the seller sets the price and they need to get on board or miss out. I eventually sold the intake elsewhere. I would have really liked it to go to a FABO'er but they are sooo cheap.
News flash: I don't give a **** that you used to be able to pick up an LD340 for $100 back in '84.

Bottomline cool **** costs money always has always will !!
Ok, I'll say it: "I'm loving life and having more fun than a human should be allowed" :)

No, I don't like the way a lot of things are going...... \/ \/ \/, yeah, that direction. But I'm still having the time of my life!


Enjoy every day like its your last because we will be feeding the Maggots or in a oven FAR to soon !!!!
I guess I’ll be the odd ball out… your happy about the way things are? Guess I prefer the way things used to be. But that saying definitely defines my age.
I'm sure most of feel the same as you do but nothing we can do about it for a few years meanwhile we enjoy our Hobbies and keep moving forward.
You know what makes you feel good about the impending doom of the future? A Garden, guns and ammo, land, and family.

The car thing is a hobby. Surviving is Life. Life is about survival. I am prepared for most anything so there is a small part of me that hopes EVERYTHING goes to ****.

If the balloon popped today, we have a garden that can feed our family, a 6000 gallon tank with well, a plenty of guns and ammo to use or barter, tools, land (live on a Natl. Forest adjacent to the Wilderness), neighbors (2 miles away) have plenty of horses, ....

When I move to Texas, we'll be even more resilient. Bigger garden, cow, goats, chickens, pig, own horses.

WITHOUT GETTING POLITICAL, a year out from the next presidential election will see an upswing. By then the economy will naturally be getting better due to supply chain easing, time, interest rate hikes and inflation taking the wind out of consumer sales. I think a bad thing that is happening now is that we have incredible inflation but consumers keep buying. I am going to slow down on the car hobby soon. What that means is no new projects not a sell-off.

Preparation in ALL forms is always an absolute necessity
I like your info.
Retiring @ 52 in Oct and cant wait to VACATE metro Atlanta and move to my NC residence where I to have all you mentioned in place just in case.
Man some of you Mopar guys are a bunch of Nancy’s. Ohhh we aren’t going to have gas, ohhhhh my we don’t have parts, ohhhhhh my this business won’t get back to me, ohhhhhh it costs to much, ohhhhhh we aren’t going to have cars in five years, ohhhhhhhhh I can’t find used parts and when I did I waited five days and someone else bought it out from under me. Damn guys give me a break. Do your research, call a business more than once, use Google and Facebook to find parts, call your Congress man and tell them how you feel about gas prices. Be-itching to us does nothing, but makes you look like a Nancy.
I agree whid you 1000% can somebody explain to me how vining and complaining about every thing is making anything better i just dont understand why,whid all bad things thats going on in the world this days like Puttin"aka el putto" invading the Ukrain for no real reason we all need some positiv thinking and kind words,iv lived in other contrys and fought in a war and im extreamly grateful to live in a demoktatic country whid out war just my opinion
So far I haven't found more than a very small few that don't want to make you scared or angry about something.

They just differ in what that is.

I agree and disagree with this point. The most popular news sources are definitely driven by the fear/anger model...look at the scared shitless preppers in this thread! But this doesn't mean that we should just throw our hands up in the air and let someone else tell us who to vote for or how we should live our lives. It is possible to find news sources out there that are attempting to convey facts without telling you how to feel about it.
The older I get, the less I understand/ that I thought I did. (I'm 54) and the more things that effect my day to day, the more people try and force me into their way of doing, pisses me off more each day, than the day before. Like how fast gas prices have doubled. It started, THE VERY DAY the current "president" took over. The cost of groceries, gas, and even a pack of AAA batteries has blown up. It has compounded terribly, especially within the past 2 weeks, the speed at which the increases have been happening. I have a 70 mile a day commute, and there is no way around it. Get a job closer to home for even LESS? Start over at the bottom again? I can't.

Like the kid that gets in trouble, and thinks his big brother will go fight for him, and then Big Brother tells Little Brother "Fight your own battles". I can't understand why what is going on overseas has to bother us, in the least. Let em blow each other up. No skin off of our nose.
Their problems are not ours. but its an excuse to make our daily lives that much more difficult.

It pisses me off further, that I Can't do a damn thing about it.
\Its costing me double what it did, just to go to work and back. Most of that increase, just since the start of 2022. My pay didn't double, for sure. Without getting too deep in "political" I just wish we could fire that idiot somehow, like my employer could fire me, at the drop of the hat.
the last few times we voted, we have had 2 choices. bad and worse.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s. I wasn't old enough to worry about interest rates and mortgage rates, etc. but people were definitely happier and "freer" back then. My parents bought the house I grew up in, in the late 50s and my Mom still lives in that same house.
Not playing "Debbie Downer" just stating fact, that I see/ every time I leave the house and past a gas station. Very unlike me, I have been going to work and coming home and NO MORE, here lately. I can't. Work to home. Back to work. Repeat.
The older I get, the less I understand/ that I thought I did. (I'm 54) and the more things that effect my day to day, the more people try and force me into their way of doing, pisses me off more each day, than the day before. Like how fast gas prices have doubled. It started, THE VERY DAY the current "president" took over. The cost of groceries, gas, and even a pack of AAA batteries has blown up. It has compounded terribly, especially within the past 2 weeks, the speed at which the increases have been happening. I have a 70 mile a day commute, and there is no way around it. Get a job closer to home for even LESS? Start over at the bottom again? I can't.

Like the kid that gets in trouble, and thinks his big brother will go fight for him, and then Big Brother tells Little Brother "Fight your own battles". I can't understand why what is going on overseas has to bother us, in the least. Let em blow each other up. No skin off of our nose.
Their problems are not ours. but its an excuse to make our daily lives that much more difficult.

It pisses me off further, that I Can't do a damn thing about it.
\Its costing me double what it did, just to go to work and back. Most of that increase, just since the start of 2022. My pay didn't double, for sure. Without getting too deep in "political" I just wish we could fire that idiot somehow, like my employer could fire me, at the drop of the hat.
the last few times we voted, we have had 2 choices. bad and worse.
I grew up in the 70s and 80s. I wasn't old enough to worry about interest rates and mortgage rates, etc. but people were definitely happier and "freer" back then. My parents bought the house I grew up in, in the late 50s and my Mom still lives in that same house.
Not playing "Debbie Downer" just stating fact, that I see/ every time I leave the house and past a gas station. Very unlike me, I have been going to work and coming home and NO MORE, here lately. I can't. Work to home. Back to work. Repeat.
I hear you and this is the price we as ordenary people have to pay becuse of one or two fasists ,the things thats happening here in europe is wery serios and afects the hole world im kind of a history buff and its surprising that some leaders dont learn from history it onley repets it self
I told my friend that my glass is half full, not half empty. He said good for you, his was half full of good wine, I was drinking muddy water!:poke:
Its always going to cost bitching about it wont change that...remember the price of gas right now is supposed to hurt, when ya show them it don't they are baffled...:)