You know what makes you feel good about the impending doom of the future? A Garden, guns and ammo, land, and family.
The car thing is a hobby. Surviving is Life. Life is about survival. I am prepared for most anything so there is a small part of me that hopes EVERYTHING goes to ****.
If the balloon popped today, we have a garden that can feed our family, a 6000 gallon tank with well, a plenty of guns and ammo to use or barter, tools, land (live on a Natl. Forest adjacent to the Wilderness), neighbors (2 miles away) have plenty of horses, ....
When I move to Texas, we'll be even more resilient. Bigger garden, cow, goats, chickens, pig, own horses.
I think the next two years is going to suck but mark my words, last year of Biduhns term is going to be an upswing. He's going to try to get re-elected so it's going to be better. We just have to get there. I am going to slow down on the car hobby soon. What that means is no new projects not a sell-off. With Ukraine going live, gas and food is about to get outrageous.