Wife / Girlfriend rage



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 21, 2015
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So, your significant other gets pissed at you one morning as you're leaving for work... You come home later that day and find a small dent in your mint, unpainted, NOS front valance on your unfinished project car...let's say a 72 Hemi Orange 318 4spd Demon, hypothetically speaking, as well as soda spray on the new BFG's and refinished Ralleys...And inside the the stripped out interior...not a whole lot, but enough to see. Again, it's a work in progress, well patina'd car....not a show car... What do you do..??
I was married to a woman with extremely psychotic jealous fits of Rage, among other issues. When she would go off on one of her psycho episodes none of your personal property nor your life even mattered. At this point, in my life, I'd ask her to pay for the stuff she damaged and then probably get rid of her..( in your case)
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You say significant other, but it's unclear if the car is marital property. Even if it is, she doesn't have the right to deface marital property and overstepping a boundary.

She got's to go. Behavior like this usually tends to get worse.
You kind of have to figure out how long you've been with her and how well you know her.... if y'all haven't been together that long and this kind of **** is starting, she's not even getting warmed up yet.. have you been married to her for 15 years and this happened you must have really screwed up and pissed her off pretty good....
I was married to a woman with extremely psychotic jealous fits of Rage, among other issues. When she would go off on one of her psycho episodes none of your personal property nor your life even mattered. At this point, in my life, I'd ask her to pay for the stuff she damaged and then probably get rid of her..
Been through that with one that would punch herself in the face, throw herself down a flight of stairs, then call the cops...... She would physically fist fight her son as well.

Life's too short to deal with that kind of dumbshyt.
You kind of have to figure out how long you've been with her and how well you know her.... if y'all haven't been together that long and this kind of **** is starting, she's not even getting warmed up yet.. have you been married to her for 15 years and this happened you must have really screwed up and pissed her off pretty good....
I got her sister pregnant...
Just kidding.. we're not married, but have lived together for 12 years.. This isn't the first time, and I don't necessarily think she targeted the car, but she has mentioned that I care more for the car than her...which is completely nuts.. If I did, the car would have been finished a long time ago...
So, your significant other gets pissed at you one morning as you're leaving for work... You come home later that day and find a small dent in your mint, unpainted, NOS front valance on your unfinished project car...let's say a 72 Hemi Orange 318 4spd Demon, hypothetically speaking, as well as soda spray on the new BFG's and refinished Ralleys...And inside the the stripped out interior...not a whole lot, but enough to see. Again, it's a work in progress, well patina'd car....not a show car... What do you do..??
Get a restraining order and kick her out.
I got her sister pregnant...
Just kidding.. we're not married, but have lived together for 12 years.. This isn't the first time, and I don't necessarily think she targeted the car, but she has mentioned that I care more for the car than her...which is completely nuts.. If I did, the car would have been finished a long time ago...
Get rid of asap! She's toxic and going to pull you down a road you don't want to go down!
I got her sister pregnant...
Just kidding.. we're not married, but have lived together for 12 years.. This isn't the first time, and I don't necessarily think she targeted the car, but she has mentioned that I care more for the car than her...which is completely nuts.. If I did, the car would have been finished a long time ago...

If she's insecure enough about your relationship to feel the need to compete with a CAR, you need to find someone else. A real wife/S.O. should want to support your hobbies and interests, not see them as a source of jealousy. IMO that's just bullshit intolerable behavior.
You're not giving it to her good enough. lol
did I answer your question?
The only thing significant thing after that is she will become insignificant in my life.... never had a SO like that... I would take my chances with a jar of Vaseline and go buy a dog for a companion!!!!

So, your significant other gets pissed at you one morning as you're leaving for work... You come home later that day and find a small dent in your mint, unpainted, NOS front valance on your unfinished project car...let's say a 72 Hemi Orange 318 4spd Demon, hypothetically speaking, as well as soda spray on the new BFG's and refinished Ralleys...And inside the the stripped out interior...not a whole lot, but enough to see. Again, it's a work in progress, well patina'd car....not a show car... What do you do..??
Confront her, tell her she is a lier because they all do that, get rid of her for a lack of respect and causing a loss of money and time.
The only thing significant thing after that is she will become insignificant in my life.... never had a SO like that... I would take my chances with a jar of Vaseline and go buy a dog for a companion!!!!

Move the car to a secure location and then confront her, remember Hell have no fury like a women scorn! You're in for a ride!
I'd take her out to a nice dinner, and explain to her, that if she did it again, she wasn't getting it.
I would know the answer when we got home. lol
Make her justify her actions. If she can, then you need to fix the issue. If she can't, then she needs a time out. Take your valance to a body shop and have her pay the expense, or take it out of your vacation fund, dine out fund, or something that she truly enjoys. She'll learn
What do you tell a woman with two black eyes? Nothing she ain't been told twice before. Kick the ***** in the twat....
Make her justify her actions. If she can, then you need to fix the issue. If she can't, then she needs a time out. Take your valance to a body shop and have her pay the expense, or take it out of your vacation fund, dine out fund, or something that she truly enjoys. She'll learn
I feel sorry for your dog. lol
Sorry, can't help.. don't understand such situation.... "you hold the door hun and I'll get the hinge bolts" !
superbirdbentdoor 095.jpg
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Have you guys not seen the John Wick flicks lol... screw with a man's car or dog and it's not gonna end well!
