Wife / Girlfriend rage

and how many girlfriends and wives you been through, you must be a lonely old man. lol
I've been married twice. My first wife was ok until our 1st and only kid came and then she turned into Godzilla! Back then hardly anyone knew what postpartum depression was. My second wife and I were married for 31 years when she decided to move on and I'm glad she did. Took me awhile to get back into the hang of being single again but I had some practice before I got married the 1st time so it didn't take too long. Moved out when I was 18 and got married at 28 so I knew how things were going to be....only different since I was 66 now after #2 left. I left the 1st one but maybe things would have been better putting up with her crap? She still is somewhat batsheet crazy though so probably not a good idea. Lots of lonely old women out there too but all I know is I'm not having to put up with their crap and most of them have plenty of that!

I wouldn't put up with that kind of behavior from a guy.....

Sounds like she's a girl with some spoiled tendencies.

Bye bye..... this is why single life is the best. Absolute freedom.
You got that right!!! I would have been MUCH better off never getting married the first time.....but my first wife's dad did help me land a good job. He was the only person I knew that worked there and years later I found out that he put in a good word for me. My biggest mistake was getting remarried after we broke up. Funny thing is we still talk to each other whereas my most recent X.....NOPE! :D We've said very little to each other in the last 5 years and I'm good with that.
Hope you ain't trying to bicker with Me for posting pictures of my ol lady.
No has nothing to do with you
I fixed it
The difference between your wife, your girlfriend and hooker

The girlfriend says .. Your done already?

The hooker says, you're not done yet ? ? ?

and your wife says ....

Beige, I think I'll paint the ceiling beige
I've been married twice. My first wife was ok until our 1st and only kid came and then she turned into Godzilla! Back then hardly anyone knew what postpartum depression was. My second wife and I were married for 31 years when she decided to move on and I'm glad she did. Took me awhile to get back into the hang of being single again but I had some practice before I got married the 1st time so it didn't take too long. Moved out when I was 18 and got married at 28 so I knew how things were going to be....only different since I was 66 now after #2 left. I left the 1st one but maybe things would have been better putting up with her crap? She still is somewhat batsheet crazy though so probably not a good idea. Lots of lonely old women out there too but all I know is I'm not having to put up with their crap and most of them have plenty of that!

You got that right!!! I would have been MUCH better off never getting married the first time.....but my first wife's dad did help me land a good job. He was the only person I knew that worked there and years later I found out that he put in a good word for me. My biggest mistake was getting remarried after we broke up. Funny thing is we still talk to each other whereas my most recent X.....NOPE! :D We've said very little to each other in the last 5 years and I'm good with that.
Made you a stronger man.
My ex the mother of my son, was a control freak, who knows how my life would have turned out if I had stayed with her. My son is an adult and I have told him "we would have never been able to stay together, there was no meeting in the middle with her she's too controlling" he has since figured it out and agrees. I do always ask about her when I see my son though. Just a general "how is your mother doing...?"
My ex the mother of my son, was a control freak, who knows how my life would have turned out if I had stayed with her. My son is an adult and I have told him "we would have never been able to stay together, there was no meeting in the middle with her she's too controlling" he has since figured it out and agrees. I do always ask about her when I see my son though. Just a general "how is your mother doing...?"
I have a couple friends that were married to control freaks.
Both were married over 30 years. Everything in their life was controlled by their wives.
Unfortunately, they both lost their wives due to illness.
It's sad to see my friends going through life not knowing how to pay a bill, when to pay it,
and just being able to survive, they are completely lost.
I have a couple friends that were married to control freaks.
Both were married over 30 years. Everything in their life was controlled by their wives.
Unfortunately, they both lost their wives due to illness.
It's sad to see my friends going through life not knowing how to pay a bill, when to pay it,
and just being able to survive, they are completely lost.
After paying the bills since I moved away from home and then doing the same with my first wife, my 2nd wife offered/wanted to take care of the bills until I found out she really wasn't doing a very good job of it. She was always really eager to go out and get the mail (po box is out by the road) and got it unless I was out doing yard work or she wasn't home. One day the light bill came and it was in an envelope with red lettering. Yup, past due. Car insurance bill had a red dot in the corner of the envelope so I called my insurance agent what that was about. She had been getting tickets and not saying anything about it. The list goes on and on. She was on the verge of losing her license once and I just said it would be cheaper for her to get a cab and sell her car. Oh man, yeah, I'm glad she's gone! lol
Why wouldn't she just leave?

That's what I don't get.

I love CU, but I HATE that song, because.....why not just find someone that doesn't cheat?
Because there is a brazen double standard.
In most states damaging property of your spouse
or significant other is considered domestic violence. Call the law.
This is satire...right?