Wife's in the hospital

Prayers for your wife, she is obviously a very strong woman and will make it through this as well. Keep your faith Robert, be strong friend. You are both in my prayers.
I don't know how I missed this but I have been on vacation. My prayers to you and Sarah to help see you through this.
Robert, Just being able to have dinner with Sara IS special. Prayers sent.
Please accept my sincerest prayers for your beautiful Sarah in her fight against this. She can and will beat this. I have posted a small prayer for you and her to give you strength:

Bless, O God,all who struggle with cancer.Empower them with hope for each and every day.Provide them with loving and tender care, laughter,and the support of love. Grant them courage when they are afraid, comfort when they are in pain, and your blessing when all else seems hopeless, that in their fight with illness they may continue to praise you and glorify your name. Amen.
The last doc just wanted to keep an eye on the tumor for the next couple of months through CT scan since the pathology report gave him a choice as to what it may be.

So we went and saw an oncologist who referred us to a neuro-oncologist at Strong Memorial and the Wilmot Cancer Center in Rochester. About a two hour drive each way. The neuro-oncologist has ordered a round of tests under the strong suspicion it's a germ cell tumor (highest likely probability).

We've had to wait until the steroids are out of Sarah's system. The steroids put us in a Catch-22. Without 'em the swelling could have gotten to the point of being catastrophic. With 'em they may be masking what the tumor really is.

The 2nd we go up for a lumbar puncture. They want to sample the spinal fluid to see if the tumor might be shedding cells through the shunts back into the spine. We need to get there early for some blood work to be done, too. The 6th we go up for MRI's along the spine. If it's a germ cell, it may have left behind cysts as it migrated from the the ovaries to the brain. The 11th we go up for a consult on what the test results and film work shows. If the test results are undiagnostic then we may have to wait a few months and they may be forced to go back in. Not a good thing.

The shunts are doing their job, but Sarah has been getting some mild headaches more frequently. Since the tumor is located on her penial gland and attached to her thalamus her sleep cycle is thrown off a bit. The doc gave her a natural OTC remedy to help with that. She wears out easy, taking two or three naps a day at times. Can't take her far from home unless it's to see family, where she can have a bed to rest on if she tires out.

Gotta keep a close eye on her, too. Can't leave her alone for very long (maybe just to go outside and work in the gardens). Did it the other day, but my sister and her family was down for a spell and it gave me a chance to take a breather. Because of where the shunts are located she could get extreme headaches with vomiting. Back to the ER. Or she may just pass out. Back to the ER. Now that she's a patient of Strong, that means a helicopter ride from here local to Rochester if it happens. We have a neighbor who helps me keep an eye on her, but still would prefer to do it myself.

Trying to keep her spirits up. And trying to keep her from getting bored. A result of the shunts can be some serious moods. If she starts to get into a funk I gotta try to pull her out of it, quick, otherwise it could be while to get her out of it. She's been doing little things around the house, as the doc will allow, but she can't do her normal chores. No gardening, no house cleaning. She's been baking, doing some crafts, working on some puzzles, organizing the books in the library, but she still can't bend over, so I have to pick things up for her and do any heavy lifting.

I've been working around in the gardens. Just cultivated the entire veggie garden today. Been keeping up on the yard, been keeping the house clean, and generally trying not to get bored myself. And trying not to go to pieces myself, at times.
I'm glad to hear that she's doing well.

Also good to hear that you were able to take a break for a bit. The role of the caregiver is very difficult. Hang in there.
Thanks for the update. More prayers to you and your wife.
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this Robert. I'll tell ya this, however......... if anyone can do it, it'd be you.
Hang in there, kid. Your hard work and love for your wife will not go unnoticed, nor unrewarded.
I wish I was as strong a man as you are.

Prayers from Trumbull, CT.

So sorry to hear of your wifes health scare. Please know that we are all praying for you and hoping for the best for her and your family. Be as strong as you possibly can for her and when you get overwhelmed, call up a buddy to come over and be around you to help relax you a little and get your mind off it for an hour or two. You need an outlet to help you keep it together and sometimes just being around a close friend can do wonders.

Hang in there the best you can Robert! Sending prayers!
Great idea on switching doctors. Gotta find one that's interested.....

More prayers on the way for both of you....Keep the Faith :angel10: :angel1:
Also good to hear that you were able to take a break for a bit. The role of the caregiver is very difficult. Hang in there.

You need an outlet to help you keep it together and sometimes just being around a close friend can do wonders.

You two ain't kiddin'.

Really, I never thought I could be under this much stress. One of our members, 3404speed, either stops by for a few laughs or text's me just to see how things have been going. If any of ya'll know John you'll know he's a hell of good guy, with a helluva sense of humor. Helps take a break from the stress a bit.

But the stress is always there. I never realized. Ya'll who have done this for a while have my respect.

To be able to carry the weight of the world sometimes... I've done it before, but not like this. Sarah's shunts are what pretty much have her limited. Like I said, if they get damaged or blocked then it could be game over. Coma or worse, so when she's laying there, taking a nap, after she's worn herself out, I check her breathing to make sure it's got a steady rhythm. Most of ya'll can tell the difference between sleeping and passed out. It's like that. Which can be nerve wracking, to say the least.

Then there's the idea of having to remind her of her limitations. Which ain't easy, because it puts her in a funk. Took a walk tonight, just up the street a little ways. Had to remind that the further we went the further she had to walk to get back. By the time we got back she was tired out. And it wasn't that long of a walk. She naps, a couple of times a day, so you can see, sometimes I'm on pins and needles a lot.

Then, thanks to the location of the tumor she's not thinking things through. Last night she decided to make peach cobbler. She likes to bake and preserve the produce we grow and makes a killer pasta sauce she cans herself. So we buy sugar by the 25 pound bag at Sam's Club. It's easy enough to store and cheaper than buying it by the five pound bag at the grocery store. She pulled the 25# storage container out of the cabinet last night and drug it across the room before she realized that she needed less than a cup and she could have taken that out of the canister I keep sugar in for coffee on the counter next to the coffee pot. When things like happen it just reminds her that things aren't alright and she has a tumor in her brain.

Then there's the options which lie ahead of us. We're both scared shitless, but I can't show it. I can tell her, matter-of-fact, with my best poker face, but if I show it... The first night I came home without her, when she was being admitted into ICU, it took all I could do to not give into the urge to just rip the house apart in rage. Still feel like that at times.

Because of her limitations we've had to scale back on things she enjoys doing, like working in her flower garden out back. One of her things at work was working in the gardens there with her group of patients. She misses it, so to hand her the garden claw - something she can use without having to bend over - and remind her to take a breather if she if she feels tired she's happy for five minutes, worn out, and taking a nap, which reminds her that things aren't alright and that she's got a tumor in her brain.

Of course, with the scaling back of things she can do, I've picked 'em up. One of the things we'd do on the weekends was to clean the house from top to bottom. We'd divide the house up into rooms and chores and go from there. I do the laundry, she does any remaining dishes from the night before. She'd mop the linoleum, I vacuum and do the hard woods. She's clean the bathroom and kitchen, I'd take the living room, our bedroom and office. Sometimes we'd split the dining room, which mainly consisted of doing the floor in there and just tiding things up. Two hours, mostly, three hours, tops. Took me eight hours this past Saturday to do everything.

I don't even talk finances with her. I try not to. It's a burden she shouldn't even try to bear. Solvency will become an issue. Because she's out of work for who knows how long and since she needs the 24/7 attention I've had to close my shop. Ever since this started, that first day in ICU she's been apologizing for pulling me away from the shop, apologizing because she's not at work and the financial burden it will place on us. As you can see, that's why I don't even try to show her our finances. We've got our ducks in a row, but it won't be before too long I might have to shoot some of them in the head. Just don't know how long it might be before I have to pull the trigger.

Let's see. Emotional stress. Check. Financial stress. Check. Physical stress. Check. And whatever I'm feeling in order to ensure her well being she's feeling even more because she's the one with the illness and she's the one who feels that it's all her fault, even when we all know it's not.
Continued Prayers your way Sarah and Robert. Remember that this will be a long road and the stress level will be off the chart. Try to stay calm and focus all of your frustrations and stress and use that instead to fight this with your beautiful wife. You are a godsend to her right now and you are doing the right thing by making her as calm and comfortable as you can. You have the prayers from the 2000+ members of my church as I have an ongoing Prayer request and prayers are said for you and Sarah at every mass. I wish that there was more I could do or say but please remember that God is good and he will help you and Sarah on the journey ahead. God bless you both. -Tom
Let's see. Emotional stress. Check. Financial stress. Check. Physical stress. Check. And whatever I'm feeling in order to ensure her well being she's feeling even more because she's the one with the illness and she's the one who feels that it's all her fault, even when we all know it's not.

It's a hard road for sure. Been there with my wife too many times. She has had 11 surgeries since I've been with her.
Solvency will become an issue. Because she's out of work for who knows how long and since she needs the 24/7 attention I've had to close my shop.

Ever since this started, that first day in ICU she's been apologizing for pulling me away from the shop, apologizing because she's not at work and the financial burden it will place on us. As you can see, that's why I don't even try to show her our finances. We've got our ducks in a row, but it won't be before too long I might have to shoot some of them in the head. Just don't know how long it might be before I have to pull the trigger.

Let's see. Emotional stress. Check. Financial stress. Check. Physical stress. Check.

Robert........Why don't U post up or PM me a paypal addy. I'm sure there's a few of us that can spare a few $$ for a great FABO member in need.

It's difficult to even begin to imagine what you're going thru here. :sad8:

You need to stay strong to fight the good fight with her!!
Hey Robert- been reading and thinking. Prayers, thoughts, and best wishes to Sarah, you and your family/friends network.

You know what makes me smile when I read through this?- of course all the well wishes and considerations, but even that folks that you and I don't agree with at times on the forums are here giving you their thoughts and prayers. You feeling it, too, I imagine.
Robert........Why don't U post up or PM me a paypal addy. I'm sure there's a few of us that can spare a few $$ for a great FABO member in need.

It's difficult to even begin to imagine what you're going thru here. :sad8:

You need to stay strong to fight the good fight with her!!
You know thats not a bad ideal I have nothing to give but my time ... If this ideal comes of some thing like we did for cliff . I will be more then happy to run it too . :cheers:
Hi Robert

Praying for you guys. I agree with 6pk2goDemon, get that paypal up and running. Im sure we all can buy a little less chrome for a much more important cause. Stay strong in faith and spirit. You guys will make it through this.
I think Leanna said that Roberts computer is down right now, hopefully he can get it back up soon and would be glad to provide that info.

Hope things are going good, still sending prayers for you both
Stopped by yesterday. They will be heading to Rochester Strong Hospital early Friday,to do some more tests to see what the next steps are. It will be a long day for Sarah.

Ramenth At yahoo period com should work.