If this is an 8 3/4, just whoop up another chunk with a 3.55 in it. That way you can easily swap it back if you want to.
Thanks for all of the good conversation, everyone. I've been convinced since Tuesday to do the 3.55's but all of this other info should be helpful to others trying to make a decision. I actually feel silly that I was that worried about it.@1973dust Not sure if you knew or not, but the A999 is basically a beefed up version of your A904 commonly found in Dodge Diplomats & Plymouth Gran Fury's plus others in the 1980's and also with different 1st & 2nd gears.
A904: 1st=2.45, 2nd=1.45 & 3rd=1.00
A999: 1st=2.74, 2nd=1.54 & 3rd=1.00
No Rusty, it's just a 8 1/4. Otherwise, your plan is exactly what I would do. I'm removing a 7 1/4 BBP so there probably won't be any going back, although I will keep the complete rear because you never know what the future will bring. The only thing better than an 8 3/4 would be TT5.9mag's 3.91's with an OD idea. That would be the ultimate but I'm too cheap to spend that much. Compromises, compromises.
Cuprum-74, yes I actually did know about the A999 from an old Mopar Muscle article, but thanks for that info. My 904 is working so well that I don't see doing anything different with the trans. in the near futures because, again, I'm cheap.