I'm looking for some experienced opinions as I've searched thoroughly on here and I still can't decide. My car is a 73 Duster with a stock bottom end, stock head 74 318. Engine mods are Performer intake, 600 Edelbrock carb., cheap Summit cam 204/214 278/288 .421 .444 112LS, decent ignition curve, and duals off of the stock manifolds. Drivetrain is stock stall 904 and 2.76 peg-leg 7 1/4 with 27" tall rear tires. The trans. does have the part-throttle downshift valve body and I have modified the kickdown linkage to give me 2nd gear out of low-speed turns with fairly light throttle. I seldom really run my car hard but would say that I always accelerate "briskly". I definitely don't ever hold up traffic. I feel like the car runs really well the way I have it set up now and I get 15-16 mpg with a mix of in-town and 55mph 2-lane roads. I'm sure it would get 18-19 on an extended highway run. I have a 3.55 geared peg-leg 8 1/4" that came from a Jeep Cherokee that I was going to install but I'm starting to wonder if it will be a mistake. Obviously, I'll have to remove the Jeep perches and weld new ones on, shorten a driveshaft, and swap over the brakes. The wider Cherokee rear would fit perfectly with the rims I have as I'm currently using 1 1/2" bolt-on spacers on the 7 1/4. If I had a 8 3/4 where I could just swap the center section I would just try it and see. Certainly, my car would be quicker with the 3.55's but I'm not sure how much gas mileage I'll be sacrificing although I suspect 2-3 mpg. I'm currently running about 2100 rpm at 55 which would increase to about 2700. I do realize that the engine would not have to labor as hard to get up to speed with the deeper gear but I also would be deeper into the throttle. If you've taken the time to read this novel, thanks for any thoughts you can offer.