Work Rant.



Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2011
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Let's start off with my Orientation. Just like any, it promises a magical work experience, easter bunnies, unicorns and rainbows. I spent 2 hours listening to how this company treats employees like family and such. I actually was convinced by all the fuzzy warm things.

First few weeks were cool, I was settling in, getting to know other employees and learning my tasks. Hours were cut SHARPLY. I went from 20 hours to 4 hours a week for 2 weeks right after being hired.

Next few early weeks I don't mind the job, curious about long term security within the job being a "temp" and I was told "if we have the hours" this didn't make me feel comfortable, but regardless I decided to bust balls and prove that I'm a hard worker. I went out of my way to do more, work harder, faster, show up 5 minutes to work early every day, never complain, go to work even when I was sick.

Boss man decides to up my hours to 20, I'm like cool, every once in awhile he'd give me an additional 4 if the store needed me, then I get sent to different departments, areas outside of my usual duties. I didn't mind, it was a good thing. Then a few weeks after being ordered to do this/that in different areas I asked for additional training so I could cover more positions. I got chewed out and told to not ask again despite there's times when there's no cashier at the register and I'm nearby and customers are waiting.

This progressively brews into something foul. When I first hired on, temps were encouraged to share ideas and such -- well I had one. My duty was to water a lot with shrubs, trees and plants. I noted a lot of hoses were leaking and the fact my hours didn't allow me to finish the entire lot. I asked for more hours, got shot down.

The next day, I had spent 2 hours designing a relatively cheap irrigation system that would cover all the plants watered. Did some math on how many gallons of water was lost/wasted due to faulty hoses and pipes.

Just for my area? It cost the company THREE times what they pay me hourly. That's right. Anyways, the manager glances it for 6 seconds "oh that's a good idea, but it won't work" shoots me down. I feel slightly insulted and ask him why he didn't give it a better look. I had soil composition types, absorption rates, retention... everything. He argues "I worked here for 15 years we tried everything, just drop it." I ask him why my idea won't work. It's basic pvc pipes irrigation. It's cheap, mobile -- like lego bricks it would have solved the issue of needing all the plants watered before prime hours plus save them cash and pay for itself by fixing the leaks plus not waste excess water. Then he became frustrated and I gave up even trying.

It gets worse. I get a bad sinus infection to the point i was coughing horribly every 2 minutes, bring in a doctors note and when I recovered and came back to work, STILL somewhat sick I find out they dont accept doctors notes and excused only 2 days and put me absent for every single other day (7 total) and I was late once by 7 minutes which is a HUGE deal despite the fact I've been clocking in 5 minutes early for weeks.

and it continues to get worse... Whenever I need a tool IE: shop broom, screwdriver to tighten the brackets on the leaky hoses, even a socket wrench and I can't locate it I get accused of not working. I work in a freaking HOME IMPROVEMENT STORE! How can I even work if nobody knows where I can even find what I need to do my job properly and effectively -- especially when things get misplaced.

...and only recently, I've became so frustrated with how they handle things for once I actually did something wrong but for a good reason. The receiving area was BACKED up to the point you could barely walk around and we had more merchandise than we could stock before prime hours and I'm scheduled to do that. Supervisor comes up at me and tells me "Go water the plants" and I tell him "I'd rather do this --" before I can even tell him why (obvious reason is it needs focused and its on my schedule) he cuts me off.

I go to water the stupid trees, what do I find? My co-worker already did it all, I try to find other plants to water. They're all done. I go back to my manager and explain the situation and he tells me to go right back and water them with vague task instructions except "water the trees" borderline insubornation.

1. They're already done
2. Over watering kills
3. There was 3 people on it already which is more than adequate for the location.

He got frustrated and snapped when I asked for an explanation as to WHY.

Later I get dragged into the managers office and hear this from him -

"You do what I tell you to do it, do not question me if I want 10 people watering the trees I will put 10 people on. I don't work for you, you work for me. I tell you to do something, you do it."

Sure, I realize the point of doing what you're told for a job, but I don't understand the concept of vague tasks, scolding me when somethings redundant. Say you just waxed and washed a car -- your boss tells you to go wash and wax the car. You tell him it's done and you don't see why you should do it again...<-- thats pretty much what happened. Even after that happened I apologized and said I meant no disrespect, even though I had done nothing to warrant such arrogance.

So... I'm seriously on the verge of putting in my 2 weeks notice. Screw unemployment. I can't deal with this disrespect and uncertainty about long term. I'm not the only one they treat like this and it feels like they just want to find excuses to fire temps at the end of the season to not have to pay unemployment. Just build a rapport against them for ridiculous things, and I'm not even exaggerating. Spoke to 2 other temps -- also when I ask about last year's hires I get told they were made permanent but nobody seems to know their names yet they know nearly everyone else. Not to mention there's plenty of times I get done watering all the trees and they act like I didn't do my job.

Your guys thoughts?
I don't mean to sound blunt, but................

Since you are working less than a full week, that means you have free time to look for a different job.

Welcome to the world
I wouldn't quit my job until I had another one lined up. You are engaged to be married correct?

Your boss sounds like an *** but he is the boss. Having owned and ran several companies before selling them I always welcomed ideas that would improve the bottom line and the employee was rewarded accordingly.
Hang out there and start looking for another job.

Just remember.... Whatever he asks you to do, he is paying you to do.

When he says, "go water the trees", what he is really saying is "Go water the trees and I will give you money."
It's just a matter of time and your boss will be looking for a new job.
doesn't sound like he has good people skills.
I would look for a new job or better yet make your own job.
Engaged, Yes. We've discussed my work and tomorrow I am going to be job searching. I want to have a 2nd one lined up before I quit, but there's only so much disrespect I can take plus I am worried he may attempt to fire me and I do not want that on my resume. I have spent a good couple days thinking this over.

My brother in law (sister's hubby, gettin married aug 3rd) is a mechanic as am I, and my friend down in Kentucky. I've been pawing at the idea of opening a small speed shop. Shannon (soon to be wifey) and I spent a lot of time tossing ideas back and forth of what we'd like to do work wise and how to make money. We both know retail isn't going to give us the kind of life we want, its fine for now -- but with no job security at my current job i feel it would be better if I found some place I could be happy with and they would actually wish to retain me/use me to my full potential instead of playing "king" and badly mismanaging man hours and resources.
Hang out there and start looking for another job.

Just remember.... Whatever he asks you to do, he is paying you to do.

When he says, "go water the trees", what he is really saying is "Go water the trees and I will give you money."

Toronto,good advice here. In the corporate world,you either find a happy medium,or an alternative route.Done auto parts(retail/commercial), 20 years. Yes ,you run into problems. Hang tough,be patient and look.
Welcome to the efficiency of the private

I want to hear from the people that DONT have jobs like that ! Not business owners....

We spend a fortune on consultants with "sell more" schemes instead of advertising for new customers. None of the consultants ever make a difference...
Welcome to the efficiency of the private

I want to hear from the people that DONT have jobs like that ! Not business owners....

We spend a fortune on consultants with "sell more" schemes instead of advertising for new customers. None of the consultants ever make a difference...

Depends on the consultant and what's the advice given... lol

I worked for a Chevy dealership which was "incorporated."

The parts department was it's own company, the service department was it's own company, the used car department, the body shop, the new car department, the detail shop... all individual companies flying under the incorporated flag.

The owner was also listed as CEO of the company, plus the sole proprietor of the building in which the companies were listed. The building was listed with his personal assets. All companies paid him rent within the building to the tune of $1500 a month, each. That's six different companies paying him $9000 a month, plus his salary as "CEO." Each company was designed to loose money, except the parts department. So, he'd use the other companies as tax right offs for the parts department. He made money hand over fist while showing little to no taxable profit within the company.

Brilliant! All because he hired a consultant.

As far as the OP goes, don't be so quick to jump to self-employment, especially if you're exploring ways of making money on things "you like to do..." Turning hobbies into a business rarely pays off and ruins a good hobby.
Depends on the consultant and what's the advice given... lol

I worked for a Chevy dealership which was "incorporated."

The parts department was it's own company, the service department was it's own company, the used car department, the body shop, the new car department, the detail shop... all individual companies flying under the incorporated flag.

The owner was also listed as CEO of the company, plus the sole proprietor of the building in which the companies were listed. The building was listed with his personal assets. All companies paid him rent within the building to the tune of $1500 a month, each. That's six different companies paying him $9000 a month, plus his salary as "CEO." Each company was designed to loose money, except the parts department. So, he'd use the other companies as tax right offs for the parts department. He made money hand over fist while showing little to no taxable profit within the company.

Brilliant! All because he hired a consultant.

As far as the OP goes, don't be so quick to jump to self-employment, especially if you're exploring ways of making money on things "you like to do..." Turning hobbies into a business rarely pays off and ruins a good hobby.

I bet if you were able to dig a little deeper you would find some leasing companies within his empire that leased to his other companies. I ran in to that one when I owned my mattress company and it is a huge cash cow while really limiting liabilities of the other company's assets.
Boss may not always be right but he is always the boss. I worked for Ma Bell for 32 years and man you just shake your head and document every thing the boss tell and do it no matter how stupid it is. That is corporate America.
Happiness and peace of mind are worth way more than your current job could ever pay!! Hit the trail hard and find something that makes you happy! I learned long ago not to be stuck in a job with such aggravation... A happy employee is one who will only improve the company and give the best unhappy one will only bring it down!!

There is a position in this world out there for you, your JOB is to find it.
Don't get stuck in a JOB, find your position in this world!!

Good luck with your search, and good luck with your upcoming marriage, sounds like you have a great start to your team!!
Happiness and peace of mind are worth way more than your current job could ever pay!!

Very true. I spent 19 or so years at the USPS. Went out on disability. I took a small pay cut....but it was well worth it when you take into account the reduction in stress....
i don't know.. the boss told you to water the plants. you wanted to argue and question his authority. stop making things difficult for yourself and the boss and just water the damn plants. if it kills them so be it. do what you are told (within reason. not crap that is unethical or unsafe of course)...

we have a micro manager boss at work.. he always has us doing **** we think is stupid.. they pay me good money to do and follow his sometimes lame brained kooky ideas so who the hell am i to argue. :) learn to go with the flow man..
Most companies today know that for every employee they have there are at least 10 people out there that would like to have their job. To them you are expendable, they do not care if you quit or not.
Sometimes they hire a bunch of temps, and then select full time workers out of that part- time temp pool. If that is the case watering the trees may be a test in following directions. They may want to know if you will do as told without a lot of questioning etc.
I have been in the same job for over 20 years, yet my first year my boss exercised his authority and had me go to a school of his choice, when the company gave me the choice of at least six. In his eyes I had no choice, I was going where he said go. If I had bucked him at that point, my career would have been over.
Hang in there, and welcome to corporate America, where fat cats rule, and workers are pawns on the chess board.
i don't know.. the boss told you to water the plants. you wanted to argue and question his authority. stop making things difficult for yourself and the boss and just water the damn plants. if it kills them so be it. do what you are told (within reason. not crap that is unethical or unsafe of course)...

we have a micro manager boss at work.. he always has us doing **** we think is stupid.. they pay me good money to do and follow his sometimes lame brained kooky ideas so who the hell am i to argue. :) learn to go with the flow man..

Damn straight.

I worked in an hourly shop. One of the top guys on the line, specializing in computer driveability, getting some of the top pay in the shop. Boss wanted me to do oil changes. I made more an hour than what they were charging for oil changes. Want me to change oil? Not a problem, I get paid the same rather I'm standing there with the scanner in my hands or dropping oil. Hell, on Friday afternoons I'd take an hour and broom and wash down the shop floors. That paid me the same, too.
Ahhhh.....yes, the corporate "people are our most important asset" world. You'd be surprised how far just clamming up and doing your job will take you. Even though they say they want your input and ideas, sometimes it comes across as you looking like you want to: A) be the brainiac new kid B) steal some thunder from your boss and maybe have some upper level management ask him "why didn't you think of this?" C) Just finding a way to do less work.

I think you have to "read" a situation and try to be that model employee in their mind. BTW, if you go up and ask your supervisor every 15 minutes or so "I'm done with that, do you have anything else for me to do?" it might go a little better. Let him know in his mind that you're on HIS side. And lastly.....when he asked you to go water the trees (he might have even KNOWN they were already watered!) that might have been------> just go look busy until we have something for you to do. Don't expect praise or thanks or big respect for your ideas......not yet. You're a newby temp.
Well my 2 days off gave me time to cool down, back into the rat race gantlet. Just going to buck down and hold on meanwhile until I can find a 2nd job as I'm not even entitled full time here, but this definitely isn't my dream job. Rather do something I enjoy at half the pay instead of something I hate.
Well my 2 days off gave me time to cool down, back into the rat race gantlet. Just going to buck down and hold on meanwhile until I can find a 2nd job as I'm not even entitled full time here, but this definitely isn't my dream job. Rather do something I enjoy at half the pay instead of something I hate.

just curious, how old are you??