Uncle Tony's take on injection issues.

What's funny is that when he was on FABO (Whitepunkonnitro I believe), I enjoyed his posts and thought he was quite knowledgeable. I just can't get into his show on YouTube.
,,,,and I've never even watched more than a few seconds of any of his videos. But not because I have anything against him, but because I cannot stand watching hardly any of that kinda stuff, even my own.
I remember watching a few videos when he built that thing. It's been extensively gutted, it weighs 3100 lbs race ready according to him. It has a custom built converter, 4 something gears, fully ported heads, and a roller cam, and it's only went in the 7s one time, spraying nitrous the whole 1/8th mile. It's a joke.
  • Are you acknowledging him as a bonified head porter?? LOL 'Cuz he ported them with an air grinder himself in a storage shed. Would you put those "fully ported" 318 heads he ported in a storage shed on your engine? :poke:
I'm not picking on his port job, but you can't say he's a hack with no clue then say he has "fully ported heads" to take away from that 7 second pass... :D Now tell us, did he "hurt the heads" or are you saying "he made them better"??? :)

:lol:careful, I'll cross examine you!
  • Are you acknowledging him as a bonified head porter?? LOL 'Cuz he ported them with an air grinder himself in a storage shed. Would you put those "fully ported" 318 heads he ported in a storage shed on your engine? :poke:
I'm not picking on his port job, but you can't say he's a hack with no clue then say he has "fully ported heads" to take away from that 7 second pass... :D Now tell us, did he "hurt the heads" or are you saying "he made them better"??? :)

:lol:careful, I'll cross examine you!
Just because you ported your heads doesn't mean they are any good. He did a video on porting, and he ported those 318 heads. Obviously not very well, as the car is a turd.
Just because you ported your heads doesn't mean they are any good. He did a video on porting, and he ported those 318 heads. Obviously not very well, as the car is a turd.
so then you are saying "7's on Tony's ported heads is actually pretty good..." ?? LOL

By the way, I'm not saying the car is over-achieving by any means :) But I still think the car and concept is pretty cool. Some only see the owner, I see the car.
so then you are saying "7's on Tony's ported heads is actually pretty good..." ?? LOL

By the way, I'm not saying the car is over-achieving by any means :)
I dont think high 7s with roller cams and nitrous in a 3100 lb car is impressive, sorry.
I dont think high 7s with roller cams and nitrous in a 3100 lb car is impressive, sorry.
I would tend to agree. But I'll be fair, 7.60 isn't high sevens, I'd call it mid 7's if it were my car. 7.85's/9's would be high 7's.
Sorry, I had to post it.

The problem is it won't run right unless UT holds His finger right there, & now there's no room for the TBI....?
Sorry, that's as far as I'm going to get into that......lol..
It's certainly better than watching the View on a rainy day.
I would rather rinse my eyes out with acid than watch one episode of The View!!!
,,,,and I've never even watched more than a few seconds of any of his videos. But not because I have anything against him, but because I cannot stand watching hardly any of that kinda stuff, even my own.
Have you ever watched an episode of Fitzee's Fabrication on YouTube. He focuses on rust repair. He REALLY explains and shows it at a level we can understand. And he is NOT a hack. I have learned a LOT from him. I HIGHLY recommend watching at least one episode. Try watching this one. It shows how to do his amazing Cut and Butt rust patch welding method. It's the only way I weld in repair panels now. I wish I had had access to a show like his 25 years ago. Please try one episode. This one best explains his genius cut and butt method
Yup agree that he's good at. But he lies, says "when I was a pro mechanic" he never was it's an insult to pro mechanics LOL! Thats why I will always chime in when someone praises his abilities as a wrench. It's somewhat quiet now but do you know how many guys parroted Tonys "318s are a performance engine" nonsense? he never proved it and neither did Andy Wood and Vizard et al. Tony is like most of em if you watch and listen long enough you catch on to the schtick...most here will get up and go out in the garage and work on their own stuff instead of watching Tony all afternoon. :lol:
To some, the pitstop tire changer is a pro mechanic…
That is funny but true! Technically a "pro" is anybody getting paid to hold a flash light, drag a wrench across the battery terminals, or "top up the halogen fluid". Mechanics only get respect from mechanics. If you drive/fly the bus, you're a hero, if you fix everything, you're just an expense. Kind of like how men act around big boobs is different, put a little grease on your face and see how differently people will react to you (if they look up from the phone at all). Sheep...
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I just don't get the level of hate the guy get's.
I’ll tell you why 99% of aftermarket throttle body injection systems have drive ability problems. It doesn’t have anything to do with the ratio of vaporized to atomized fuel in the intake either.

99% of DIY installers don’t read and follow the instructions.

-Proper electrical connections, power and ground feeds, etc. are 90% of the problems.
-Adequate feed/return and pressure regulation along with fuel pump mounting account for some.
-A few are due to application mismatch; Sniper 1 had the ECU at the front of the throttle body. Close proximity to the distributor on small block Fords in particular would cause electrical interference. A shield over the ECU would usually fix this but Sniper 2 moved the ECU to the side of the throttle body to help alleviate this concern.
-bad O2 sensor location and in some cases failure to go through the setup properly could cause excessive fuel to wash out the wide band O2 sensor.

I know Holley systems can successfully compensate over 200%. So no matter how bad your base map is the damn thing will still run fine as long as you haven’t disabled the learning function.

I had several customers bring me Holley EFI systems with problems in the last few years. I finally went to Bowling Green and did Tiers 1, 2, and 3 of their EFI training and let me tell you - those systems are impressive. But not idiot proof…
Uncle Tony is a Youtuber. Yes he does very well at it. I wouldn't let him work on my grandmothers 76 Valiant.
Tony is the guy who in the 80s had a car in a garage in an alley in any town USA. Every once in a while he'd fire it up and try and do a burnout in the alley then quickly put it away before the neighbors got upset. All the "kids" thought it was kool...but some of the the kids eventually grow up and go to the race track see what the real deal is...:lol:
You don't have to like the guy, I'm indifferent to him, I don't harbor him any ill will, if he can make a living doing what he does good for him. But this back alley zero experience strawman version is ridiculous. You think he's a hack fair enough so are millions of other car guy's most aren't professional, no one's forcing you to watch him or even think about him lol.
Have you ever watched an episode of Fitzee's Fabrication on YouTube. He focuses on rust repair. He REALLY explains and shows it at a level we can understand. And he is NOT a hack. I have learned a LOT from him. I HIGHLY recommend watching at least one episode. Try watching this one. It shows how to do his amazing Cut and Butt rust patch welding method. It's the only way I weld in repair panels now. I wish I had had access to a show like his 25 years ago. Please try one episode. This one best explains his genius cut and butt method

Off topic, but I'm thinking I'd like to "up my game" on bodywork this spring sometime, and this looks like it may be just the thing for me, as what he's doing (adding a gas fill door) is exactly what I'll be doing to my '68 F250.

Thank you!
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Tony was an automotive journalist back in the day. He's a pretty knowledgeable car guy. I don't know if he was ever a "professional mechanic."

The journalist types have a different type of skill set from a professional mechanic. Even watching the Motor Trend shows it's obvious watching those guys the way they do some things - they've never been professional wrenches. Of course most professional mechanics have never had as much dyno experience as somebody like Richard Holdener.

Just different experiences. We can all learn from each other, even if it's just learning a way NOT to do something.
Tony sometimes reminds me of that one guy we often knew down the block that would stand around and smoke a lot of cigarettes (getting nothing done) while somehow knowing all the solutions to the world’s problems. Most people dismissed him as being a kook but to some, he was a genius.
Hes like the cousin nobody claims, who tells everyone hes a professional mechanic, but actually hes the janitor at your local oil change shop.
Well to try and stay on topic Ill say this Tony is the guy who would tell you to ditch injection and put a carburetor on it. And now he's going to yack about Fuel Injection? Its questionable is all.
Uncle Tony likes his injector to have a deep voice and give full squirt through his tail pipe.

Listening to Tony is like listening to a cracked out toothless homeless person.
Just imagine how many times he ***** his pants mid conversation and doesn't skip a beat... lighting up a stogie to mask the smell of partially digested banquet TV dinners and schnapps...while babbling off jittery drivel of nothingness from the depths of his cerebral toilet he calls a brain.
Uncle Tony likes his injector to have a deep voice and give full squirt through his tail pipe.

Listening to Tony is like listening to a cracked out toothless homeless person.
Just imagine how many times he ***** his pants mid conversation and doesn't skip a beat... lighting up a stogie to mask the smell of partially digested banquet TV dinners and schnapps...while babbling off jittery drivel of nothingness from the depths of his cerebral toilet he calls a brain.
OMG! Still laughing my *** off ! If your not writing for the onion, you missed your calling!
In all fairness i have to say something positive about Uncle Tony. And I've said this on other social media platforms, you cant blame him for what he's doing he's generating an income and has an audience. He isn't really helping out the guy working on a car, but he's entertainment for those that sit on the couch and don't actually have a car to work on.