The horse is dead

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The OP may not have known what he was getting into, however Dave charging him $200 to restock the parts is outrageous... :mad:
Every once in a while, I will unlock a page of a thread to see someone defending the undefensible....
Every once in a while, I will unlock a page of a thread to see someone defending the undefensible....

And every once in a while I read your ignorant posts.

You never fail to prove your own ignorance of how **** really works

It’s not surprising though. You are a lying poser trying to claim the high ground when you are standing in a septic tank with **** up to your neck.
Do you work for free? Especially when a guy calls you and the first thing out of his mouth is this doesn’t fit?

And you know where the conversation will go, so you refund most of his money. It was cheaper.

Work for free???

He bought parts from him, that's not free, Dave made money off the sale... When you sell products and people need help/advice, that goes with the business - it's called support...

Refund most of his money??? $200 restocking fee is pretty steep... $20 restock fee is more reasonable, especially when the customer is paying the return shipping...
I would if I knew that guy would appreciate my patience and go tell all his car buddies that I'm a pleasure to work with, then I'd get more business and a good reputation. Sometimes doing favors for free in the short term gets you more money in the long term, among other good things. I've seen plenty of testimonials on here proving that.

Work for free???

He bought parts from him, that's not free, Dave made money off the sale... When you sell products and people need help/advice, that goes with the business - it's called support...

Refund most of his money??? $200 restocking fee is pretty steep... $20 restock fee is more reasonable, especially when the customer is paying the return shipping...
So then is there another option to buy the crank snout adapter for a mechanical fuel pump eccentric?

The fuel pump does not run off the crank, you don't need a crank snout adapter, you need a cam snout adapter...
So then is there another option to buy the crank snout adapter for a mechanical fuel pump eccentric?

The one that Hughes sent me was a piece of ****... Just a small minute square of aluminum to pose as a keyway... It looked like a chip from a machine they picked out of the recycle chip pile... I went to a local hardware store and bought a real keyway and ground it to fit the Hughes cam snout extender... :icon_fU:

This is when I told them when I ordered my roller cam from him that I wanted the cam with the snout and I was willing to wait until he had them in stock... But instead he sent me a cam without the extended nose and the cam snout adapter which added more $$$ to the bill... :mad:

So he sent me the wrong parts instead of sending me correct part that I told/wanted them to send... :icon_fU:

This is why I don't do business with Hughes anymore... :icon_fU:
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You've been on this forum long enough.There was a time when I would share all kinds of stuff and I barely do it all anymore...

Anyways, back to the point here of service...
"Well, sir, that's very odd. I've never had this situation like you're describing especially one so extreme.... is there any chance you could email me a quick picture? So I can take a look, look at what you're looking at?.. maybe it I can help..
( Within one minute, he sing the same picture.We are...)
Oh great, now I'm seeing what you're seeing. Try adjusting the adjusters, almost all the way in..
And then see how much alignment you need... "

There's absolutely no excuse for bad customer service, and that's what it is. It's a service to your customer. After they've given you money for your product...
Or there could be some transparent honesty..
You've seen their write ups for their stuff. It's always, as if their stuff is so superior to everybody else's and if you use their product, you're gonna gain so much horsepower, you're going to need a parachute for your car, or at least that's the way it's written up to make you feel...
Somewhere in there they can say, by the way, if you're not really mechanically inclined, and you call and ask any questions that I feel aren't smart questions. I'm gonna make you feel like s*** and act like you're stupid and just tell you to send my stuff back to me and then charge you a couple $200. Restockingfee....

Same here...

I got tired of arguing with the keyboard Karens and quit giving advice...
There's absolutely no excuse for bad customer service, and that's what it is. It's a service to your customer. After they've given you money for your product...
Or there could be some transparent honesty..

See, those adjusted are so far in... that you can't even see a thread, and that would change the position dramatically...I think they would have fit and Dave screwed up by just being a Dave...

He could pretend he's not here...

Then they shouldn’t attempt something like a rocker ratio change.

Go back a few posts and read what the OP said.

I’ll help you. He said the Hughes rockets don’t fit.

But they do fit. He just didn’t know how to make them fit.

Are the Mancini rockers better because they bolt on? Who knows.

But he should go read the tech pages on

Not clueless. It’s called experience.

Before calling me out you need to go read those tech pages several times and then come back and tell me I’m clueless.

But, the only way to gain experience is to keep advancing one step at a time...

You learn as you go along, and this was another attempt for the OP to advance his skills, but Dave didn't want to help him and tell him how to get the parts he sold him to fit...

If you don't take a chance to advance and buy parts for that next step, you won't get to the next level... Learn as you go and don't be afraid to try new things...
But, the only way to gain experience is to keep advancing one step at a time...

You learn as you go along, and this was another attempt for the OP to advance his skills, but Dave didn't want to help him and tell him how to get the parts he sold him to fit...

If you don't take a chance to advance and buy parts for that next step, you won't get to the next level... Learn as you go and don't be afraid to try new things...
Agreed and thank you...
I couldn't have put it in better words...
Just like I was saying about ken at oregon camgriding, he would have took this as an opportunity, not as an insult...
But, the only way to gain experience is to keep advancing one step at a time...

You learn as you go along, and this was another attempt for the OP to advance his skills, but Dave didn't want to help him and tell him how to get the parts he sold him to fit...

If you don't take a chance to advance and buy parts for that next step, you won't get to the next level... Learn as you go and don't be afraid to try new things...

Ok, we get it. You don’t like Dave.

Get over it. This thread was DONE until your dumb *** came along with nothing new to add other than you haven’t a clue what went down because you heard one side.

I already posted what I know happened but I’ll summarize it here.

The OP, with his decades of engine building bought parts he either isn’t qualified to install or…wait…there is no other option.

The OP did NOT know how to install an aftermarket part that was never an OEM part to begin with.

He calls Dave and the first thing out of his mouth is these rockets don’t fit. Dave says **** it, this clown is over his head. So he has the OO send them back. Why?

Dave is not a teacher. Why should he hold the hand of a full grown man, trying to teach him over the phone? And NOT get paid for the phone time?

Do YOU work for FREE? But you expect Dave to. I get you.

So now the rockers come back and guess what? They are out of the packaging. And the instruction sheet is dirty. Or missing.

Now Dave either has to clean all that **** up, repackage it and put new instructions in there.

That takes TIME. Dave has to PAY someone to do it. That’s why there’s restocking fees.

How about Dave says send them back and then he throws them is a box, dirty and without instructions.

Then YOU call and Dave sends YOU that ****. Would YOU like that? Would you pay full price for it?

Nope. You’d be on here, running your mouth like you are, thinking you’re a bad *** and you treat people like kings no matter how big of a prick they are.

So Dave can’t win. He took back parts that had ZERO issues. Not a damn thing wrong with them.

It’s just the OP wasn’t smart enough to read the instructions online and see that he didn’t have the skill to install them.

Then, once he got them and figured out he was lost he decided to make that Dave’s problem.

If I was Dave I’ve had said either figure out how to install them or YOU sell them and buy something different because this isn’t my fault.

Of course the OP would be crying his eyes out every day on here about how Dave treated him badly and talked hard to him.

Grow up. It’s not Dave’s fault someone bought parts they can’t can’t install.
Agreed and thank you...
I couldn't have put it in better words...
Just like I was saying about ken at oregon camgriding, he would have took this as an opportunity, not as an insult...

lol. Dave should have dropped everything and helped the OP?

Maybe Dave should have jumped on a plane and flown over to help the guy. For free of course.

What’s sickening is a full grown man making full grown man decisions won’t take responsibility that this is HIS issue. Not Dave’s.

It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with customer service.
Have you ever dealt with a doctor or an engineer? Sometimes they get really rude if you question them. That arrogance is something that I refuse to tolerate.

Yes, I have dealt with many engineers... :rolleyes: :D

I hated the engineers that tried to act like they were above everybody else... I hate the "I'm better than you" attitude...

I liked the ones who treated others with respect...

We had an engineer at work named Wally, he had a master's degree and took every opportunity to tell you... He thought he was above everybody else because of his master's degree and looked down on them... Everyone hated his pompous *** and laughed at him behind his back...

We had a female engineer in our group, Mary Z., who used to say, "You can wipe your *** with that master's diploma"... She was a very smart competent engineer who treated others with respect and didn't look down on them... (Mary was also a certified black belt and could kick all of our asses too...)

We had a layout room that would measure parts for us so we could find out if they were within spec or not... We needed the layout room to support us to get our job done...

There was a guy that worked in the layout room named Jerry, he was your common UAW worker... Jerry was a good guy and was good at what he did, he would go out of his way to help you when he could and would tell you if there was a better way too measure the part and get the information you were looking for...

One day Wally needed a part measured and was talking with Jerry... Jerry told him that what he was asking him to measure would not going to work... Jerry told him that there was not a way to get the measurement that Wally was asking for... Wally told him to measure it and he would trig (trigonometry) it out, (you know - do the math)... Jerry knew trigonometry very well, and could calculate it himself probably better than Wally, but Wally treated him as if he was just a "dumb UAW worker" and gave him the I'm better than you attitude...

Jerry measured the part for Wally and Wally didn't get the information that he wanted because Jerry was right...

But after that, Jerry would always put off Wally's requests and do ours first because of Wally's attitude... And if Wally didn't request the layout to get the information he wanted, Jerry wouldn't tell him the correct way to measure the part for what Wally wanted and just measured what he asked for, then Wally would have to fill out another layout request and have Jerry do it again, the right way... This took more time for Wally to get the information he needed to do his job, making him more ineffective...

You had to treat Jerry right, with respect to earn his respect... If you didn't give him respect he would just do what he was required to do... Jerry may not have gone to college and get a degree, but he was not stupid and knew what he was doing...

Another Wally dumbass story...

Wally got a job at another company and put in his two weeks notice before the two week Christmas holiday break...

Someone told him, "Why did you quit before Christmas, if you turned in your notice to quit on the first day back after Christmas/New Year break, you would get the holiday pay and profit sharing bonus..."

Wally then went to HR and tried to modify his notice to quit after the break... The HR guy said that he would allow it if the manager would vouch that Wally was a "critical employee"... When Wally asked our manager to vouch for him, the manager looked at Wally and said, "I guess you are not that critical..." And Wally screwed himself out of two week's vacation pay and profit sharing bonus... :rofl:

We were all laughing about that... :lol:

Mary was right, the only thing Wally's master's diploma was good for was wiping his ***...
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Same here...

quit giving advice...
It's far and few in between these days. That's maybe me, but I just can't put up with arguing with people that I think dave is correct in this situation....
You've been around and seen me share about rebuilding near every part on an a body, let alone my thread on my 74 power wagon. That was a complete powder coated frame off restoration. Every nut screw and bolt was shared here..

I would have loved to I have shared the building of my shop last summer... From the day I poured the footings to the last nail in the last shingle on the roof.. to pulling that power wagon into its new home... brand new home... Hopefully, electricity and car lift this summer. It's been my dream all my life...
Alas, pictures and full story never to come...
Ok, we get it. You don’t like Dave.

Get over it. This thread was DONE until your dumb *** came along with nothing new to add other than you haven’t a clue what went down because you heard one side.

I already posted what I know happened but I’ll summarize it here.

The OP, with his decades of engine building bought parts he either isn’t qualified to install or…wait…there is no other option.

The OP did NOT know how to install an aftermarket part that was never an OEM part to begin with.

He calls Dave and the first thing out of his mouth is these rockets don’t fit. Dave says **** it, this clown is over his head. So he has the OO send them back. Why?

Dave is not a teacher. Why should he hold the hand of a full grown man, trying to teach him over the phone? And NOT get paid for the phone time?

Do YOU work for FREE? But you expect Dave to. I get you.

So now the rockers come back and guess what? They are out of the packaging. And the instruction sheet is dirty. Or missing.

Now Dave either has to clean all that **** up, repackage it and put new instructions in there.

That takes TIME. Dave has to PAY someone to do it. That’s why there’s restocking fees.

How about Dave says send them back and then he throws them is a box, dirty and without instructions.

Then YOU call and Dave sends YOU that ****. Would YOU like that? Would you pay full price for it?

Nope. You’d be on here, running your mouth like you are, thinking you’re a bad *** and you treat people like kings no matter how big of a prick they are.

So Dave can’t win. He took back parts that had ZERO issues. Not a damn thing wrong with them.

It’s just the OP wasn’t smart enough to read the instructions online and see that he didn’t have the skill to install them.

Then, once he got them and figured out he was lost he decided to make that Dave’s problem.

If I was Dave I’ve had said either figure out how to install them or YOU sell them and buy something different because this isn’t my fault.

Of course the OP would be crying his eyes out every day on here about how Dave treated him badly and talked hard to him.

Grow up. It’s not Dave’s fault someone bought parts they can’t can’t install.

Sorry if we are not worthy to be in your presence...
It's far and few in between these days. That's maybe me, but I just can't put up with arguing with people that I think dave is correct in this situation....
You've been around and seen me share about rebuilding near every part on an a body, let alone my thread on my 74 power wagon. That was a complete powder coated frame off restoration. Every nut screw and bolt was shared here..

I would have loved to I have shared the building of my shop last summer... From the day I poured the footings to the last nail in the last shingle on the roof.. to pulling that power wagon into its new home... brand new home... Hopefully, electricity and car lift this summer. It's been my dream all my life...
Alas, pictures and full story never to come...

Boo hoo, I post things in public and I get called on my bullshit so I’m not posting any more and all you will lose my great advice forever.

Arrogance is unappealing.

Dave was right BTW. If you don’t like that, maybe you should open a business and make and sell rockers that drop on any engine without mods.

You sell a billion of them and you’d be rich.

Surely all your wisdom could do it. And of course, you’d have the best customer service ever because your just a swell guy.
Ok, we get it. You don’t like Dave.

Get over it. This thread was DONE until your dumb *** came along with nothing new to add other than you haven’t a clue what went down because you heard one side.

I already posted what I know happened but I’ll summarize it here.

The OP, with his decades of engine building bought parts he either isn’t qualified to install or…wait…there is no other option.

The OP did NOT know how to install an aftermarket part that was never an OEM part to begin with.

He calls Dave and the first thing out of his mouth is these rockets don’t fit. Dave says **** it, this clown is over his head. So he has the OO send them back. Why?

Dave is not a teacher. Why should he hold the hand of a full grown man, trying to teach him over the phone? And NOT get paid for the phone time?

Do YOU work for FREE? But you expect Dave to. I get you.

So now the rockers come back and guess what? They are out of the packaging. And the instruction sheet is dirty. Or missing.

Now Dave either has to clean all that **** up, repackage it and put new instructions in there.

That takes TIME. Dave has to PAY someone to do it. That’s why there’s restocking fees.

How about Dave says send them back and then he throws them is a box, dirty and without instructions.

Then YOU call and Dave sends YOU that ****. Would YOU like that? Would you pay full price for it?

Nope. You’d be on here, running your mouth like you are, thinking you’re a bad *** and you treat people like kings no matter how big of a prick they are.

So Dave can’t win. He took back parts that had ZERO issues. Not a damn thing wrong with them.

It’s just the OP wasn’t smart enough to read the instructions online and see that he didn’t have the skill to install them.

Then, once he got them and figured out he was lost he decided to make that Dave’s problem.

If I was Dave I’ve had said either figure out how to install them or YOU sell them and buy something different because this isn’t my fault.

Of course the OP would be crying his eyes out every day on here about how Dave treated him badly and talked hard to him.

Grow up. It’s not Dave’s fault someone bought parts they can’t can’t install.

No, you don't get it...

The attitude you give gets reflected back at you...

You have to treat others with respect if you want to be treated with respect back... Respect is earned, not given automatically...

You catch more bees with honey than vinegar...

Leave your attitude at the door before entering...
No, you don't get it...

The attitude you give gets reflected back at you...

You have to treat others with respect if you want to be treated with respect back... Respect is earned, not given automatically...

You catch more bees with honey than vinegar...

Leave your attitude at the door before entering...
Oh my goodness... I unlock this page on the thread. Because you were answering yellow rose again and
He is losing his mind lol...
How many times do you monitors have to throw him off...
I get it's probably good for internet ratings, maybe to have him going off the rails...
No, you don't get it...

The attitude you give gets reflected back at you...

You have to treat others with respect if you want to be treated with respect back... Respect is earned, not given automatically...

You catch more bees with honey than vinegar...

Leave your attitude at the door before entering...

I get it dude. Been in the business a long time, dealing with full grown men who can’t deal with their decisions.

Buy from Dave, don’t buy from Dave. I don’t care and I’m betting Dave doesn’t care either.

But shut the **** up about his customer service. That’s the biggest lie there is.

This isn’t JC Penny where you buy bras and panties and the customer can always be right.

The customer was wrong.

No one gives Dave credit for letting him return them.

I’d have told the OP there nothing wrong with my rockers. Learn to use them or you sell them for a loss.

It’s amazing how full grown men want to drop their issues on other people.
Oh my goodness... I unlock this page on the thread. Because you were answering yellow rose again and
He is losing his mind lol...
How many times do you monitors have to throw him off...
I get it's probably good for internet ratings, maybe to have him going off the rails...

lol I’m not off the rails.

I just call them like I see them.

I’ve already called you a liar. You are and you know it.

I called you a clown. You’ve proven that.

But let’s be clear Jason what your real issue with me is.

When I first came on here, one of the first threads I found was you with your car at the track.

You posted a video of your car making a pass.

Your car was so fucked up I couldn’t believe it. Way too much clutch, a steel flywheel, junk shocks, no two step.

So I told you all that and because I hadn’t been around very long your panties wadded up.

You were told the truth and you didn’t like it.

So you’ve been whining about me since day one.

Get over it. You aren’t special. But much like the OP you don’t want to learn from anyone who didn’t coddle you with smooth words.

Grow up.

It’s also strange you want me removed from here. Over what? Your feelings get hurt?

That’s what a coward does. Cry to the mods that yellow rose is telling the truth and hurting my feelings.
lol. Dave should have dropped everything and helped the OP?

Maybe Dave should have jumped on a plane and flown over to help the guy. For free of course.

What’s sickening is a full grown man making full grown man decisions won’t take responsibility that this is HIS issue. Not Dave’s.

It doesn’t have a damn thing to do with customer service.

No, sometimes people need some advice and guidance...

If you don't know how to do something you seek help from someone who does... That's how you learn and get better...

When I was in high school and learning, there was a guy out here named Ken Neve... He was the director of the Chicago Mopar Muscle club and ran a repair shop that said, "Everything but body work"... He also sold Direct Connection parts out of his shop and I used to get double roller timing chains from him for $25... Ken was always there to give advice and supported the parts that he sold, even the ones he didn't sell, he was all about helping others...

After building my first engine and it had too low oil pressure... All of the other advice that I got from parts store guys and other car "experts" wasn't helping, they tried to tell me that my brand new bearings were shot after the oil pump shaft did not engage properly... But the engine did not run dry, just low pressure 25 psi when started and dropped to 5 psi when warm, the bearings were fine it was never run dry...

After pulling the engine for the fourth time, Ken was the one to tell me how to find the problem... I took his advice and found the problem and fixed it... The machine shop did not put two oil galley plugs back in after they did the machine work...

Ken was a good mentor and taught me alot...

There's nothing wrong with helping people that need it so they can improve and build their skills...

You seem to have a problem with that, and that's all on you...
I get it dude. Been in the business a long time, dealing with full grown men who can’t deal with their decisions.

Buy from Dave, don’t buy from Dave. I don’t care and I’m betting Dave doesn’t care either.

But shut the **** up about his customer service. That’s the biggest lie there is.

This isn’t JC Penny where you buy bras and panties and the customer can always be right.

The customer was wrong.

No one gives Dave credit for letting him return them.

I’d have told the OP there nothing wrong with my rockers. Learn to use them or you sell them for a loss.

It’s amazing how full grown men want to drop their issues on other people.

I give Dave credit for letting him return them...

I have a problem with charging him $200 restocking fee, that's excessive...
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