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  1. W

    Incredible Story!

    LMFAO!!! Good one Cudachick!Bwahahaha, i love dark humor.
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  3. W

    A disturbing newspaper article about beer

    Ya, i think i quit too. Feel free to call 462-4355. (look at your phone, and translate all those numbers to letters. I kinda wanna know the person that actually has this number...[look to title for those without access to phone])
  4. W

    ......uh, WTF!

    I think the title of the thread sums this up...uh WTF? That however was freakin hilarious...but how does it pretain to 'mini' vans?
  5. W

    Thanks to the Mods

    Yes! Very good job. I can't imagine trying to look after all of these crazy Mopar boys. Props to you!
  6. W

    Flying Deer!!

    HOLY COW!!! deer... Thats crazy!
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    What is so fragile that if you say its name, you shall break it? More powerful then god? More evil then the devil? Rich people want it. Poor people have it. If you eat it you shall die. What is it?
  8. W

    ......uh, WTF!

    I would do one up, big block, dana 60, yadda... and then add a tow package and haul the race car with it. Hehe. imagine that, 6 foot car, 24 foot trailer. hehe. Now if i could stop the wind from blowing it ll over...
  9. W

    Head rests

    Ahaha, i dunno why that eluded me. i thought about it and dismissed the idea... duh... i need to go to bed...
  10. W

    Head rests

    This would be the factory seats in my '69 Dart, no headrests, although they have been recovered. Either they are factory or someone went through a lot of trouble to spot weld those factory bolt plates on underneath. Stock /6 auto with buckets. Cool eh?
  11. W

    any other youngsters play World of Warcraft??

    Nothin wrong with starcraft! It kicks ***. Just depressing that it doesn't work so well on my machine running vista...
  12. W

    Technician Training

    Hmm doesn't even work on youtube...weird! Some other videos work, and some other videos also don't. :munky2:
  13. W

    Sandblasting inside trunk and hood?

    Hmm, i read in another post about glueing. Apparently there is a product out there you can use to glue on body panels, no welding needed. Why not glue the inners back to the hood? Would eliminate the heat problem, and is supposed to work just as well as welding. Sandblasted today. Warped the...
  14. W

    Technician Training

    It doesn't work for me for some reason... Just says the video is no longer available... i feel left out....
  15. W

    any other youngsters play World of Warcraft??

    Expansion? :computer: Lol, i have it and wanna get back into it... its a good time. Better the WoW cause its FREE. Just buy the game. The way things should be.
  16. W

    Sandblasting inside trunk and hood?

    Thanx waggin, thats most helpful! I forgot sand can soak up moisture...wate+metal=bad days. Forgot those little rules...
  17. W

    Sandblasting inside trunk and hood?

    Redfish... wat in the world are you going on about? Dry ice? To be honest i'm quite lost... and who said anything about seperating anything? I'm gonna guess you mean that if i sandblast the hood sand will get in the nooks and crannies, and then never will i get it all out? Which doesn't...
  18. W

    Sandblasting inside trunk and hood?

    Good idea or no, i hear it can warp the metal, but it seems pretty thick?
  19. W

    Finally Did It!

    Good to hear you're doin better!
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    a few old ones from e-mails

    Hahaha! Good ones!
  21. W

    Central Alberta Members!

    Ain't that the truth. O well, it's in the shop for paint anyways, so not much driving to be done.
  22. W

    Ummmm what the heck is going on here?

    I feel your pain. Here in central ab we're in some kind of weird valley, so there was a summer in 94 i think (i was 4, so this is definitely just wat i've been told...) where we had snow in July. On the flip side, we once did not see snow until late January one year. (95 or 96?). As of last...
  23. W

    How many A-bodies do you own?

    Hmm, me just the one... forever. lol, no option. =) Thnx dad. He should find this soon i bet...
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    virtual reality

    Bwahahaha, good one! Virtually, all vehicles can go reality MOPOWER.
  25. W

    9 things i hate about people

    One of my favorites, even i'm guilty of this one... "Yadda yadda yadda. comment. Blah blah." "Really?" "No, i said that to test whether or not the skys blue. Dumbass." Or my personal favorite, i am not guilty of, because i mock others so often... "Hey man, wats up?" My...
  26. W

    About age!

    Math in its highest and most practical use... besides puzzling something Mopar related... although for some, that is debatable...
  27. W

    On the hill.

    Hmm, that sounds like quite the weather! Up here... supposed to be 20 above 2morro (celsius). I hope our nice weather floats on down to you guys too!
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    Paint that changes color?

    It's actually pretty cool. i once had how it works explained to me once. the individual particles are shaped cylindrical with a flat top for 2 color change (cylinder one, top another), and much like a rectanglular prism for more then 2. The sides are two colors, and the top another. I believe...
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    The Hulk.

    Yea. I named my car. Cause its pure muscle and bad *** green. But no more! Now is the time of 8 tone paint jobs. Yes it is in the body shop at school. I have begun the paint job. I'm kind of worried though... 1. Some small rust problems on the bottom rear quarter... i think i will need...
  30. W

    C eh! N eh! D eh!

    Tree, tall. Me tall, willow short. Rocka. Sticka. Two seperate things. ish.