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  1. 67Dart273

    Ready to Run with Sniper

    You also might try the Holley forum. There is or was a guy on there that was excellent
  2. 67Dart273

    Odd ignition and electrical problem

    You likely either have some wiring hack someone did that is causing some sort of backfeed, or more likely some sort of cross between wires in the harness (such as melted from a previous short) that is causing this. If you do not have one go to and download a free service...
  3. 67Dart273

    What is this Alternator

    I tend to agree. What he is saying, is, this is NOT a native 69 / early type. It is or was, a 70/ later isolated field, sometimes incorrectly called a "dual field." You need to disconnect all connections, get a meter, and determine if the field is GROUNDED. If so you can get the...
  4. 67Dart273

    Key issues with my newly acquired 69 Barracuda

    The issues are all right in the switch/ lock cylinder, there is no connection, mechanically, to any lockouts, etc. All I can advise is to get it out, get it apart and examine it. You have a service manual? If not, go to, they are free. You may have to accept Dodge vs...
  5. 67Dart273

    Is your 67-76 A-body windshield leaking ?

    Steve, my friend, you need to write that book!!! LOL
  6. 67Dart273

    Alternator test procedure

    Sorry this is NOT TRUE If you are going to ground one, it MUST be the GREEN wire that you disconnect. The light blue is switched 12V TO THE field, and by disconnecting and grounding the opposite field terminal (the one where the green was) you are causing full power through the field...
  7. 67Dart273

    Alternator test procedure

    Don't discount the REST of it. I have found OPENS in the CHARGE WIRE/ ammeter circuit. In other words, the alternator / regulator were just fine, but the power could not get to the battery. Monitor voltage AT THE alternator stud. If it is way way high, but not charging, you have...
  8. 67Dart273

    1970 Chevelle 396 HEI Ignition No Spark

    If you cannot do anything else, pull the dist out lay it on a bench and find some alligator clip jumper wires. Consider pulling it apart if necessary and connect back with the jumpers and device a way to get power to it. These are essentially a Mopar 4 pin box all packaged up...
  9. 67Dart273

    Can’t get 1968 BB to crank over

    You either need a helper, or some wire, so someone can read the meter or watch the test light. "Rig" ANY wire you have including an extension cord so you have wire to reach from the rear battery to the front. Now you can test various places. First thing I'd do is do that or rig...
  10. 67Dart273

    Steering collar exchange Nerves!

    ??? Model year??? AbodyJoe had a pretty good breakdown of getting the column apart so far as ignition switch, but that is 70/ later
  11. 67Dart273

    Benefit Auction for 67dart273

    I probably will but will wait a bit. Also I don't know the s/n of them
  12. 67Dart273

    A scathing review of a POS and dangerous Klein tester

    My best Fluke may not make it. It powers up with a new battery, but it was somewhat warm, and the battery leaked. The others I have in the basement are "smokey." So I thought I'd buy an inexpensive tester to get by until I get something better, or see about getting the Flukes cleaned...
  13. 67Dart273

    Benefit Auction for 67dart273

    Unfortunately, not much, tho I do have a few leads to chase down. I've gotten most the kitchen, about all the living room, and quite a bit of the main bedroom cleaned out and the rug out of the living room. I've had 3-4 2 person teams that were essentially no-shows. One day before...
  14. 67Dart273

    Factory AC Removal Questions

    Easy. Even for an old guy. Try removing the ENTIRE dash out of a Dakota/ Ram to replace the heater / AC core.
  15. 67Dart273

    Reverse lights

    Of course. I don't remember where it's tapped off, maybe right at the bulkhead. The switched power comes through the bulkhead, interfaces with the instrument harness, and connects to the rear harness over on the left kick panel
  16. 67Dart273

    Turning key to "run" causes all power loss.

    Explain to me how you are going to find a low resistance drop point with a megger. I have been failed "little" by drop tests. You don't really effin care about proportionate increases or anything else. You are mostly just concerned with an unreasonable drop, and usually the really...
  17. 67Dart273

    Vapor return or liquid return line?

    You don't need to go to that work for an orifice. Wix (and others) make several different configurations of inline fuel filters with a 1/4" return already built in. Once again, do not connect that to the vapor line unless you provide a vent elsewhere. That IS the vent for the...
  18. 67Dart273

    disc brake pads

    I use semi metallic. Even though the 67 has been apart for awhile, when it ran I could lock up the brakes at 70. Simply a decent quality semi metallic. And I bet you are not driving this thing 200K a year, either
  19. 67Dart273

    4 Speed Shifter Change

    What is it? If it's an H pattern, you may only need a longer handle to make it friendly.
  20. 67Dart273

    1965 valiant 225 timing issues.

    Tough to say. I would be heavily suspicious of a carb problem, from what you have described. Idle screw should not need to be "clear out." Carb problem or vacuum leak. Have you run a compression test or leakdown test? Have you determined that all six are firing? One easy way to look...
  21. 67Dart273

    Vapor return or liquid return line?

    I am against using vented caps. Too big a risk, if the tank is full, and maybe you park with the filler a bit "down" that it will leak down the side of the car. Either convert it to mimmick a 69/ earlier vent, (tube high in the filler tube) or plumb an additional fitting into the...
  22. 67Dart273

    Mini-14 Story

    For decades I was not interested in a ".22" and now that they are worth too much money, I want one.
  23. 67Dart273

    Seriously Need Help

    That's the thing, we don't know the battery state of charge nor it's condition
  24. 67Dart273

    Walkie talkies

    And ABOUT CB. There is generally a lot less traffic on CB than there used to be and you can buy used radios CHEAP. Do not discount it
  25. 67Dart273

    brake issue

    He is not talking about bind, he is talking about length. If the PR is too long it will cause the master to lock up, because the ports in the bottom will not be past the improperly returned piston
  26. 67Dart273

    Walkie talkies

    What they are doing is using software on the phones to encode/ decode by some protocal into what amounts to sound card input outputs. The audio then goes into the transmitting radio, and the other radio receives and converts it to audio which is then decoded. Radio Amateurs have been doing this...
  27. 67Dart273

    Thanks!!! Randy!!! (missing linc)

    He found one of my missing pistols, a little DA only Colt 1911 look -alike 380. It's stainless, but the trigger parts and rear sight are not
  28. 67Dart273

    Reverse lights

    And while you are under there, turn the key to "run" and make sure 1 of the 2 outer terminals has power. Center terminal is for the neutral start switch
  29. 67Dart273

    Thanks!!! Randy!!! (missing linc)

    Randy came down from Alberta for a few days, helped me and yesterday we made a BIG hole in the mess!!