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  1. Danny Bellmore

    Pulling Engine/Trans over the winter....Header Question??

    I am happy with them. I would prefer the Headman Hustlers.
  2. Danny Bellmore

    Picture and a little blurb in Dec. Dragster

    A friend of mine had Wann's purple Duster for a while. He does awesome work. Congrats to you!
  3. Danny Bellmore

    Pulling Engine/Trans over the winter....Header Question??

    Basically when I spoke with TA they told me they would build me a set but if they didn't fit, they wouldn't issue a return. Building any type of Mopar is costly enough to start taking chances on $900.00 headers that may or may not fit.
  4. Danny Bellmore

    Pulling Engine/Trans over the winter....Header Question??

    I'm not trying to argue either. They should fit the Dart but TA says they don't. So I bought the TTi's beacause thats about all thats available.
  5. Danny Bellmore

    Pulling Engine/Trans over the winter....Header Question??

    I run the 1 7/8 TTI's. Only because you can no longer purchase the Headman Hustlers. Tubular Automotive told me that their header would fit a 71 Demon but not a 71 Dart. I didn't feel like arguing so I left it at that.
  6. Danny Bellmore

    Pulling Engine/Trans over the winter....Header Question??

    How did your Tubular Automotive headers fit and perform?
  7. Danny Bellmore

    Sheet Metal Intake

    Would you run it with a single or a double?
  8. Danny Bellmore

    Sheet Metal Intake

    I run the VR 200's.
  9. Danny Bellmore

    Sheet Metal Intake

    My current set up.
  10. Danny Bellmore

    Sheet Metal Intake

    Its done for la stuff.
  11. Danny Bellmore

    Sheet Metal Intake

    I'm looking at a sheet metal intake. I have a super victor ported by PBR that i have been using. Do sheet metal intakes perform well?
  12. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    Ok, Sorry for the response I had my shoulder reconstructed yesterday. I'm sure I can have spacers made. I wasn't aware that was an option.
  13. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    I just realized this pan probably won't fit my 360 based 408.
  14. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    For some odd reason it won’t let me pm you. I’m in need of a pan and this would be an excellent choice for my dart. No idea what they are worth. So just let me know what you need to get for it.
  15. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    Interested in selling it?
  16. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    I did not. But I just put it on my list. I appreciate you sharing your wealth of knowledge.
  17. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    I do have a Ishihara-Johnson scrapper. Not sure if that’s any better than Kevco’s though.
  18. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    Torsion bar with stock steering box. I had an old Ed Hamburger Demon a while ago and I do believe it had the pan that you listed on the motor.
  19. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    I have the QA1 K frame. That’s a serious looking pan.
  20. Danny Bellmore

    Best performing small block oil pan?

    I am looking for the best option oil pan for my 408 bracket engine. Who makes the best one?
  21. Danny Bellmore

    Overlap Triangle

    I liked the cam. My combo was 408 11.8 vr200 heads 727 456 gears. Best pass was a 6.69. My converter was way too tight at 4000. I now have a 904 with a 600 converter ready to go in.
  22. Danny Bellmore

    Brett Miller 434" W9 headed small block street/strip '68 Barracuda

    What is the 434 combination if you don't mind me asking?
  23. Danny Bellmore

    Help identify these heads

    Did you ever sell these?
  24. Danny Bellmore

    Overlap Triangle

    Ok. I am pretty green with this stuff and still learning.
  25. Danny Bellmore

    Overlap Triangle

    I did tube my last block. After the peening was done, I had to use a sandpaper roll to get the lifters to move freely within the lifter bores. Now I did not drill any holes in the copper tubing in the lifter bores.
  26. Danny Bellmore

    Overlap Triangle

    I can honestly say I don't know. What method would be better?
  27. Danny Bellmore

    Overlap Triangle

    I will be dropping off my block off at the machine shop this week. Would you tube the block or bush the lifter bores if it were yours?
  28. Danny Bellmore

    Overlap Triangle

    Thank you Thank you. Great info as always.
  29. Danny Bellmore

    Overlap Triangle

    The car is a bracket car. I almost went with the melinized gear but just didn’t know much about them. I see now I should have taken the chance.