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  1. azaustin

    Current draw at start

    Or a Snap-On MT 552 load tester. It has an inductive pickup too, and a larger load pile. Just sayin…
  2. B

    Camshafts and Compression

    The met rod tree has no affect at idle IF the pri blades are properly adjusted for the correct T/slot position. You could remove the met rods & it will have no affect on the idle. When you have nozzle drip, it means the main [ high speed ] system is operating & the met rod tree under these...
  3. George Jets

    Simple Distributor Stand, handy.

    Working on your distributor and it is flopping around on you, hard to hold it in a good work position? Here is a simple Folgers Coffee container repurposed into a distributor stand. ☆☆☆☆☆
  4. C

    340 X heads

    Same cam as all the other 69 and later 340's No solid cams in 340's from factory
  5. scamp fan

    Who's put a hellcat in an A-body ??

    Would be cool to see. But I don’t have that car or that engine either. But I do have a 76 scamp and hellcrate engine
  6. harrisonm

    Who's put a hellcat in an A-body ??

    If I had the money to put a Hemi in my 69 Cuda, I'd find a 426 Hemi. It does fit. There was an article in a Mopar Muscle about 20 ago where a man installed a 426 in an A Body. He did it such that the hood closed. Can you imagine taking a 69 Barracuda to a car show and popping the hood to expose...
  7. B

    Valve Clearance on Larger Camshaft and Flat Top Pistons

    Another method of measuring the thickness of the clay.... [1] Use a short 3" straight edge, someting like a lathe tool [2] Somewhere around the middle of the 3", put two marks, 1/2" apart [3] Position on the flat top of the piston & overhanging the clay; with one mark lining up with the edge of...
  8. 72bluNblu

    Rearends / Swaps

    Dusters have the same front and rear track width as every other A-body given the same brakes and axles. The sport body cars have wider quarters, so it makes the wheels look like they're further in. But they have the same track as any A-body with the same axle. A-body 7.25 and 8.25" rear axles...
  9. B

    72 Dart 360 PVC valve issues

    [1] I told you in post #22 that the engine is worn. If it is THAT worn that the you are getting oil in the spark plug, then the only to strip the engine & fix it properly. [2] A worn engine can carbon up the PCV such that it no longer rattles. A 'rattle' test is not conclusive for...
  10. harrisonm

    "custom" taillights opinions?

    I like the shaved look on the left. It is a subtle custom touch, and I like it.
  11. BkrDude001

    "custom" taillights opinions?

    I like it. Changes the look of the rear end.
  12. 72bluNblu

    68 Barracuda front disc brake conversion and suspension upgrade

    You need to use the ball joint that's correct for the spindles you're using. There are differences between the lower ball joints for 9" drum spindles, KH disk spindles, and 73+ disk spindles.
  13. George Jets

    72 Dart 360 PVC valve issues

    ...back over a 2 week period. Running nice and strong now and no more smoke out the tailpipe, rings are seated again. Proof's in the pudding. Yes it's my custom built ignition. If your PCV is rattling, back down your timing and it will take car of that too. Ask me how I know..... * *...
  14. Scody21

    Rechrome Pricing Out of This World??

    We have a lot of steel parts nickel plated. If polished first, looks very similar to chrome. Cost is cheaper, but still expensive….
  15. B

    Slant 6 ignition

    Swap some plug leads & see if the problem moves with the leads.
  16. Dana67Dart

    Sure-grip & spare tire size questions

    I have a short spare 155x14. All my tires are the same size. If I get a flat on the rear I swap a front to the rear and put the spare on the front. Pita but it works
  17. ppmopar

    67-76 dart belt molding interchange ?

    Yes the set is 6 pieces total. Because I need it for 70 but is a seller that have a set that came from 75 but I am not sure if fit on 70
  18. scamp fan

    Who's put a hellcat in an A-body ??

    That’s a solid answer. Thanks for the info. Looks like I have some more thinking to do before I open that can of worms lol. Mine is a 76scamp.
  19. Dana67Dart

    Dashboard voltage limiter?

    Answered in post 6
  20. G

    [FOR SALE] Two Excellent A engine Timing Chain covers

    Really very nice covers!
  21. Dana67Dart

    Convertible fluid

    I have been going around and around on this too. The fluid in my system is clear I don't have any record of it being changed From my research the pink color was added to trans fluid Type A sometime in 67. My car was built in late Jan early Feb of 67. I'm assuming before the color was added...
  22. Cuda Al

    Early Kelsey Hayes Disk Brake Setup

    These are 67s from a 1967 magazine. Master and cover look to be painted black. Alan

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    That looks very nice, Wolfie......
  24. dowboy1970

    340 X heads

    Any 915 casting head could be ground out to be a TA head. Never heard of a 915 head O, U, J, being cast early enough to be used prior to 1970. What exactly are you saying?
  25. lemondana

    Thermoquad Identification Help

    I have one of these 9022's and used it on a couple different cars. I think it is the most brutal TQ that I have ever used. It is the 850, so I would use it.. My older buddy had a restored 68 Road Runner 383, all stock. We were going on a 1000 mile weekend drive, and I talked him in to installing...
  26. 4spdragtop

    69 Barracuda fastback trunk trim moulding.

    Sorry but that's one abortonized tail panel. That is a mix of 68 and 69 to me. 69 with holes hacked in and looks like 68 mouldings mounted on top of 69 panel.. :BangHead: @RAT ROD AL has proper 69 panel for sail.
  27. Car Nut

    Hey yall! Thanks for the welcome

    Nice looking Scamp.
  28. Clelan

    Anyone recognize this Holley metering block?

    No, it's way too big for that i think. Cley
  29. 70SwingerGuy

    front of engine set up for 1969

    So my motor isnt the original in my 70 Swinger, but the timing marks on my 340 motor are on the drivers side, and the lower rad hose is on the passenger side also, and the block numbers tell me that its a late 68 cast. So is it possible to put a 70 timing cover/water pump onto a 69 block just...