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    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good Morning Eric. Glad yur feelin better..... :thumbsup:
  2. 71GSSDemon

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning everyone. We made it to Friday! I dodnt take the prednisone at all yesterday. Way better. I will stick with the meloxicam in the evening and Tylenol during the day. 71⁰ for today (I will be working 4-4) then 40 and rain for next several days. Yay
  3. Oldmanmopar

    Downhill Decel Drive line clunk in rear end

    All of the above plus. What could be happening is the trans is shifting hard into drive when leaving off the throttle cresting the hill. To much throttle pressure from out of adjustment or geometry off from carb to trans. Or line pressure turned up.
  4. Oldmanmopar

    Are Hughes Converters any good?

    I bought one a couple years bach and it worked great.
  5. Oldmanmopar

    Dougs Headers

    We used manual steering doug's on a power steering car. With a little massaging they fit . with Doug's A manual shift car the output lever on the z-bar has to be turned backwards as per their instructions. So we did it on a k-member assembly stand. Made fitment much easier. I would say the...
  6. George Jets

    How bad can it be?

    @TrailBeast Just wanted to say thanks for the very first youtube video you put up on your youtube channel on how to work on mopar distributors. Helped me to understand more things before I tore into my latest distributor projects. Thanks * * * * *
  7. George Jets

    How bad can it be?

    TrailBeast, are you effectively knurling the back sides of the rod bearings to tighten up the oil clearance gap to the crankshaft? * * * * *
  8. B

    Crankcase ventilation.

    One reason PCVs get disconnected is because a bigger cam is installed in the engine, & these have less vacuum at idle. Not enough vac to pull in the pintle inside the PCV..... So the PCV gets disconnected....
  9. C

    Mopar Ring gear i.d
  10. TrailBeast

    How bad can it be?

    This is going to sound whacked, but I have done this dozens of times with success. Dress the crank and or rod journals with crokus cloth strip. Take the bearing halfs out of the cap and drag the cap on a good file switching ends every other stroke to help uniformity. (Dragging it toward you...
  11. George Jets

    How bad can it be?

    Want to make sure what it really is that you are feeling with your fingernail going across the crank journal. A lot of times the softer bearing material will transfer to the harder crankshaft, and that softer bearing material will easily polish back off. That is where the 320 wet/dry with...
  12. J

    Is there anything special to look out for when inspecting a 1970 Dart Swinger?

    "clean title" doesn't mean **** you want the plate and the last 5 of the VIN to run thru the DMV reg fee calculator online. that will tell you if any back fees are owed on the car and what it will cost to transfer and reg in your name. if the seller's name isn't on the title, no go. if the...

    Classic/vintage car as a daily driver.

    Except they all have Russian made diesel engines in them nowadays. Tom
  14. RustyRatRod

    Convertible fluid

    It's a hydraulic system fellers. Lets not over think this. A standard hydraulic jack oil will work fine. IF I was gonna use transmission fluid, I'd use Type F since it is hydraulic fluid and has no detergent that might damage seals.
  15. TrailBeast

    Classic/vintage car as a daily driver.

    We still have yet to meet up in person. Any thoughts on that for the near future?
  16. George Jets

    How bad can it be?

    320 wet/dry & WD-40, then can follow that up with a scotch bright pad, then follow up with the final crocus cloth for the final polish. Plug the oil holes with some high density foam to keep the gray matter out of them while doing this. ☆☆☆☆☆
  17. RustyRatRod

    Changing engine mounts with engine installed

    You'll want to disconnect any linkages such as Z bar for a manual or the column shift if it's an automatic. Maybe even disconnect the manifolds form the pipes or the headers from the collectors. We don't know what you have since you didn't say. I always do both mounts at the same time because...
  18. 92b

    Follow up test with a CDI ignition

    Unless you were testing to see the amount of timing retard the individual parts are contributing to the systems total amount of retard. So far, single point, dual point and unilite distributors by themselves appear to contribute very little timing retard as a trigger for the distributor tester...
  19. harrisonm


    You could make that easily. Polish a piece of 18 or 20 gauge metal and then cut it, then file the cuts smooth and polish again. Then spray on a few light coats of rattle can clear for rust protection. Then dip it in that black rubber stuff that you can dip tool handles in. If done carefully...
  20. Dana67Dart

    Changing engine mounts with engine installed

    No just some notes about disconnecting some linkages and pulling the dist, etc.
  21. Dana67Dart

    On the Road Again !

    Still hurts :( This Saturday I'm going to the last day for a local wrecking yard to do a final pick, several 60s and 70s A bodies all will be toasters in a few months
  22. Dana67Dart

    Rethreading die 7/16-20 left and right hand

    Either on Facebook or here I recently saw someone selling LH msg type lug nuts. If I see it again I'll copy the address forvyou
  23. harrisonm

    When you pay $1200 for an AAR hood, you expect more from Stinger Fiberglass

    Maybe it was resurrected by new people who will do it right. I wonder what would happen if @Righty Tighty contacted them and asked for a new hood? Perhaps they would do something. It wouldn't hurt to try.
  24. Dana67Dart

    Convertible fluid

    Only thing might be detergents and seal swelling properties of ATF might be different but I don't
  25. Dana67Dart

    Dashboard voltage limiter?

    If you watch eBay etc you can find NOS gauges for a reasonable price. Realtime engineering RTE limiter - rte makes a great IVR. Replacement cir boards are available. I sell a gasket set for 67-71 dart clusters. The temp sender is easy at the auto parts store. The tough one is the fuel...
  26. memike

    2025 15th Annual FABO NHRA "Pick 'Em" Game - I Can't Wait!!!

    TF Justin Ashley FC Jack Becman PS Dallas Glenn
  27. diymirage

    funny pictures

  28. diymirage

    funny pictures

  29. RustyRatRod

    Weird problem with front drum brakes

    Well alrighty, Buckaroo. I guess he shouldda asked you first.