yellow rose
Overnight Sensation
I see that and I'm aware of corrected power. But my point isn't the corrected power. It's elevation and how you need to compensate for it. It's also that he built an engine with ported aluminum heads with a cam that doesn't take advantage of them. Uses a cam with a bad lift to duration and bad intake valve closing angle. And how all that gave it a low DCR and frankly, mediocre power. It's really just a recipe for an "Ok" engine.
Honestly if I had an engine with aluminum heads that flowed 260cfm, I would be pissed if it made under 400 horse. I just hate the idea of leaving 100 horse on the table because of mismatched engine.
You can't say anything about leaving power on the table. That means it can't be a street engine anymore and it is a rough idling, no power brake, RPM to the moon, no bottom end gargantuan PIG.
Nope, the best street engines always leave power on the table. That's what makes them streetable.
I hope you all get my witty sarcasm. I know the Canadians may not get it.
Do the Canadians get that sarcasm? I mean, with the language barrier and all.