340 or 408?

Let me make it simple for you.

A guy says he wants to run his 4.56’s and build a 340 and all you short dick clowns come out of the woodwork and tell him how stupid he is and how great an under headed 400 inch tractor motor would be for him.

That’s THE issue.

Don’t talk to me about engine building until you can do a valve job and tell me why you did it.

Get there and we can have a conversation.
I didn’t tell him he shouldn't run his 4.56 or build a 340. It’s internet experts like you who tell everyone what they shouldn’t do. There are more than one way to skin a cat.

It’s like grade school math, show your work. I’ve posted several examples of mine. All you’ve done is thump your chest and name call.
I didn’t tell him he shouldn't run his 4.56 or build a 340. It’s internet experts like you who tell everyone what they shouldn’t do. There are more than one way to skin a cat.

It’s like grade school math, show your work. I’ve posted several examples of mine. All you’ve done is thump your chest and name call.

I’ve posted math in this thread. You’re in here adding nothing.

I don’t care what the guy does. I do know what the OP was asking about and everyone jumped his **** about how poor a 340 runs and how hard it is to make any power without 9500 on the tach and all the other bullshit spread around here.

You need to figure out why you are so butthurt about stroke length.

So why don’t you tell me why you chose the parts you did. Show your math. Then explain why this was the best.

Or just say you wrote checks to guys like me because you don’t have the skill and talent to build, test and tune engines.

Or just go away. That’s the best option.

Edit: please note you are the one who is doing the dick measuring. You think you can tell me to post something. Say **** you.

Again, tell me how you build your ****.

Or like I said before, go away. I don’t give a **** what you do. Or think.
I’ve posted math in this thread. You’re in here adding nothing.

I don’t care what the guy does. I do know what the OP was asking about and everyone jumped his **** about how poor a 340 runs and how hard it is to make any power without 9500 on the tach and all the other bullshit spread around here.

You need to figure out why you are so butthurt about stroke length.

So why don’t you tell me why you chose the parts you did. Show your math. Then explain why this was the best.

Or just say you wrote checks to guys like me because you don’t have the skill and talent to build, test and tune engines.

Or just go away. That’s the best option.

Edit: please note you are the one who is doing the dick measuring. You think you can tell me to post something. Say **** you.

Again, tell me how you build your ****.

Or like I said before, go away. I don’t give a **** what you do. Or think.
I won’t argue with math, just the application.

Why would I write checks to idiots? I respect the opinions of a few members here, you are not one of them.

Please carry on keyboard expert.
I won’t argue with math, just the application.

Why would I write checks to idiots? I respect the opinions of a few members here, you are not one of them.

Please carry on keyboard expert.

Good. Block me then hero.

For the record, I wouldn’t build an engine for you. You are unteachable.

I don’t waste my time with clowns like you.
Good. Block me then hero.

For the record, I wouldn’t build an engine for you. You are unteachable.

I don’t waste my time with clowns like you.
I don’t need you to build my engines, I build my own. Please show your work.
Why? I knew with your first post in this thread I hurt your feels and your trying to draw me in to your level.

Again, **** off.
Haha, my feelings are far from hurt. I’ve posted my work, you, not so much. I’ve never claimed to be a machinist, don’t have the equipment.

You’re the winner, does that make you feel better?
Haha, my feelings are far from hurt. I’ve posted my work, you, not so much. I’ve never claimed to be a machinist, don’t have the equipment.

You’re the winner, does that make you feel better?

Nope. Because you didn’t learn a thing from this thread. You are as dumb as always.

Of course, we all know if you had the machines you couldn’t run them. And sadly, running the machines is the easy part.

Knowing what to do and WHY is the hard part.

That and dealing with customers who learn all they know on forums like this.

There’s a reason why you don’t build engines. Yet you claim to be an expert.

Here’s the formula. Explain it. And show your work.


I heard there was a train derailment here so I’m just checking in. Lol

I heard there was a train derailment here so I’m just checking in. Lol

View attachment 1716308025

Says the biggest retailer on here. No wait…you are a distant second to Jpar.

He is the KING of derails.

FWIW, go back and read the first page. I didn’t derail anything. All I did was explain why the OP doesn’t need a 408 to get what he wants, contrary to all the non engine builders on here.

That hurts feelings. Just ask Justin. He’s wetting the bed pretty hard because he thinks I think something about his engine or some ****.
Nope. Because you didn’t learn a thing from this thread. You are as dumb as always.

Of course, we all know if you had the machines you couldn’t run them. And sadly, running the machines is the easy part.

Knowing what to do and WHY is the hard part.

That and dealing with customers who learn all they know on forums like this.

There’s a reason why you don’t build engines. Yet you claim to be an expert.

Here’s the formula. Explain it. And show your work.


Actually I haven’t learned from forums like this. I have however learned a lot talking to Dwayne Porter (PRH) Brett Miller and years ago Ryan Johnson.

Yes, I’ve had help and have never denied it. I was told years ago, if you want to learn seek advice from people smarter than you.

Please show your work.
Actually I haven’t learned from forums like this. I have however learned a lot talking to Dwayne Porter (PRH) Brett Miller and years ago Ryan Johnson.

Yes, I’ve had help and have never denied it. I was told years ago, if you want to learn seek advice from people smarter than you.

Please show your work.

You wouldn’t understand the work.

I posted a bunch of math in another thread and I was told if I have to use math I’m stupid. You think I don’t use math so you think I’m stupid.

Whats stupid is you jumping in this thread specifically to **** with me and the mods allow it.

You are a passive aggressive clown. I knew that when you asked the first question.

I’ll show you nothing. What I do know is I own your mind. I’m eating away at your mind because all you can do is say show the math or my work.

Both have been posted here before.

Do a search. Or better yet, just go away. You have nothing to add and all you can tell the OP is he needs a 4 inch crank because you have one and you can’t be wrong because you are the smartest dude on the forum.

I could post my oiling system mods but you’d never get it. Honestly, most guys won’t.

One who would get it is PBR. If he saw what I do he’d get it. But I’m not talking and neither is he.

So showing you anything is above your pay grade.

Or write a big fat check. That’s what you do best. And run your mouth out of your lane.
It's only a crank you can build 500-550+ hp with any of them, question here is which one will suit the OP the best.
It's only a crank you can build 500-550+ hp with any of them, question here is which one will suit the OP the best.

No it’s not. Not even close. The militant 4 inches crowd won’t accept that anything less than a 4 inch stroke has merit.

The OP can do 500 hp easily with 340 inches if he wants to.

Evidently though most guys on here couldn’t drive it because it would be too “racey”.
Why not, 1200 hp @ 7500 rpm, what's not to like, price? :D

Shitty Chrysler block. It’s 50 hp down at least because of those stupid skirts on the block.

And before the ne’er do well weisenheimers come along and tell us the Hemi is the greatest thing ever and it has skirts. No one on here is burning fuel so that’s a non starter.

But clowns will argue that you can be sure.
No it’s not. Not even close. The militant 4 inches crowd won’t accept that anything less than a 4 inch stroke has merit.

The OP can do 500 hp easily with 340 inches if he wants to.

Evidently though most guys on here couldn’t drive it because it would be too “racey”.
I agree with you there, it's like a bad infomercial where they stumbled around, scratching their heads to make 500 hp until they pullout the all new shiny 4" crank then everything goes easy as pie :)

I don't get why people over sale the hardship of less displacement they make it sound near impossible just be realistic.

There's reasons to go either way and the OP has to figure out which way sounds more like him.
You wouldn’t understand the work.

I posted a bunch of math in another thread and I was told if I have to use math I’m stupid. You think I don’t use math so you think I’m stupid.

Whats stupid is you jumping in this thread specifically to **** with me and the mods allow it.

You are a passive aggressive clown. I knew that when you asked the first question.

I’ll show you nothing. What I do know is I own your mind. I’m eating away at your mind because all you can do is say show the math or my work.

Both have been posted here before.

Do a search. Or better yet, just go away. You have nothing to add and all you can tell the OP is he needs a 4 inch crank because you have one and you can’t be wrong because you are the smartest dude on the forum.

I could post my oiling system mods but you’d never get it. Honestly, most guys won’t.

One who would get it is PBR. If he saw what I do he’d get it. But I’m not talking and neither is he.

So showing you anything is above your pay grade.

Or write a big fat check. That’s what you do best. And run your mouth out of your lane.
Have you ever sought counseling? I’m sure you’re an intelligent guy, you just think your way is the only way.

I do write checks for head porting and machine work, not for assembly. You apparently have the equipment to do it, congrats.

Nothing wrong with short stroke engines, I’ve built several. My 434 is 4.125” stroke, a tractor engine. LOL
Have you ever sought counseling? I’m sure you’re an intelligent guy, you just think your way is the only way.

I do write checks for head porting and machine work, not for assembly. You apparently have the equipment to do it, congrats.

Nothing wrong with short stroke engines, I’ve built several. My 434 is 4.125” stroke, a tractor engine. LOL
Where did I say my way is the only way?

Did you read the first page of this thread? If you do, stop writing checks for car parts and **** and pay a tutor to teach you to read.

The OP loves his 340. That hurts your feelings. He loves his 4.56’s. You hate that because you can’t use that gear on the street.

Go back and read what I said to him in my first post.

I’m going to type this very slow so maybe you can understand.

I will never build anything for myself with a 4 inch crank for ME.

I do it for customers after I tell them they’d do better with less stroke, but rather than listen to an engine builder, they listen to the internet because it’s never wrong.

You need counseling dude. Your reading comprehension is horrible and your passive aggressive nature shows you aren’t comfortable in your own skin.