Almost got hit yesterday....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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:protest:What is it with people that think the painted lines in a parking lot are driving lanes? Was running errands for the wife yesterday on the bike. Putting down the driving lane of a parking lot and this car came blasting thru. Course the bi-polar black out kicked in. I said something, no idea what it was and saw the car stop and the drivers door start to open. Killed the bike, threw kickstand down and went charging. Once the punk ***, sideways wearing hat kid seen how pi**ed I was he changed his mind. Of course I did not see the cop sitting there eating lunch. He grabbed a hold of me and dragged me back to the bike, asking me to stay put. That lasted all of 5 seconds and I went charging again. Got dragged back to the bike and was told stay or you will be cuffed. Seems Junior and all of his punk *** little buds are 15, and and of them borrowed a parents car. Cops had the 4 of them in the back of a couple of a cars. Was told they would be bought to the station and held until there parents came and picked them up. And that the car was going to be towed and impounded. Little fu**ers. Cop took my name/number but he said they would not be in touch with me over, it was just a formality. A waitress from the restaurant seen what happened and how wound up I was. She asked me to go inside with her and her something to drink. Her boss offered to drive me home, they were a bit concerned with how fired up I was. Ja**a** idiots need to learn that the parking spots are not driving lanes. I have been in 3 accidents so far because of morons like this.:protest:
Sounds like they got thiers.....glad you didn't get hurt.
Glad yer ok Doug. Good thing the popo was there to stop you!! And them asshats are now tagged, good luck with getting away with **** now!
I have been in 1 write-off and it is one of the worst feelings in the world...seeing it coming
Sounds like the Cop not only saw what happened and got it right, but also did you a big favor. If you would have slapped one of those little pansies, you would have had hell to pay for their stupidity.

Very glad you weren't hurt.

Next time, wear a shirt with a target on it. Give the little **** heads something to aim at, lol.
Glad your safe Doug. A friend of mine at work has a Honda Goldwing that he might consider selling because the way people drive out here. He was almost hit nearly a dozen times last summer!

And get this, I think the bike is cursed, lol. The man he bought the bike from used to work with us until he retired 2-3yrs ago. He was once even hit by lightning on it! The last straw came when just before he retired he left work and was waiting at a stop light. A 19-20yo gal came barreling up and rear ended him doing 30mph. Knocked him backwards off the bike. She tried fleeing the scene but she was quickly blocked in by other drivers who seen it happen.
He ended up having to get 3 vertebrae in his neck fused and his doctor strongly recommended him to sell all his he did. I forgot to mention Teddy is in his late 60's.
Anyways, those 15yo's will get what they deserve...hopefully!
Lucky. I got into it with some pimple face who dam near ran over a kid in a parking lot.

He turns into this lot (this was some 15 EDIT 25? years ago) driving some AMC thing. He came in so fast into the lot the front wheels bounced "air" Then dam near didn't get stopped at the curb in front of this convenience store, where two kids were on bikes.

He thought he was gonna fight, I pinned him with one hand on his neck. He says "what's the big deal, the speed limits 25, I wasn't going over 25!!!!!!"

It must be inCREDIBLY uncomfortable having the back of your neck jammed against the rain gutter of your own POS car. Or, maybe, your Mom's POS car.

This look? This is me bein' friendly, LOL

This is the very reason why in the 12 or so years of having a ccw permit I have only carried a weapon a dozen or so times. I am 99.9% of the way to the fight or flight zone on most days so it does not take much for me to go off. I really got the thing in case we had a weapon slide under a seat or something like that when we go shooting.

Ernie was cutting thru a parking lot like that not to long ago. I came unglued. Insurance agent has told me that if it were not for both of us being ticket/accident free we would be paying close to 1k more a year for all of our insurance. I have gotten on her about speeding as well. I told her drive as you chose. I have been paying $180 a month for our insurance since being here, house, cars and umbrella policy. It goes over that due to her stupidity she is paying for it.

Never have been able to understand why folks cut thru the parking spots like that. I was in Home Depot a couple of years ago. I usually park towards the far end of the lot with my pick up due to its extremely poor turning radius. Anyhow, was walking along and one of the parking spot cruisers did not see me nor the shopping cart. He destroyed the cart.....and the case of light bulbs that was in it. He went into HD and got me another case of bulbs. I seen him coming and figured with all the room there was around me he would just swerve around me. He said he did not see me. I am not exactly a little guy, 6' or so and at the time close to 300 pounds.....not to mention the orange cart....
Glad you're OK Doug and it's probably a good thing a cop was there, lol. Yep, people cutting across parking spaces, going the wrong way, blowing off stop signs.. It's a jungle out there.
Glad you didn't get hurt or get in trouble over stupid punks. I test drive a road thru a shopping mall. One corner everybody is on my side. I don't move over just keep heading straight. They have to swerve and give me dirty looks. Last week they painted a double yellow line and people are still on my side. IDIOTS!!! Just like the women yesterday ran the red light on her cell phone. Almost hit her. Thinking now I should have. I need a new fender.
Glad that cop was there! Lol the title of this thread might be quite different if he hadn't been!
Another thing I have a problem understanding is pedestrians. I know they have the right of way but I think they should still look. Am amazed at how many folks just step off the sidewalk with out even looking. And lets not forget the ones that walk right down the middle of the lanes in the parking lot....or those real AZZHATS who walk diagonally.....nuff to make my blood boil.....
Another thing I have a problem understanding is pedestrians. I know they have the right of way but I think they should still look. Am amazed at how many folks just step off the sidewalk with out even looking. And lets not forget the ones that walk right down the middle of the lanes in the parking lot....or those real AZZHATS who walk diagonally.....nuff to make my blood boil.....

Especially with their kids. Hold their damn hands or pick them up!
dude crazy man i had the same thing happen to me at a scheels parking lot a
few days ago, but i was driving the satellite. some idiot was speeding through
the parking spots as i was pulling into the directional lane to park. we both
locked up the brakes and she saw every boney curve of my middle finger.

also just two days ago a 15 year old pulled out in front of a friend of mine while
he was on his bike. he hit the car and messed his bike up pretty good but he
walked away with a road rash and a cut on his head.
I've almost been taken out a couple times in the same way. Friggin' idiots. And they're never just crawling along either, they're blasting through, double stupid. Glad these punks got what they deserved.
Anybody else ever got hit by a car when they were younger? Perhaps chasing a ball, or or your bicycle? I got hit by a car once while on my bike. I should have not been riding my bicycle on the street yet as I was a bit wobbly. And this wobbling is what put me into the front corner of a neighbors car. Luckily I did get hurt to bad, more like got the snot scared out of me. This is what amazes me about the people in parking lots. I realize they have the right of way but with how distracted folks are while they are driving anymore it is a foolish risk to just assume that the driver of a car is going to see you. And then as 72Dodge stated some folks are not crawling thru the parking lots, they are down right hauling ***.
Doug I don't know you but you seem angry so you need a little anger management. Next time this happens stop your bike put down the stand. Sing as loud as you can I feel pretty oh so pretty oh so pretty and witty. This will take care of the anger LOL. Just kidding.
Damn Doug,
Glad they didn't get you.
I sold my street cruiser a long time ago, because impatience makes people do stupid **** and they are all impatient.
I just had way too many close calls with people that were going way to fast or running a stop sign or on and on.
The Friday after Sarah got through her original surgery my best friend and I had just gone shopping for a few things and were walking back to the car.

A woman comes flying through the parking lot and damned near hits me. I wasn't walking through the middle of the parking lot, I was walking close to the parked cars, but she damned near hit me anyway.

I told her to watch where she was going. All the sudden she stops the car, jumps out and starts mouthing at me. Then three of four kids, about 17, 18 years old jump out and start mouthing. One looks me over like he's a badass (all five foot nothing of him) and says something about me being his light work.

I couldn't help myself... I started laughing uncontrollably. They didn't know what to think of that. This little punk *** teenager, telling me I was his light work. Hysterical!

Pull up your pants, junior, unless you're somebody's b****, and unless your brain is in sideways, put your hat on straight.

Karli dragged me back to the car, me still laughing. I s*** bigger than you, junior!

All I can say, it was a good thing it was the Friday following Sarah's surgery. If it had been the day of Sarah's surgery, I would have played Stretch Armstrong with the kid until his arms came off, then used his arms to beat the ever loving s*** out his buddies. Without blinking an eye.

The problem with kids - or people in general - is that they never who they may be f***ing with or the state of mind with whom they may be running up against.
Glad to hear you're OK, Doug. And very glad you were stopped before touching any of those underage kids or we may not be hearing from you for awhile.
I've been lucky all the years I've been riding. Got hit once on the freeway here in SoCal and been down two other times - one of them my fault riding over my head on a curvy mountain road - but never been hurt more than bumps and bruises.
As you know, you have to ride like you're invisible with your head on a swivel. Stupid drivers will make eye contact with you and still not see you!
Be safe.
And of course the mother stood there like the dumbass she was and didn't say a word to them.

The Friday after Sarah got through her original surgery my best friend and I had just gone shopping for a few things and were walking back to the car.

A woman comes flying through the parking lot and damned near hits me. I wasn't walking through the middle of the parking lot, I was walking close to the parked cars, but she damned near hit me anyway.

I told her to watch where she was going. All the sudden she stops the car, jumps out and starts mouthing at me. Then three of four kids, about 17, 18 years old jump out and start mouthing. One looks me over like he's a badass (all five foot nothing of him) and says something about me being his light work.

I couldn't help myself... I started laughing uncontrollably. They didn't know what to think of that. This little punk *** teenager, telling me I was his light work. Hysterical!

Pull up your pants, junior, unless you're somebody's b****, and unless your brain is in sideways, put your hat on straight.

Karli dragged me back to the car, me still laughing. I s*** bigger than you, junior!

All I can say, it was a good thing it was the Friday following Sarah's surgery. If it had been the day of Sarah's surgery, I would have played Stretch Armstrong with the kid until his arms came off, then used his arms to beat the ever loving s*** out his buddies. Without blinking an eye.

The problem with kids - or people in general - is that they never who they may be f***ing with or the state of mind with whom they may be running up against.
Anybody else ever got hit by a car when they were younger? Perhaps chasing a ball, or or your bicycle? I got hit by a car once while on my bike. I should have not been riding my bicycle on the street yet as I was a bit wobbly. And this wobbling is what put me into the front corner of a neighbors car. Luckily I did get hurt to bad, more like got the snot scared out of me. This is what amazes me about the people in parking lots. I realize they have the right of way but with how distracted folks are while they are driving anymore it is a foolish risk to just assume that the driver of a car is going to see you. And then as 72Dodge stated some folks are not crawling thru the parking lots, they are down right hauling ***.

Yes...By a Woman on the phone about 8 months ago. She didnt realize there are stop signs at entrances and exits to neighborhoods and that you have to stop before them. Hit her at like 20MPH :eek:ops: slid across her hood and into the middle of the road and almost got run over. But jumped up and the woman was out of her car crying. So My bike needed a new rim and she needed a new hood...LOL and i didnt have to go to the hospital and limped home for 2 miles carrying my bike. Man did i feel it in the morning and my cheek was all chewed up and hurt like hell getting all the gravel out of there and other cuts. Hurt for a long time too like a month or so. never went to the doctor tho but no broken bones so why waste a trip?
Anyways i dont ride my bike anymore...But really need to start again :glasses7: and have never seen the woman or car again.
If I did i would go take all the valves out of the valve stems on her car:finga:
" sideways wearing hat kid " I think they wear them like that because there head isn't on right. :D
Doug I don't know you but you seem angry so you need a little anger management. Next time this happens stop your bike put down the stand. Sing as loud as you can I feel pretty oh so pretty oh so pretty and witty. This will take care of the anger LOL. Just kidding.

Problem with this is I will probably sound like a wounded moose if I were to sing....and some one might shoot me to put me out of my misery. That or I might end up in a padded room some where........

The Friday after Sarah got through her original surgery my best friend and I had just gone shopping for a few things and were walking back to the car.

A woman comes flying through the parking lot and damned near hits me. I wasn't walking through the middle of the parking lot, I was walking close to the parked cars, but she damned near hit me anyway.

I told her to watch where she was going. All the sudden she stops the car, jumps out and starts mouthing at me. Then three of four kids, about 17, 18 years old jump out and start mouthing. One looks me over like he's a badass (all five foot nothing of him) and says something about me being his light work.

I couldn't help myself... I started laughing uncontrollably. They didn't know what to think of that. This little punk *** teenager, telling me I was his light work. Hysterical!

Pull up your pants, junior, unless you're somebody's b****, and unless your brain is in sideways, put your hat on straight.

Karli dragged me back to the car, me still laughing. I s*** bigger than you, junior!

All I can say, it was a good thing it was the Friday following Sarah's surgery. If it had been the day of Sarah's surgery, I would have played Stretch Armstrong with the kid until his arms came off, then used his arms to beat the ever loving s*** out his buddies. Without blinking an eye.

The problem with kids - or people in general - is that they never who they may be f***ing with or the state of mind with whom they may be running up against.

Some peoples kids.......seems like every time I hook up the the trailer to the truck something goofy happens. Got into it with some clown in Utah. Was in the process of making a somewhat big swinging turn so I could get to the pump and this a** clown cam jamming thru the parking lot, damn near hitting me to get to a pump in the same row I was heading for station was completely empty so he had other choices Got out of my truck and started heading over towards him, he got all sort of mouthy with me until I got next to his door. I ended up pulling the mirror off of his truck, his girl friend freaking out as he was driving away. I have been saying this very thing "The problem with kids - or people in general - is that they never who they may be f***ing with or the state of mind with whom they may be running up against" for a very long time now. Others have told me that I am just a rude jack ***, that I am just a bully etc. Thing is, my manic stage is rage and anger, and when I slip into a blackout I more or less just lose control. There is a reason I got tossed out of the Post Office and live on a fenced/gated 5 acre parcel.....I have tried several different cocktails for my mental health troubles, all of which had some very goofy side effects. There is a lot of folks with mental illness's that the pills' just flat out do not work.....or make things worse...

Glad to hear you're OK, Doug. And very glad you were stopped before touching any of those underage kids or we may not be hearing from you for awhile.
I've been lucky all the years I've been riding. Got hit once on the freeway here in SoCal and been down two other times - one of them my fault riding over my head on a curvy mountain road - but never been hurt more than bumps and bruises.
As you know, you have to ride like you're invisible with your head on a swivel. Stupid drivers will make eye contact with you and still not see you!
Be safe.

Very true, a bikers head needs to be on a swivel. Had a buddy who got hit by a woman that made eye contact him, stopped backing out of her driveway for a split second and then just carried on.....

Yes...By a Woman on the phone about 8 months ago. She didnt realize there are stop signs at entrances and exits to neighborhoods and that you have to stop before them. Hit her at like 20MPH :eek:ops: slid across her hood and into the middle of the road and almost got run over. But jumped up and the woman was out of her car crying. So My bike needed a new rim and she needed a new hood...LOL and i didnt have to go to the hospital and limped home for 2 miles carrying my bike. Man did i feel it in the morning and my cheek was all chewed up and hurt like hell getting all the gravel out of there and other cuts. Hurt for a long time too like a month or so. never went to the doctor tho but no broken bones so why waste a trip?
Anyways i dont ride my bike anymore...But really need to start again :glasses7: and have never seen the woman or car again.
If I did i would go take all the valves out of the valve stems on her car:finga:

Ouch. Understand you not wanting to waste a trip to see the doc but one thing I have learned is I do not heal no where near as quick as I used when I was younger.