Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Nasty. How did they find their way into you house?

I think they're leaving a bread crumb trail every time we take them back. - Either that or they're instinctively attracted to the KICK ME sign on my back.
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you need to go to sleep. I'm sure they won't attack you in your sleep.

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The weather was great today. - In the 70s and a window of opportunity to work outside on the truck's hood latch.

The reason I couldn't access the latch yesterday with a long straight blade screwdriver was because my '01 has a honeycomb grill.


When I studied photos of the latch on a Google search today I noticed that it was only attached with 2 bolts and it looked as though they could be accessed through my grill. The website said they were 8mm head bolts. When I searched my tools I found that the only 8mm sockets I had were 1/4" drive and I didn't have enough long extensions to reach the bolt heads. I used a 5/16" socket that was a 3/8" drive instead. I had plenty of 3/8" drive extensions.


It didn't take long to run the bolts out. I was able to open the hood far enough to access the latch which was still attached to the release cable. A little finagling and I had it apart. Although I couldn't find any damaged parts I noticed that there was a lot of play in the 2 attaching points. I figure the latch had gradually worked itself over to the point where the cable no longer could pull it far enough to release. I lubed it up with a silicone spray and adjusted it as far to the passenger side as I could. - Works great now but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.



When I was finally able to get to the battery it still looked clean, but when I pulled the terminals off I found that it had corrosion between the posts and the cable ends. I'm mobile again after cleaning them up and charging the battery!

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The weather was great today. - In the 70s and a window of opportunity to work outside on the truck's hood latch.

The reason I couldn't access the latch yesterday with a long straight blade screwdriver was because my '01 has a honeycomb grill.

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When I studied photos of the latch on a Google search today I noticed that it was only attached with 2 bolts and it looked as though they could be accessed through my grill. The website said they were 8mm head bolts. When I searched my tools I found that the only 8mm sockets I had were 1/4" drive and I didn't have enough long extensions to reach the bolt heads. I used a 5/16" socket that was a 3/8" drive instead. I had plenty of 3/8" drive extensions.

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It didn't take long to run the bolts out. I was able to open the hood far enough to access the latch which was still attached to the release cable. A little finagling and I had it apart. Although I couldn't find any damaged parts I noticed that there was a lot of play in the 2 attaching points. I figure the latch had gradually worked itself over to the point where the cable no longer could pull it far enough to release. I lubed it up with a silicone spray and adjusted it as far to the passenger side as I could. - Works great now but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed.

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When I was finally able to get to the battery it still looked clean, but when I pulled the terminals off I found that it had corrosion between the posts and the cable ends. I'm mobile again after cleaning them up and charging the battery!

It's a ferd...................................... :violent1:
Don't you just love little extra jobs like these? :banghead:

I guess it's just a part of normal life. The dead battery was an annoyance. - But the inability to open the hood at the same time was the real kick in the pants.

I'm glad I got it fixed yesterday. It was warm & sunny. Today it's overcast, rainy, the wind is blowing around 50 mph, and there's snow in the forecast for tonight.
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Lol....Glad you did your work lately, when you did.

Sometimes I really think there's something to ideas such as Karma and divine intervention. I know that without a swift kick in the butt now and then, I'd probably never get things done. The problem is that lately I've been becoming one of those 'glass half empty' sorts and fail to see the silver linings in all them clouds circling above me. - Then again, maybe they're just indications of a bunch of **** storms heading my way! :banghead:
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Sometimes I really think there's something to ideas such as Karma and divine intervention. I know that without a swift kick in the butt now and then, I'd probably never get things done. The problem is that lately I've been becoming one of those 'glass half empty' sorts and fail to see the silver linings in all them clouds circling above me. - Then again, maybe they're just indications of a bunch of **** storms heading my way! :banghead:

John, been there so long, I don't know a goiddamn good thing,when it hits me.(Seriously, lol...)
Well, it's Friday and still no pushrods. I finally took the time to have the front tire repaired off of the Barracuda. If the pushrods don't show up tomorrow and weather permits, maybe I'll get around to replacing the MSD control box that we robbed off of the 'Cuda and fire it up.
In Europe, Good Friday is the reddest of red letter days. Today, Easter, is probably second but perhaps Christmas day is a tad more red. Everything is closed in the more Christian countries like Germany and Spain while you can do most of your shopping here in the blasphemous North. No mail or official business, though.

But you're hoping to get a package in the mail today?

Maybe you Yanks are not as religious as I thought.
In Europe, Good Friday is the reddest of red letter days. Today, Easter, is probably second but perhaps Christmas day is a tad more red. Everything is closed in the more Christian countries like Germany and Spain while you can do most of your shopping here in the blasphemous North. No mail or official business, though.

But you're hoping to get a package in the mail today?

Maybe you Yanks are not as religious as I thought.

Things have changed a lot since I was young. I can't speak for the rest of the country but years ago there were very few businesses that would be open on a Sunday or any Christian Holy day in Nebraska. Farmers didn't work the fields on Sundays either. It was considered taboo to spend those times on anything that related to making money. Now it's not uncommon to have cities ban the public display of the 10 Commandments and prayers in schools. Some major stores refuse to refer to Christmas as Christmas because we're told that it is discriminatory towards non-Christians. Instead they refer to that time of year as 'the holidays'.

The current president of the United States seems to like to bash Christian history whenever he gets a chance while espousing how great Muslims are. There has been a downward spiral away from Christianity here for almost 50 years.

Although there still are millions that hold onto their beliefs, the country has been trying to remove references to anything that might indicate we're a Christian nation. The words 'under God' are being removed from the pledge of allegiance. There is a movement to have the words 'In God We Trust' removed from our currency.
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Things have changed a lot since I was young. I can't speak for the rest of the country but years ago there were very few businesses that would be open on a Sunday or any Christian Holy day in Nebraska. Farmers didn't work the fields on Sundays either. It was considered taboo to spend those times on anything that related to making money. Now it's not uncommon to have cities ban the public display of the 10 Commandments and prayers in schools. Some major stores refuse to refer to Christmas as Christmas because we're told that it is discriminatory towards non-Christians. Instead they refer to that time of year as 'the holidays'.

The current president of the United States seems to like to bash Christian history whenever he gets a chance while espousing how great Muslims are. There has been a downward spiral away from Christianity here for almost 50 years.

Although there still are millions that hold onto their beliefs, the country has been trying to remove references to anything that might indicate we're a Christian nation. The words 'under God' are being removed from the pledge of allegiance. There is a movement to have the words 'In God We Trust' removed from our currency.
Amen,John.. Thanks, for the uplifting post!
I strongly believe in the separation of church and government. Religious beliefs should never be the basis for law. Not here, not in the US and not in the middle east.
One of these days they will start banning "religious holidays" like Christmas, Easter, Good Friday. When that happens, you'll know this country has fallen off the deep end.
Amen,John.. Thanks, for the uplifting post!

Your welcome bomber, but I don't know how uplifting my rant was. I'm far from being the best Christian I should be. I'm a person that needs more influence from the church, - not less. I may try to stay on the straight & narrow but without steady reminders I fail miserably.
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I strongly believe in the separation of church and government. Religious beliefs should never be the basis for law. Not here, not in the US and not in the middle east.

It's a subject that can confuse a lot of people. I agree with you Anders, the state should not be in charge of mandating religious dogma. Governments are too easily corrupted and any notion of having them dictate faith is a path no one should want to see.

That having been said, it is possible to recognize common ground between the two. The letter of law is supposed to protect the citizenry and is structured similarly to the 10 Commandments. Without law a state of total anarchy would exist. The protections meant to keep us safe would not be in place. But the law needs to have a foundation it was built upon. A foundation that (by design) benefits all through it's recognition that it's citizens deserve equal protection and that it should never be manipulated to divide and redistribute freedoms for the benefit of any single group over another.

I believe that religion and the state should be able to co-exist. As a matter of fact, it is difficult for me to imagine a state remaining uncorrupted if it refuses to support the tenets of religions that are based upon standards that promote self denial in favor of the common good. The opposite is a state in which only the strongest prevail and laws would be modified to the benefit of those with power.

Countries that ban religious freedom are not much different than those that promote a state sponsored religion. In both cases the interpretation of what is just will be based upon the moral compass of those in charge.

We need religion. Without it a nation will suffer the consequences of having those in charge determine who will thrive and who will have their liberties curtailed. A state controlled religion is not the same. - And a state that denies any common ground with all religions is doomed to follow a path where those with the most power decide their fate.

Evil and corruption do exist in this world. Without some form of moral compass guiding us, who's to say what the world would be like. Ideally we'd live in a world where we all strive to better ourselves and each other. That does not mean that we build an environment that denies the existence of God nor does it force that belief upon people. Instead it should allow religious freedom and recognize that without it - anarchy would prevail.
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One of these days they will start banning "religious holidays" like Christmas, Easter, Good Friday. When that happens, you'll know this country has fallen off the deep end.

We have been seeing things moving in that direction for some time already. I struggle with the whole 'separation of church & state' thing. Having grown up in a Christian community I never questioned whether or not Christmas and Easter should be celebrated. They were holidays that promoted peace and good will towards others. I still have a difficult time understanding why there are so many that would like to see them removed from the calendar.

I've heard the stories about immigrants that try to sue schools or government because they believe they are being discriminated against when they see Christmas & Easter officially recognized. My initial reaction is that those people refuse to respect the traditions of the country they sought to make their home. I find their anger disturbing and I have to ask myself why they chose to move here.
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Well, Saturday has come and gone and I still haven't gotten the pushrods. I hope they'll be here Monday. - The anticipation is killin' me!