Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

A few days back I did manage to get the MSD box re-installed on the Barracuda. The battery was depleted from sitting the last 6 months so I put a trickle charge on it before connecting the power leads to the control box.

I had to pump the pedal quite a few times while cranking the engine over before gas finally filled the fuel bowls. As soon as it did, the car fired right off. Luckily, the hood was still open and when I got out to close it I saw that the fuel line from the pump to the carb was spraying gas everywhere. It looked like a sprinkler hose! The odd thing is that it's a braided stainless line connected with AN fittings.

There must have been a dozen spots that were spaying fuel. - No signs of exterior damage to the hose. I had wondered at first whether or not one of the fittings was faulty and the fuel was being forced beneath the stainless braid but I couldn't find anything wrong with them. I guess the inner rubber must have deteriorated. It was Summit Racing hose.

Saturday I ran to Speedway Motors in Lincoln and bought a few feet of their hose and their fittings. My plan was to replace them all. I ran into problems when it came time to assemble the new hose. The exterior diameter of the hose from Speedway was larger than the hose I'd used before and the sleeve that slides over the hose was smaller. Even using a hose clamp to compress the new hose, - I couldn't get it inside of the new fittings. After a dozen attempts I chose to re-use the fittings from Summit. It was a really tight fit but I was able to assemble them.

The 'Cuda is back on the road but I still need to re-do the exhaust. 733404spdCuda had warned me how loud the Purple Hornies would be and he was right. They've gotten me by while I focused on other facets of the car build but I do need to think seriously about muffling this thing down.
Do you have a sound bite or video of the Cuda on Purple Hornies? Just wondering cause I was thinking about getting them.

I had to pump the pedal quite a few times while cranking the engine over before gas finally filled the fuel bowls. As soon as it did, the car fired right off. Luckily, the hood was still open and when I got out to close it I saw that the fuel line from the pump to the carb was spraying gas everywhere. It looked like a sprinkler hose! The odd thing is that it's a braided stainless line connected with AN fittings.

Have to buy the Teflon lined hose. Doesn't break down. I think the alcohol they add to fuel these days is bad for the "regular" ss braided hose. Read up, happens a lot. New, they actually permeate fuel smell in a closed garage. Not very good stuff.:protest:
Do you have a sound bite or video of the Cuda on Purple Hornies? Just wondering cause I was thinking about getting them.

I'll post a fresh one as soon as I get a chance. Taking the video is easy but it takes me awhile to remember how to post it. It's actually louder than what the camera captures. VERY close to sounding like open headers. I was prepared to have a noticeable sound from the exhaust but it's impossible to hear the radio or any talk between passengers.
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Have to buy the Teflon lined hose. Doesn't break down. I think the alcohol they add to fuel these days is bad for the "regular" ss braided hose. Read up, happens a lot. New, they actually permeate fuel smell in a closed garage. Not very good stuff.:protest:

I thought they solved that problem with hoses years ago. I was aware of it 'back in the day'. It's what caused my under-the -hood fire on my old '70 Roadrunner.
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I'm not certain which style of center caps you need. I know they made some that looked like knock off centers but I believe they made some that were more generic. How do they attach? Do they push in from the backside or are they the style that bolt on from the front? If I knew the diameter it would help. I'd gladly pick you up a set if I came across some and knew exactly what you needed & wanted.

Sorry for not responding, John, I've been ill. Actually spent two half days in the hospital. Turned out to be nothing and I'm ok now.

This is what I'm looking for. OD is 70 mm. I'm pretty sure they used to be black before the sun beat down on them... Or it, rather. I only have the one.


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Damn that is loud...Sounds GREAT!!! but I can see how it would get annoying after a little, thanks for the video.
Sorry for not responding, John, I've been ill. Actually spent two half days in the hospital. Turned out to be nothing and I'm ok now.

This is what I'm looking for. OD is 70 mm. I'm pretty sure they used to be black before the sun beat down on them... Or it, rather. I only have the one.

Anders, is the Shelby emblem important to you or do you just need some center caps that are of the same style that will interchange?
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Damn that is loud...Sounds GREAT!!! but I can see how it would get annoying after a little, thanks for the video.

They wouldn't be bad to use for a temporary exhaust on a fresh build (as you're getting a car dialed in) or for use on a drag car. I still haven't decided what to get to replace them.
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And my wife melts down if I spray paint a nut and bolt and there are paint fumes in the garage with door closed...
You are my hero :notworth:
I love the video, John! Did you notice that the camera actually shifts a little bit when you rev it at 1:15? I guess it is a bit loud ... :D

But seriously, is that really you in the clip? I thought it was Larry David.

About the center caps, I can get generic caps that fit over here. It would be cool to have real ones. My rims are real Shelby, after all. I'm not saying that's cool, but they are. I'm pretty sure the "original" Shelby caps are pretty hard to find but should you stumble over a set, let me know.
And my wife melts down if I spray paint a nut and bolt and there are paint fumes in the garage with door closed...
You are my hero :notworth:

Well,... ... Teresa was gone at the time. She isn't too fond of seeing greasy footprints leading from the garage door into the living room. :protest:

She needs to consider that I may be having a hard time finding my way back & forth without them. :tard:

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I love the video, John! Did you notice that the camera actually shifts a little bit when you rev it at 1:15? I guess it is a bit loud ... :D

I'm guessing that the neighbors still heard it even with the doors closed.

But seriously, is that really you in the clip? I thought it was Larry David.

I'm sure you meant to say Clint Eastwood or George Clooney. Must be something wrong with your keyboard??

About the center caps, I can get generic caps that fit over here. It would be cool to have real ones. My rims are real Shelby, after all. I'm not saying that's cool, but they are. I'm pretty sure the "original" Shelby caps are pretty hard to find but should you stumble over a set, let me know.

ORIGINAL Shelby wheels! I understand why you'd want the matching original caps for them. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for them. The next swap meet I'm going to is at the end of the month at Speedway Motors in Lincoln.
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John, I still can't stop laughing. You running the 'Cuda with the door shut. It's like a comedy.

I was watching his head the whole time, waiting for him to pass out.

Then I realized he managed to post the video and relaxed a bit.
ORIGINAL Shelby wheels! I understand why you'd want the matching original caps for them. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for them. The next swap meet I'm going to is at the end of the month at Speedway Motors in Lincoln.

Well, define 'original'. I don't know anything about these things. They say 'Shelby "Cal 500"' inside.


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Well, define 'original'. I don't know anything about these things. They say 'Shelby "Cal 500"' inside.

Anders, I tried to do a little research on those rims and came across a thread on another site that was discussing them.

Shelby History and Miscellaneous Topics

After reading through the posts I'm not certain they were off of an actual Shelby but it sounds as if they could have been. Give it a read and see what you think.
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Oh, that they could have been from a Shelby car never occurred to me. And no, I don't think that. They're Shelby brand slot mags and whether they are in any way connected with Carrol Shelby, I don't know.

I just like the snake. :D
Guys I have a set of 15" Shelby cal 500 slots. I always figured they were aftermarket since
the fronts are 3 1/2" and the backs are 11" wide. Mine have the 5 ear caps that are held on with screws. Probably from the late 60s or early 70s?
Let me know if you want a picture of the shelby caps or something I could dig them out.