Buzzin Half Dozen

Getting a little further !!!

Engine in primer



Rear seats in and ready to go !!



Got all my New SS Brake lines and 1/2" Fuel Line delivered,and ready to install !!


And so I'm ready to Rock and Roll when my baby is all back together !!!




The last pics didn't turn out too well,but I had to find something to do with my F'd up Buzzin Bee's,so we put some lights in the side panels of the quarter panel and dressed them up a little !!

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get the block painted body color and give it time to cure before attempting to install the engine !! I'll be needing to find some New fuel line and Brake line Clips so I can get my New SS lines installed Monday ! Yup,getting so much closer all the time !!!!

Getting a little further !!!

Engine in primer

Hopefully tomorrow I'll get the block painted body color and give it time to cure before attempting to install the engine !! I'll be needing to find some New fuel line and Brake line Clips so I can get my New SS lines installed Monday ! Yup,getting so much closer all the time !!!!

You're making great strides. Congratulations; that is going to be VERY nice car when you're done... and, tons of fun to drive!!!

You go, guy!!!:cheers:
The Lancer in the pic at Garlits show, belongs to Rodney Hargis, from Tn. It runs 12's in the quarter, on gas, no power adders.

Wow, Charrlie, that's pretty quick for a normally-aspirated A body. Thank you for that information!

Just when you think you're getting somewhere,bamm,you're going backwards again !!!:banghead::banghead:
Just when you think you're getting somewhere,bamm,you're going backwards again !!!:banghead::banghead:

That has happened to us so many times in this build, I don't even take notice of it any more.

You just gotta keep pluggin'...

Calvin Coolidge said:

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race."

I think he nailed it. These old cars test us... we just have to have enough grit to beat 'em!!!!

Keep on keepin' on, Dennis; you'll get there!!!:prayer:

OK,in between rain down pours,I managed to get the radiator hoses in today !! Started out trying these (Loved the look),9297.html,just wasn't comfortable with my installation ! So I decided to go this route,38307.html . Got some new fuel line to replace my 1/2" line so I eliminate my hassles. Going to be checking into AN fittings for my Tranny lines.I've got stainless lines,but not cooperating with my installation,so I'm just going to run Braided lines to the tranny and save me more headaches !!Damn,I almost feel like I'm getting somewhere again !!


Still need to install my Shifter ( ) and fabricate some type of throttle linkage !! Hopefully it won't be much longer for launch time !!!
like the buzzin have me thinking it would look sharp with the wheel outlining and lit up on my round light on the 68 dart. Love to get the
art work on it
This build is better then what the doctor give me 6pakattack :cheers:
The seat looks perfect!! and I mean perfect :thumleft:
I am sure you got the oil leak fixed on your oil pump :happy1:
Keep moving forward :happy1:and thank you for keeping this thread updated.
Well,health issues keep obstruting my attempts to keep going,but have managed (with help from friends)to get the shifter into the proggresive state.Had to notch the front of the center console for the cable to exit,now I just need to get the shifter (Cheetah)to fit snuggly in the console and the floor !! Got the New Dash Pieces (formerly Rocky Mountain Dashes)to fine tune for fitment,and the Dash (
)needs to be finish wired !! Hopefully it won't be toooo much longer before I can get this badd boy fired up !!! :D
Woo Hoo,finally,the beast has come to life !!!Now to get my gauges installed,GV tranny wired in and bleed the brake lines and I'm good to go !!Sorry no pics,I was too excited just to hear this badd boy start up !!
Wow, 6pakattack, I was beginnin' to think you'd dropped off the face of the earth. Congrats on the startup, but fill us in a bit on the backstory, please.


Do to a severe case of CRS Disease I'm probably missing something !!

Aussie 4 barrel intake-powder coated silver
Holley 600cfm carb
Aussie 6 into 2 headers-ceramic coated
High Volume Oil Pump
Cylinder Head (ported and polished,1.70/1.44 valves)
Head Gasket-Big Bore
Intake/Exhaust (Romac)
Offy Polished Valve Cover
Erson cam .510/.242-.246
K1 Forged Rods and Pistons (.104 over,balanced w/crank)
ARP Main,Head Studs
Oil Pan and Valve Cover Studs
Crank Scraper and Windage tray
Double Roller Timing Chain
Romac SFI Dampner
Mallory Unilite Distributor
727 man vb w/GV OD
Cheetah Shifter
8.75 w/4.10 gears

Do to a severe case of CRS Disease I'm probably missing something !??????

Time slip from a drag strip (I'm one to talk; we're takin' ours out for a test 'n' tune on a deserted stretch of road TODAY to check boost numbers and practice launches, but still no time slip from a real drag strip.)

Let us know.... :happy1:
AND, GOOD LUCK. Wish US luck!!!!:prayer:
lifted mine off this site and got the pinstipe decal guy at work to make them. I put them on the fenders to be different and they look great.. I'm saying thank you too.


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I think the buzzin Bee is friggin awesome !!! Looks good on the fender !!!:cheers:
Time slip from a drag strip (I'm one to talk; we're takin' ours out for a test 'n' tune on a deserted stretch of road TODAY to check boost numbers and practice launches, but still no time slip from a real drag strip.)

Let us know.... :happy1:
AND, GOOD LUCK. Wish US luck!!!!:prayer:

So... progress report:

We DID take it out on a deserted road and launched it three times.

1st ever launch; 2,000 rpm stall.... fairly strong initial launch, but as soon as the car moved a car-length, it went into a mild bog (no boost) and took a while to recover. Grade D+.

2nd launch, same rpm stall, same results. Grade D+.

3d launch: Brakes holding nicely for a 3,000 rpm stall.

WOW!!! :blob:

What a difference!!! REALLY strong initial launch (probably a 1.56 60-footer, or someething like that,) and ZERO BOG.... with 10 pounds of boost pulling strongly thru 1st and 2nd gear.

I think we found its sweet spot; 3,000 rpm launches! Some wheelspin, but not much, on untreated asphalt.

Currently adjusting the waste gate for more boost (set on 10 psi, right noiw; want to try 15.)

More to come...

Thanks for listening.:happy1:
Currently adjusting the waste gate for more boost (set on 10 psi, right noiw; want to try 15.)

More to come...

Thanks for listening.:happy1:

Carefull Bill. Don't rush upping the boost. Make sure everything is right at 10 lbs all the way through the rpm range, and through all the gears. Something is not right if you have a bog at 2,000 rpm. Slow and steady is the key. I know it is tempting to turn the "horsepower screw", but that is a short cut to breaking parts.
Carefull Bill. Don't rush upping the boost. Make sure everything is right at 10 lbs all the way through the rpm range, and through all the gears. Something is not right if you have a bog at 2,000 rpm. Slow and steady is the key. I know it is tempting to turn the "horsepower screw", but that is a short cut to breaking parts.

Charrlie, you know how greedy I get!!!! :D LOL!!!

But, that's good advice and I'll take it! I know you've been there...

Thanks for your interest!!!
Woo Hoo Bill !!! Sounds like it's coming around for you !!!
Yeah, Dennis; it's showing promise at ten pounds of boost. We really NEED to run twenty. We're workin' up to that.

Now, if it just doesn't blow up in our face, maybe we can have some fun this spring/summer!

Talk's cheap! We'll see...

Thanks for your interest!!!:happy1:

PS Twenty pounds of boost would give us the rough equivalent of a 563-cubic inch motor.
Well, looks like this Thursday the Buzzin Half Dozen will be finding its way to a New happy home !! Someone saw it at the Mopars of Brevard Super Swap and liked it enough to make an offer,so it's adios !!!